So I had a day (yesterday) where I had a clear'ish head... Doesn't happen very often any more
I was looking back at my yellowing issues and what they might be telling me. I am now on the path to raising the PH of my soil! I have had a soil PH of what I thought was 6.4'ish for almost a year. This is what the meter reading looked like... I now believe that reading is 5.9!!!!
So I started adding Dolomite Lime to my tub of used soil. So far this morning I see an improvement!! I am going to say that reading is 6.6'ish
So far what I have for soil is.....
22 gallons of used soil
12 cups chicken manure
18 cups steer manure
9 cups mushroom compost
12 cups forest compost
22 cups perlite
1/2 cup Ironite
2.5 cups peletized garden lime (last of the bag)
4 cups dolomite lime (adding more as I go to adjust PH up)
4 cups alfalfa meal
4 cups kelp meal
1/4 cup bone meal
1/4 cup blood meal
1/3 cup Jobes organic fertilizer 4-4-4
This mix looks and smell great so far!!
Any and all comments are welcome!!!!