ButchyBoys Room-0-Death

Spent most of the weekend installing a new stereo in the new to me pickup and putting the library together in room #5.

I also spent some time with my bubble bag's!!! :hump:

I had about two ounces of Blue Dream trim, an ounce of Blue Magoo trim and about two ounces of AK-48 trim. After watching Frenchy's Hash thread I am sold on his process and will pick up one of those RV washing machines soon!!

The Mixing Machine!!!!!

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Frenchy uses one bag at a time in multiple bucket's. I use the 220 bag in a bucket then pour the water into the 120 and 73 in a second bucket.

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Golden water from the 20 minute stir with the spoon.

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Draining the 120 bag

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Scooping the 120 bag

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The golden water in the 73 bag

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Scooping the 73 bag

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Now I put the 25 bag in the empty bucket and pour the golden water into it

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And scooping the 25 bag...

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The haul!!!!!!

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I rolled the Blue Dream with a hot mason jar and it tastes bad ass!!! I roll it at least 6 times.

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Getting there

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and closer yet!!

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The finished product!!! Soft and gooey and a must be careful when you hit it!!!

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:clap: *LIKE*
24 grams pictured and another 7 grams not pictured!!! More to come in about 10 and 20 day's when I chop two more plant's...

I got some room time in today. I figured I would turn off the lights and get some pictures....

The AK-48 Mini Scrog. Currently 15.25 inches tall started flowering 3 day's ago. Seems to be liking my latest soil mix.


Here is a 24.5 inch Blue Dream in a walmart shopping bag full of my latest soil mix. Started flowering 3 day's ago.


This little 38.75 inch XJ-13 is in a shopping bag also. Day 43 of flower. It has my old soil that has been top dressed a few times and is starting to show an issue.


On to the not so happy girls...

The beast!!!!! Blue Magoo at day 56 of flower. In a shopping bag full of old soil that had some top dressing but is not happy...




The popcorn is not so small on this one!! You can see the stress in this pic. What could it be????

The emptiest the room has been in a looong time!!
The next round is looking good so far. What stress is there is from when it was cloned.

The green pot is a Blue Dream that will get cloned after up potting and put into the flower room real soon. The Blue pot and the black one behind it are both XJ-13. The purple pot is a Blue Magoo and the black pot in front of it is a AK-48. All of which will get cloned. The green pot is in old soil and the others are in my latest mix diluted with some used soil.


My Colloidal Silver plant's have done nothing but grow flowers..Been spraying them for two months. No male parts what so ever!!!!! I am going to let them go until they seed or die since I can't smoke them now!!! :confused:

Blue Magoo day 57.

XJ-13 day 57.

Blue Dream day 53.

AK-48 day 53.
Thanks Crit! I am happy to have the ballast back also! I forgot to mention that the Whorly plant is a Blue Magoo. It smells wonderful and has a kinda black pepper taste to it. I can see some light green in those callaxas pushing out so she is still swelling up!

Due to various reasons I have never had one of these finish all of the way. I had frost at the end of fall that hit my outdoor at day 47 so I had to chop early and my last indoor one had bad root problems so It got chopped early. This one has root issues also I believe, but it has made it the farthest. Those damn aphids or gnats are reeking havoc on my plants after they start flowering.

Freezing the dirt does nothing to them, they just go to sleep then wake up when it warms up.

I am all ears if anyone has a remedy that works! My plans are to harvest seeds from my strains and end the grow so I can cleanup and replace all of my soil then start over But that is only if I can stop cloning my plants!!!!! :dunce::eyesmoke:

Hi ButchyBoy,

That's one subject they don't warn you about when you buy the seeds and start growing - pests. I use AzaMax from Ebay and it slows the fungus gnats down well. If things are really bad you might mix some Floramite SC and add that to the soil. The Floramite SC is expensive and kind of dangerous so don't get any on a bud, just the soil. Its really meant to kill spider mites during the veg stage. They sell it by the ounce on EBay or in larger quantities. I thought fungus gnats were bad until I got spider mites but I live in a warm tropical environment and have a lot of potted ornamentals on my patio so spider mites are inevitable. I think those two chemicals are enough for fungus gnats. The yellow sticky cards would probably help too. I like that pool filter for growing the plant in.
Thanks for stopping by Ripe!!

And thanks for that info... I have a bunch of the yellow sticky cards laying around collecting the Gnat fliers. I crushed up a bunch of mosquito dunks and mixed it into the top layer of soil then lay a piece of the sticky trap on the soil. It has cut down the gnat population drastically but not completely. I have also used spinosad in the water when giving them a drink in the past with little results.
I agree, the Borg is most likely the worst pest to have! I only deal with mites in the summer months along with Powdery Mildew. Winter months are a blessing since the air is dry and it's to cold for mites!
After a long morning of steering a snow blower I got some room time! We got 6 inches of snow yesterday and another 5 or so this morning.

