Brad Parscale: Trump's #1 Domestic Propaganda Troll


Well-Known Member
It is time that Trump's #1 troll got a page of his own here on RIU.

Brad Parscale is pushing lies and hate on a epic scale to American citizens. The division and fear that Trump is sowing in our nation is in large part to due to Parscale's use of data analytics to micro target citizens based on personality profiles (from companies such as Facebook and Cambridge Analytica) to spam them personalized propaganda that will create the worst feelings on the most divisive issues designed to either drive voters to Trump or nudge them to not vote.

Brad Parscale is currently spamming us unchecked by our government and this needs to change, our democracy is not being protected by our Commander in Chief, who instead is allowing his trolls tear us apart in the hopes to keep power.

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The thing I find most scary about Brad Parscale is his willingness to do anything to push the worst lies for Trump's racist agenda. He is basically doing the telephone scam on the elderly (the one that tries to get them to send them money by calling 1000's of numbers until someone senile picks up and they trick them into paying some 'bill'), but on a far wider scale.

When I saw this interview with him, I was in awe of how destructive he is on our society. Every scrap of data he can collect on Trump's cult (like buying things like MAGA hats to visiting websites with cookies) he is. This information is what will give him the ability to mobilize Trump's cult is pretty complete on any issue at any time (like trying to help Don Jr. get families to fight during the holidays).

Here is part of a very interesting article on him showing some of his willingness to just lie about anything and everything even if it is destroying the fabric of our society:
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He has even sadistic enough (along with several other Trump minions) to push Russian Military propaganda onto unsuspecting American's in order to get Trump elected.

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I am not saying he is a nazi, but he defiantly is using their playbook but with the weaponry of the 21st century.
I love the Photographer's response to Brad Parscale using his picture of George Bush's flyover in 2004 and lying about it being Dear Leader.

“I have a lot of talented colleagues photographing the Daytona 500 this year,” Ferrey told CNN. “I am unfortunately not there today, but apparently I won the Daytona 500 photography before the race even started.”
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What a tool Brad Parscale is, having to delete this post with all the lies he tells. But I guess when it's your job to lie all the time to Dear Leader's cult members, it comes with the territory.
He has found the people who are more concerned with Nascar accidents than reality. The future of mankind is sealed. People are so nucking futs they don't worry about anything but themselves. Mass communication has allowed the brainwashing of tons. I see a change in riu. The money is taking control. We have the history channel showing ghosts. The Earth is flat. Vaccinations are bad. I'm just watching the show. Praise jeebus.
Parscale trying to stir shit up from under his new bridge.

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Shortly after 4 p.m. Eastern time on Tuesday, Joe Biden’s campaign announced Sen. Kamala D. Harris (D-Calif.) as his running mate.
At 4:45 p.m., Trump campaign aide Brad Parscale tweeted that the pick meant that the “Bernie Bros get burned,” pointing to a story about liberal resistance to her candidacy.

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Around exactly the same time, though, Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said something quite different. “Kamala Harris’ extreme positions … show that the left-wing mob is controlling Biden’s candidacy, just like they would control him as president,” McDaniel said in a statement.

But by late that evening, the RNC was back to making a very different case. “Liberals revolt against Biden, Harris ticket,” an RNC news release said. It pointed to Bernie Sanders supporters and others who attacked Harris as insufficiently progressive. “Even if Joe Biden’s campaign handlers gave their base the same notes they gave Biden for his video chat with Kamala D. Harris, it’s highly unlikely the left’s reception of Kamala would have gone any better,” it said. “Talk about embarrassing.”

Trump backers’ response to Harris’s selection has been somewhat dizzying. They have mostly painted her as the kind of radical that McDaniel did, even labeling her a socialist. But as with the man whose ticket Harris is joining, they have offered mixed messages by also suggesting she is a disappointment to Sanders supporters and even a tool of Wall Street.

Fox News’s prime-time airwaves on Tuesday night were full of dire warnings about Harris’s supposed liberal hostile takeover of the party. But on Tucker Carlson’s show, he asserted she was, in fact, an entirely principle-free politician who would bow to big business.

“[Susan] Rice is a hardened partisan,” Carlson said of another top VP contender who was passed over. “But she is not stupid, and more to the point, Rice has sincere beliefs whether you like them or not — and we don’t. But Kamala D. Harris is the opposite of that. Harris may be the single most transactional human being in America.”

Carlson added: “If you’re choosing a presidential nominee, you think you’d want someone with a built-in constituency, a base of passionate voters you can count on Election Day. But as it turns out, that is the last thing the leaders of the modern Democratic Party wanted. They already had a candidate like that, in fact, his name was Bernie Sanders, and they did everything they could to stop him.”

Carlson concluded: “Voters may not like Kamala D. Harris, but Wall Street does — just in case you’re wondering who is actually in charge.”

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) picked up on this line of attack, tweeting, “Of course Wall Street is delighted with Biden/Harris. Right back to the #China appeasement, unfettered globalism, and ruinous trade policies that have transferred billions from working people to Wall Street. That’s the Biden agenda.” Trump campaign aide Matt Wolking retweeted the message.

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So Harris is simultaneously proof that the “left-wing mob” is taking over the Democratic Party and that the Biden campaign is embracing radical socialism, yet she is also a thumb in the eye of the people who support such policies and will let Wall Street run rampant.

If the attack seems familiar, it is because it has essentially been copy-and-pasted from the GOP strategy against Biden. As The Washington Post’s Ashley Parkerwrote Monday, Republicans have attempted to argue that Biden’s more pragmatic record is beside the point and that he will be a “Trojan horse” for the liberals in his party. The issue with the disparate attacks on Harris is that the GOP cannot seem to decide whether she is a fellow empty vessel or the leader of the forces within that Trojan horse who will soon spill out.

The mixed messaging has also been applied to Harris’s past as a prosecutor and California attorney general. Conservatives have simultaneously argued that she was too tough on crime but that she will also set aside those principles to appease the left wing of her party and be a conduit for defunding police.

“Phony Kamala will abandon her own morals, as well as try to bury her record as a prosecutor, in order to appease the anti-police extremists controlling the Democrat Party,” the RNC said.

The confusing and contradictory lines of attack reflect the GOP’s dilemma in running against Biden and Harris. Some vote rankings have Harris as far to the left in the Senate, but those can be misleading. She is clearly not in the mold of a Sanders or even an Elizabeth Warren. The conventional wisdom about why Harris’s presidential primary campaign faltered, in fact, was that it did not have a defined message and it was not clear what she was about. You can spin that in a positive way as pragmatism, or you can spin it in a negative way as a lack of principles. But to suggest she’s some kind of radical socialist infiltrator is difficult to square with the idea that she has got nonradical principles that she has abandoned out of expediency and is also beholden to Wall Street.

Trump himself doesn’t seem to quite know how to attack Harris. And his campaign has regularly employed what The Post’s Jacqueline Alemany dubbed a “spaghetti-on-the-wall campaign.” They are apparently trying to see which of these disparate lines of attack sticks.
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A former campaign manager of President Trump’s was taken to a hospital on Sunday after authorities received a call that he was threatening suicide at his Florida home, the Fort Lauderdale Police Department said in a statement.

Brad Parscale, who ran Trump’s campaign until July, was taken willingly to the hospital by police under a Florida law that allows authorities to detain a person they think poses a danger to themselves.

“Officers made contact with the male, developed a rapport, and safely negotiated for him to exit the home,” Sgt. DeAnna Greenlaw said. “The male was detained without injury and transported to Broward Health Medical Center for a Baker Act.”

The Trump campaign issued a statement in support of Parscale.

“Brad Parscale is a member of our family and we all love him. We are ready to support him and his family in any way possible,” Trump campaign manager Tim Murtaugh said.

Parscale continued to hold a senior role in the campaign — in charge of some of the campaign’s digital efforts — but had been demoted in July after questions were raised about his spending and in the aftermath of a June rally in Tulsa, where the president and Parscale promised a big crowd but one did not materialize amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Greenlaw said that the incident occurred about 4 p.m. Sunday and that police arrived at Parscale’s home in Fort Lauderdale in response to a call about “an armed male attempting suicide.”

The police were called by Parscale’s wife, who told the officers upon their arrival that “her husband was armed, had access to multiple firearms inside the residence and was threatening to harm himself.”

Two campaign officials said they were aware of an incident and were investigating it. They, like others, spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitive nature of the situation.

Parscale, 44, had worked for the president in the 2016 cycle and was named campaign manager early in the presidency. He was aligned with Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law.

Parscale is close to the Trump family and had been in the campaign office in Arlington, Va., in recent weeks.

Parscale had told others that he was upset by his demotion and attacks from people who were questioning his behavior as campaign manager. But he had spoken to officials in recent days, aides said, and remained involved in the campaign.

Too bad the Viking warrior didn't get it done. Such a snowflake.
I guess when you are a large part of the propaganda machine that has caused millions of Americans to get infected and hundreds of thousands of people losing their lives to a deadly pandemic there is a lot of stress when the light gets shone on you.

I do feel for anyone's family who has to go through this.
NO! The dems did it. All of the mocking and such, oh my!