Butter without decarbing weed first?

It def stronger if you decarb it but still get you high without... Also you need to cook with butter and water mixed or it will just burn
I used to decarb like that years ago, and I got inconsistent results. Oil or butter insulates the cannabis oil and decarbing doesn't work as efficiently. It's the same reason you can bake brownies at 350F without ruining the cannabinoids. Sometime use your jar of herb in the oven to decarb without oil and compare.

Here is a link with test results. Of course they recommend their decarb machine but test results are not hype, or myth.

Thanks Shredder - what method would you recommend to decarb?

Possible to use a regular oven to decarb? Just trying to keep it as simple as possible (and keep smell down if possible too)
Thanks CF - how would you recommend to decarb the buds before simmering in butter?

From what I understand - first grind, then bake at 250F for 30 minutes?

Shouldn't grind it first. I heat my oven to 150 or so then turn it off to put my buds in on a cookie sheet then let the oven cool just to dry the last of the moisture out then crumble and soak in my solvent of choice. butter, various oils or solvents like ISO, Naphtha or EverClear.

If you want to decarb in the oven first you should get a decarb container like these at Wacky Willies . Airtight so you do the decarb then let it cool slowly in the oven so the terps etc get reabsorbed back into the pot. Much better than an open container or the worst, a cookie sheet.

Make sure oven has been pre-heated for a while before putting the pot in so the heating element isn't coming on so much and place a clean cookie sheet or one of those big aluminum oven pans that are supposed to go in the bottom of the oven to catch splatters and spills on the oven shelf below the one you put your decarb container. Acts as a heat shield so the bottom of the container doesn't get too hot when the element kicks in.

If you use butter then get unsalted butter and clarify before adding your pot. To clarify clarification, ;) , melt the butter in a pot then heat it up good and skim off the scum that forms on the top so it looks like clear oil. Then you can dump your pot in and if using water make sure the butter is below 212F / 100C before adding water or it will blow up in your face and cause severe burns and/or blindness. Could start a fire too if it gets on the hot element or it's a gas stove.

Watch how you go.

It def stronger if you decarb it but still get you high without... Also you need to cook with butter and water mixed or it will just burn

You can do it without water. Water is added to absorb the water soluble portions like chlorophyll, starches, sugars and all the stuff that makes it taste nasty and doesn't add to the high. I never use water with any other oil because I want all the medicine in my pot and don't care about the taste as I can take it without tasting it.

You can heat any of the cooking oils or butter way past the temp needed to decarb without burning anything. If you don't have some kind of fairly accurate thermometer to monitor temps then you shouldn't be messing around with it.

I'm always lazy so don't have to get there. :D

I just eat my RSO too but have friends I supply for free and they aren't as good at dosing so something like a gummy or capsule with a consistent dosage is better for them. My neighbour with serious nerve pain in his lower legs after treatment for thyroid cancer was getting RSO from a nephew out on the west coast but he's no longer supplying him so I've given him 2 - 10cc syringes of RSO so far. My buddy the next town over has 4th stage prostate cancer and I've given him about 40cc so far. He's doing not bad but also getting pharma meds from the same urologist I see for my prostate issues. I started taking my RSO about 4 months before my 3rd MRI scan last August and my prostate had shrunk from 75cc down to 55cc with an almost 2 point reduction in my PSA test so the urologist was amazed. He said he's never seen that kind of reduction without the kind of nasty meds he gives patients like me. My wife's liver tumours also shrunk after taking it for months and her glaucoma test is back in normal range so this shit works.

I'm going to be mixing up a batch with CBD in it to see if that helps lower my PSA number before my next blood test as it has crept up again tho no increase in other symptoms. Trying to avoid the biopsy my doc keeps hinting I should get but at my age, 67, I'm almost certain it will show I have cancer but as over 95% of prostate cancers never kill you I'm saying no to that for now. Poking needles in there for samples can just release the cancer so fug that!

Cannabis will heal the nation. I eat as much as possible to be on the safe side.
You can do it without water. Water is added to absorb the water soluble portions like chlorophyll, starches, sugars and all the stuff that makes it taste nasty and doesn't add to the high. I never use water with any other oil because I want all the medicine in my pot and don't care about the taste as I can take it without tasting it.

You can heat any of the cooking oils or butter way past the temp needed to decarb without burning anything. If you don't have some kind of fairly accurate thermometer to monitor temps then you shouldn't be messing around with it.

