Bquamb & s7even's Tighty Whitey Grow Journal (RIU Exclusive)


Well-Known Member
are you misting it too? does that add to the water level of the plant?
cause i was thinking maybe little over waterd..:-?
lol if that makes any sense... im just smoked my new bong... got me sooo highbongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Huh? No I'm joking man, it does help sometimes but that seems like the soil could have poor drainage and that could lead to the roots not getting sufficient O2 saturation. That was why I had brought up perlite on the previous page lol


Active Member
yea well the soil has perlite and peat mixed into the soil. what im thinking i need to do is make bigger holes in the bottom of the container its in. but im worried ill damage the plant by doing that, cuz id have to take it out and put it back, but also at the same time if i take it out i can fix the soil problem as well any ideas? i have a ton of peat on hand in my shed out back, this organic soil dosn't look like it has enough drainage compared to my last mix also i can add more rocks to the bottom


Active Member
What soil are you using? Did you mix perlite into the soil?(that is a clickable link btw :D ) It looks over / under watered. Are those spots on the leaves? How tall is she now? How many stalks does she have now? Hey B get ahold of me at my email I wanna send you some seeds from this last grow.
ok its 3 3/4 inches tall and it has 12 nodes in total (nodes are the stems from the mother stem right?) all symmetrical to each other. but thats just the 12 that have there own stem, theres other smaller ones starting lower down filling in the gaps but in not counting them as "nodes" yet cuz they have no stem but same for those they are symmetrical to each other as well.


Well-Known Member
Yea man I would just add perlite to all the soil then transplant again into a larger pot. With a lot of perlite in the new soil your drainage should be fine with no worries. Not sure how your finances are but perlite usually isn't the cheapest part of your growing mix lol


Active Member
ive seen bags of it a store downtown and its a family home hard wear place and they have some so ill have to go check it out, i have peat but no perlite.


Well-Known Member
ive seen bags of it a store downtown and its a family home hard wear place and they have some so ill have to go check it out, i have peat but no perlite.
Peat absorbs and holds water. Could make for too wet of soil for your babies. I would add a lot of perlite into the next transplant. Your lady will probably love you for it.


Active Member
ok done deal all i need to know man! should i wait a day or two before i move it into that clay pot that i used on my last grow? kinda let it grow a bit more before i shock it again considering it starting re-growing 2 or 3 days ago


Well-Known Member
If they are stunted at all from the over / under water / under O2 saturated you may want to wait a few days before you attempt another transplant. When you transplant it you should always make sure to spray the roots and wet the new soil so there is no shock. Just remember the more you transplant it the smaller it will be... It tends to take a couple days after every transplant to recoup from the shock of the transplant and get back into it's strong veg stage again.


Active Member
yea right now its deff not in any shock what so ever its growing like crazy, yesterday i had to adjust my cfl's 5 times! and this morning as well also i already moved the shelf down a lil. so she's happy i suppose but i wanna make her ecstatic!


Well-Known Member
Ok well what about the spots I seen earlier? Are those on there or was your camera lens dirty? Is she having problems or are those just burns from where she grew into the light?


Active Member
oh i misted the lil lower leafs that just sprouted thats all so i guess it shows as somthing scary in the pic sry


Active Member
its all nice and green cept for 2 leaf sets near the bottom other then that everything ells looks really good in there its just that i can have it in a better environment and thats what i plan to do!


Well-Known Member
Do you have any fans in the room with it to circulate air flow? The water you sprayed on the plant, did it have any carbonated water or any nutrients in it? You can mix very small amounts of nutes or carbonated water into your spray bottle and it will make a decent difference to the plant. It will grow better, faster, and stronger if you give it foilar spray.


Active Member
yea i have a fan in the room not directly on the plant but causing air circulation. i have some nutes here but ive been a lil afraid to use them haha cuz last time it really hurt the plant all i know is not to use it every day just 1 a week or 2 times a week


Well-Known Member
my bottom set leaves were the ones that got hard and crispy but i guess thats normal..? lol
if you start you nutes just start off really light on them then move up, lol i know you already new that...
but i water mine every time with nutes and once in a while i throw some water with mollases in it.

i have question thoo.... can i mix my nute and mollases in the same milk jug or should i have seperate ones like i have been dooin?


Well-Known Member
Okay Everybody I'm back, Apologies about the lack of my being here but life has been Extremely busy the past few weeks, oh well - it's good :)

So I took a good read over of the past 3-4 pages and Have a few little things to Add, Comment on and Thank.

So as for the Perlite suggestion Joker, I will take a good look downstairs for it. I'm more than sure we will have some. My granny is an avid gardener so im sure we have "Some in Stock" and Ill try and get it to S7even by tomorrow or latest Tuesday (another day off)

For the Carbonated water suggestion, that's a great Idea. Since plants use Carbon in the grow having a little extra for it to absorb it would probably make a noticeable difference. So im gonna take a search in my house for some and bring it in. Shwepps any good?

The plant should probably get a mini Fan pointing directly on it. The way we have the fan is right in the bottom of the 2 door closet. Its blowing straight up and has little effect with movement on the plant for extra strength so ill take a look.

Ill also take a look into getting another Light or tube light we can hang on the back or Under the plant shining up or across. It has been growing very quickly so i say she could always use more light :) May get a little crampt but if i get a tube it should take up less space and should make it easy on S7even for moving and maintaining her health and Growth.

I think that's it. If I find i missed something or someone (most likely did, im really baked) ill post another 1 or 2 or 3 post replies :)




Active Member
alright well im off to work. Bquamb is taken a look round his place to see if he has any perlite already if not well jus go get some. how much should i add to it btw? the clay pot is big! its like 7 gallons i think i cant remember if u go back to the other thread the first one we had. I wrote down wut its actual spec is I'm sorry i dont have time right now to check it I'm heading out the door to work. I ll check back in, in a while take care guys!

Edit: Rofl he's a faster typer then me! we prob started a reply at the same dam time hahaha


Well-Known Member
Good timing there S7even hah, Can't go and view if we have any or not yet, people are downstairs for what ever the reason, dont wanna rummage around looking for something out of the ordinary having people i dont even know looking at me asking wtf am i doing lol.

I can always ask my neighbor as well she (i think) grows so ill walk over later :)


Well-Known Member
i have question thoo.... can i mix my nute and mollases in the same milk jug or should i have seperate ones like i have been dooin?
You should probably keep them separate. :joint:

"Shwepps any good?"
TBH I have never heard of that before lol I go to the grocery store and pick up carbonated water lol It's a clear bottle with clear liquid and a blue / orange lable. Can't remember right now.