Bump if your Sober/dry/probi...

i am on day 2 of a 30 day break as i have to piss clean due to a case i caught last summer. i took a 7 day break earlier this year in an attempt to piss clean for a psych evaluation as part of my plea bargain. i was thc+ despite that 7 day break. so now i have to do 30 days (or however many necessary) so my next piss is clean. the cravings are there but not as bad as back in march when i had my 7 day break. i think its unfair that i have to piss clean when the case i caught had nothing to do with bud or any other drugs. i also think its ironic that the one drug i can still do, alcohol, is the one drug that contributed to me catching the case.
drink lots o water and sweat man...I smoke and piss clean in 7 days all the time...fuckin probation.

but you'll enjoy the smoke when you can!! I get SUPER high now when i do toke...almost too fuckin high, where im paranoid, and just play xbox all day..
I just moved to stupid dry ass Utah a few monthes ago for school and haven't smoked since I ran out of what I brought with me like a month and a half ago. But I'm going to visit my old town in a week and I'm gonna get BAKED!
Well my connect decided to not call me again which wouldnt be so bad but, I already gave him the money and its all I have so I cant go find it elsewhere. Im not worried bout him robbing me since I know where he lives and works but I wish he could learn a little respect. If you cant make it or dont fell like doing the run for me just FUCKING call or text or send me a fucking telepgraph. Anything is better than just wasting my day here waiting for him to show.
I have a recurring aspect in some of my dreams where if I just concentrate, I can jump incredible distances....by NOT trying to jump ur but forward. I don't go fast, but slow, and I hover just above the ground....and I am always thinking why I don't do this all the time.... I can do it if I just think hard enough.... gravity can be not defeated , but "conned" if done in the correct way....then I wake up.

Duuuuuuude. Same dream here, can jump forward and hover, or fly for long distances, and in the dream I KNOW I can do it in real life if I believe it enough.

Lucid dreaming is frigging awesome. If you can realize that you're dreaming, not wake up, but fly and do other stuff, it's pretty cool. Most of the time I either wake up, or slowly get sucked back into believing the dream is real, but for brief moments I can do anything.
I have this EXACT thing go on in many many dreams for years in years. The latest was it was an indoor sortof baseball stadium and all my friends and family were there, people standing in crowds on either side with a LARGE distance between them and I hover jumped across back and forth. When I saw your post I had to reply because the way you described it, the " gravity can be not defeated but ...." was wayyy too close to the feeling I get in my dreams. Its been going on for years. It feels so real like you really can just impose your will and fight to stay afloat!!! Its one of the most surreal fkng things I've experienced in my life, +rep to you for sharing this with me ~ BCbuddy

There's something weird to all this. So many people having the same dream???
about to finish the last of my previous harvest. Probably by this time tomorrow! It was a over 3 months worth and I was getting bored of the same two strains anyway. Tolerance is a bitch.
I'll probably be dry for the next 6-8 weeks. My plants are already flowering so its all good. Besides, I've been trying to workout more and trim some pounds (well already lost 20 lbs while blazing!) so the absence of bud will actually be helpful since I'm hitting that plateau.
Got nothing, no bud, no kieff, no res....hmm WAIT! I'ma go hunt for resin lol, I'll be back if I dont find anything to repost!
VICTORY! Heh, its never pleasant, but it always works right.

Plenty left too, sorry I can't share guys, but your all with me in memory while I pwn noobs in Battlefield 2!
I was to pissed today to play will be on tomorrow though. if you want add me


just put RIU in the subject line
Sober around here far more often than not:hump: Only ever smoked once...which is quite a contradiction for being on this website....As for other things though, who knows
jeeez. I feel for you people that are having to quit smoking.. for whatever the reason being. That sucks.. as I have been sober before. Not by choice though..

but, I fixed that problem. I started growing my own buds.. plus.. while I wait for my buds to dry.. and other plants to finish budding to harvest them.. I always have a little reserve sitting aside. But hey, I'll smoke a bowl tonight.. in dedication to you people that can't find any.. or can't smoke right now.

all in remembrance to you guys!

i need some weed :( dry antill weekend thats sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo long away