Thanks Crit! I am happy to have the ballast back also! I forgot to mention that the Whorly plant is a Blue Magoo. It smells wonderful and has a kinda black pepper taste to it. I can see some light green in those callaxas pushing out so she is still swelling up!
Due to various reasons I have never had one of these finish all of the way. I had frost at the end of fall that hit my outdoor at day 47 so I had to chop early and my last indoor one had bad root problems so It got chopped early. This one has root issues also I believe, but it has made it the farthest. Those damn aphids or gnats are reeking havoc on my plants after they start flowering.
Freezing the dirt does nothing to them, they just go to sleep then wake up when it warms up.
I am all ears if anyone has a remedy that works! My plans are to harvest seeds from my strains and end the grow so I can cleanup and replace all of my soil then start over But that is only if I can stop cloning my plants!!!!!