I started harvesting the Beast Blue Magoo. 14 inches to the top of the soil plus the 55 inch plant in a 53 inch tall room. Day 61......

The top.


All cleaned up.:hump:



This is about 15 inches of one of the mid to upper branches.



Hash pile so far. I'm not going to get much off this plant. The popcorn is pretty decent sized and dense.


Crappy shot of what I chopped today and what is still in the soil.



I will finish it in the morning and clean up in there so I can put the next Blue Dream in. :joint: :weed:
I like your system Butchyboy :) Seems like your always harvesting something...is it luck or intention? (My latest fav wine...out of Oregon...Evolution white...Luck or Intention...ask the wife huh?!?!)
Seems like your new soil is a hit with the plants...glad to see they are doing better for ya :)
I like your system Butchyboy :) Seems like your always harvesting something...is it luck or intention? (My latest fav wine...out of Oregon...Evolution white...Luck or Intention...ask the wife huh?!?!)
Seems like your new soil is a hit with the plants...glad to see they are doing better for ya :)

It does seem I am always chopping something down LOL!!! It is intentional! Um..... Ya.....

The wife said they distribute that wine and will grab a bottle for a taste. She called me the other day from work and told me she bought some red and white wine to help out a sales person.... We now have 7 cases of wine to add to the 40 something bottles we already have!!!! No... we have 6 cases since we gave one away already... Why you have to live so far away!!!!!! :?

So far the new soil looks like a hit!! Time will tell, we need to get past day 40 of flower without yellowing for it to be a partial success! I am almost certain that adding the Dolomite Lime to the soil is the reason for greener growth. The XJ-13 is in old soil that I mixed the Lime into and it stayed green longer than past plant's. I am pretty sure I was having PH issues and the Lime fixed it.

imsubbed great thread

Thanks for dropping by!!

With any luck I will have to start a new journal with a more fitting name!
It does seem I am always chopping something down LOL!!! It is intentional! Um..... Ya.....

The wife said they distribute that wine and will grab a bottle for a taste. She called me the other day from work and told me she bought some red and white wine to help out a sales person.... We now have 7 cases of wine to add to the 40 something bottles we already have!!!! No... we have 6 cases since we gave one away already... Why you have to live so far away!!!!!! :?

So far the new soil looks like a hit!! Time will tell, we need to get past day 40 of flower without yellowing for it to be a partial success! I am almost certain that adding the Dolomite Lime to the soil is the reason for greener growth. The XJ-13 is in old soil that I mixed the Lime into and it stayed green longer than past plant's. I am pretty sure I was having PH issues and the Lime fixed it.

Thanks for dropping by!!

With any luck I will have to start a new journal with a more fitting name!

I highly recommend the wine but it's very difficult to get my hands on it around here. My local gourmet wine and food store carries it at $25 a bottle but are sold out...found it online for $11.90...from a shop out of New York and they had to special order it for me :???:
I live so far away because it's warm and sunny 8)

You may have been dealing with a calcium issue as well...that's what my problem has been and yours were kinda looking a bit like mine were. But I'm glad to see it looks like your girl are happier :)
Yep.. Calcium is most likely it! Adding it did raise the ph however.

Yeah...I just don't bother with the pH headache anymore...What am I gonna do if the pH is off anyway :???: add a chemical to raise or lower it and have an ALMOST organic grow? :lol: I'm just not a believer in it anymore...at least not in organic soil grows...
I have totally stopped checking the PH myself! It's just one more thing to confuse me :confused:

I took the wife lunch today and while I was sitting in front of her desk she said... Hey, see those two cases of wine in front of you? I said ya! She said take those home, they are freebee's!!! :shock: I was like... Really!! Don't we have enough!!!

Just need to make sure all of the corks stay wet so they don't get "Corked" :spew:

I also went grocery shopping and hit up my favorite grow store. The store I go to always knocks off $$$ from the price tag!! Got me some of this!!! :hump:


It's time to add the last plant's soil and amend again!!!! :joint::weed:

The small AK-48 in the pool filter has been flowering for 80 days. It has not had a good life and I believe it went hungry for most of it! So far I am not happy with this strain! I have not had one of these produce a decent flower yet. 80 days for a couple of bowls.....:o




Most of the last chop is dry and in jars. I still need to weight it. Not pictured are 3 more jars still drying. :hump:


Hey MD!!!!!! Had a wine tasting the other day. You need to try these!!! :hump:



This stuff is good also I guess, if you like sweet wine!! Yep! that is 7 cases of red and white next to my Hash equipment! Anyone wanna get drunk like a wine-o!!!!!!! :hug: Someone flip those over so the corks don't dry out!!:shock: