Building my growroom.

Woah woah woah... wait one second.... did... did you build that grow tent inside of another box you built? So it’s a box, in a box, in a garage? Broooo....
He did... and double filtering is SO FUCKING EASY. Filter in tent exhausts to trash can which has another filter running inside it at a higher speed than the one in the tent. No smell what so ever. IMG_3320.JPG
Hey buddy.

The drawings.
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Starting to build electrics. The box is old automation box which i got free. Its dirty i know.
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Start bully now (not u smoltimegrow)


You’re not guna like this. But I think ya screwed the pooch here bud. If you’re doing anything more than like 2-3 runs in this space; you may as well tear down and reuse materials... here’s what I drew up so you can reuse most of the materials. You could insulate the walls against the garage, if you were that desperate, and run all electrical and ducting through the walls.

in that electrical/accessory room, you build your double (or even a triple) scrubber leading to a normal household exhaust into the garage. Put your equipment and some shelving in there too; you’ll be able to build a beautiful and very quiet scrubbing system and then you won’t have any wasted space in the vegetation or flower rooms. Put reservoir in there for balanced Ph / distilled water. Also, this gives your garage space to put a car in it AND allows for expansion of grow room by up to another 6’. +++ Whamo! You’re grow room is entirely undetectable..A9FBE81C-880E-4E9A-BDD3-52B2ABD77D4F.jpeg

You’re not guna like this. But I think ya screwed the pooch here bud. If you’re doing anything more than like 2-3 runs in this space; you may as well tear down and reuse materials... here’s what I drew up so you can reuse most of the materials. You could insulate the walls against the garage, if you were that desperate, and run all electrical and ducting through the walls.

in that electrical/accessory room, you build your double (or even a triple) scrubber leading to a normal household exhaust into the garage. Put your equipment and some shelving in there too; you’ll be able to build a beautiful and very quiet scrubbing system and then you won’t have any wasted space in the vegetation or flower rooms. Put reservoir in there for balanced Ph / distilled water. Also, this gives your garage space to put a car in it AND allows for expansion of grow room by up to another 6’. +++ Whamo! You’re grow room is entirely undetectable..View attachment 4502891

There is a toilet, water heater and a sink top right corner. My tent would not fit there. And i would need to build way more walls than now. it is good on paper but i dont need that kind of a lungs. Also like the backwall there is no insulation so i would need to build every wall. I Get the same result in that box.

I still could build that fake wall structure if i want.
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Too much to build for no reason, and i will buy bigger garage later. At there i will be looking this kind of a structure
Too much to build for no reason, and i will buy bigger garage later. At there i will be looking this kind of a structure
Dude... you’re talking about how you’d have to build more walls than necessary.... you built 8 walls and two ceilings in a box within a box... so block out a little space for the water heater and toilet and move the room closer to door... I’m sorry bro, but idt you necessarily know what you’re talking about...

wish you the best, but there is in no way That you built thisright. That’s why majority of people areflaming you... you could over double your grow space and use less materials and have a more organized grow space, but you built a box... in a, what is essentially, another box... that’s just pointless.
GL; make sure you post some pics when you get the room finished.
you should've created false wall w/ lung room inside of it and then wrapped the whole inside in Panda film... which you gotta do anyway (or at least prime/paint) because you used drywall in a growroom that you're going to keep at 40%+ humidity. If your dimensions are 4.2m x 2m x 2.3m; then your cubic volume is 19.31cm (682cfeet).. so just buy an inline fan like this: Inline Fan 507CFM and a nice carbon filter. You'll exceed the necessary cycle rate by about 35% and will have NO issues with smell. So instead of the extra about $300-400 you spent, you couldve bought a bigger inline fan/carbon filter and still saved around $200...... and your room would be bigger and undetectable in the case someone ever looked in your garage.

you still have to use panda film
you still have to get an inline fan/carbon filter
=both of those things keep smell from escaping room. you have to do these in either scenario... you still gotta buy the other equipment. AND you gotta buy a second extra set now for intake... since you made it impossible for fresh air to be pulled in..
40% humidity is not a problem at all. I suspect it will be higher, unless he invests in a quality dehumidifier or he lives in a very dry climate.
I wanna know how you’re going to cool it.

What’s your climate like ? Daytime/nighttime highs/lows and humidity on average ?

sorry for all the posts, I’ll STFU now.
What’s the trash can doing other than concealing the fan and filter ? Noise reduction ?
.. lol.... its a double scrub setup. you have carbon filter in tent having airflow pull in and push out the tent into the garbage can and then another one hooked up to the inside of the gabage can and have it force air through the top. you can triple it by adding another duct to a final outside filter as well. but thats completely unnecessary... just like building a box in a box in a box.
Dude... you’re talking about how you’d have to build more walls than necessary.... you built 8 walls and two ceilings in a box within a box... so block out a little space for the water heater and toilet and move the room closer to door... I’m sorry bro, but idt you necessarily know what you’re talking about...

wish you the best, but there is in no way That you built thisright. That’s why majority of people areflaming you... you could over double your grow space and use less materials and have a more organized grow space, but you built a box... in a, what is essentially, another box... that’s just pointless.
GL; make sure you post some pics when you get the room finished.

I built 5 walls and there is budbox tent inside wich cant be placed no other way than this to my garage

I wanna know how you’re going to cool it.

What’s your climate like ? Daytime/nighttime highs/lows and humidity on average ?

sorry for all the posts, I’ll STFU now.

No need to sorry about it. Very north. Sweden norway axis. I dont really know about basic humidity, but i will invest in a machine if i need to. In here northern parts of the world is -30c cold climate in the winter so that is another reason why i wanted to build that shitfuckingugly box. I may have to use cotton or something in the walls. I have large electric heater which is wired trough my daylight contactor NC heads. So it will immediately pop on after lights go out
I just asked a simple question. I don’t think you answered it.......

so the garbage can itself does what ????

Are you saying that you can’t double filter without a trash can ?

Its acting as a lung if I understand correctly. The scrubbed tent exhaust dumps into the trash can, before its exhausted a 2nd time by the next fan/filter running at a higher speed. I guess you are asking why not just hook up the 2nd fan/filter inline to the first and skip the trash can? Im not 100% sure either but Im guessing its more effective and helps keep negative pressure by doing that way?
Its acting as a lung if I understand correctly. The scrubbed tent exhaust dumps into the trash can, before its exhausted a 2nd time by the next fan/filter running at a higher speed. I guess you are asking why not just hook up the 2nd fan/filter inline to the first and skip the trash can? Im not 100% sure either but Im guessing its more effective and helps keep negative pressure by doing that way?
I believe the filters are made to pull air through them rather than to push air through them so your trash can allows the second fan to pull air through the filter.
What’s the trash can doing other than concealing the fan and filter ? Noise reduction ?
100% of the air from the tent that has been filtered once gets filtered again by the filter in the trash can. This guys biggest worry is smell and it has always been one of mine as well even though its legal here i dont want my house smelling like theres a dozen rotting skunks in it. He is building rooms inside of rooms inside of rooms so that he can filter, re filter, and re re filter the air.... you dont need an entire room to do that a trash can works just fine. Its a lot like a multi stage water purifier...water goes through a filter.....then another filter....then another filter.....then another filter.....then another filter...........................
Shoulda just thrown in a small shipping container, grown in that and called it a day. Take it with you when you move, mobile grow room. Wire it up all nice, made it modular, climate controlled and automated.... now that woulda been slick.