I think you want to decarb before adding to the butter though... Its not the same just to decarbing it during the process.. The water is added to make it easier to control the temp... doesnt end up in the butter cos you skim it off top when cold
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What happens if you make butter without decarbing the weed?

Confused cause some people say I have to decarb it first by putting it in oven for 30 minutes at 250F, then simmer it for 2-4 hrs on low heat in butter.

Some people say decarbing is not necessary.
What happens is, the herb decarboxylates WHILE it’s cooking.

Some people are confused because they seem to think that heating it up to ~200 in an oven does something that being heated up to ~200 in butter can’t do.

If this sounds like decarbing is an unnecessary prelude to making butter, you’re right: that’s exactly what it is.

As for whether or not decarbing is “necessary”, it depends on whether you are going to eat it. If you’re going to eat it - and you want to feel it - decarb it. YES, some people say they can feel it anyway, but that’s them. If you’re one of them, that’s cool. NO, not everyone gets off on edibles, decarbed or not.
Thanks Shredder - what method would you recommend to decarb?

Possible to use a regular oven to decarb? Just trying to keep it as simple as possible (and keep smell down if possible too)

Decarbing in your oven is fine. Decarbing in a glass jar in your oven will help with the odor. Current best recommendation is to decarb for 40 minutes at 240F.

If you decarb in a jar it's best to pre dry the buds. If not the buds will stay damp and be a little harder to work with later. Something less important if you decarb in the open on foil or something.

Other than an oven you can decarb in a decarb machine. Im seeing some pop up on amazon lately at $130 or so. And some folks decarb in an instant pot. Some use sous vide immersion heater and decarb in a bag in a water bath. That way is said to retain terpenes the best.
The better-known charts from GreyWolf don’t show measurements for the :30 mark, by which time this shows the conversion virtually complete, with only slight gain @1:00. The SkunKPharm charts also show conversion of THC into CBN eating away at those gains by the 2:00 mark.

Experimentally, I’ve found no benefit to heating longer than 30-40 min, even making butter, but *everyone’s* mileage varies. Do what you want.
Experimentally, I’ve found no benefit to heating longer than 30-40 min, even making butter, but *everyone’s* mileage varies. Do what you want.

I've read a lot of people complaining edibles make them sleepy, yet they decarb for hours and blame it on the edibles, not the sketchy decarb, lol. My own edibles changed for the better when I bought and used my nova fx. A consistent decarb is essential for consistent edibles.
Nothing to complain about, I just see a lot of people reaching for longer times “as if” that would make it work out fractionally better, theoretically different, but I’m quite comfortable with 200F, 30-40 min, depending entirely on the material & how I’m feeling right then.

As you say, consistent results make us happy
I think you want to decarb before adding to the butter though... Its not the same just to decarbing it during the process.. The water is added to make it easier to control the temp... doesnt end up in the butter cos you skim it off top when cold

Dude once you get rid of the water you can heat the butter to 250F and the cannabinoids all decarb but don't evaporate and stay in the butter/oil so it makes better medicine.

When I make a 10:1 batch of my cocobudder, (10g oil to 1g bud), a tsp will get me buzzed as hell. 2 of them greens me out and I use edibles daily so for even a heavy toker just one tsp fucks them up. ask my friends who don't listen to me when I give them some.

As a Jack-of-all-trades with a diploma in chemistry I'm pretty good at making all sorts of things work with what I have or I get what I need.

My solvent recovery rig. Once the solvent is gone I can just raise the heat to 250 and pour out decarbed oil all ready to eat.

I've read a lot of people complaining edibles make them sleepy, yet they decarb for hours and blame it on the edibles, not the sketchy decarb, lol. My own edibles changed for the better when I bought and used my nova fx. A consistent decarb is essential for consistent edibles.

When the THC starts breaking down it becomes CBN which is the sleepy cannabinoid and that is also what is happening when the trichs are allowed to go amber on the plants. More CBN = more couchlock.


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Dude once you get rid of the water you can heat the butter to 250F and the cannabinoids all decarb but don't evaporate and stay in the butter/oil so it makes better medicine.

When I make a 10:1 batch of my cocobudder, (10g oil to 1g bud), a tsp will get me buzzed as hell. 2 of them greens me out and I use edibles daily so for even a heavy toker just one tsp fucks them up. ask my friends who don't listen to me when I give them some.

As a Jack-of-all-trades with a diploma in chemistry I'm pretty good at making all sorts of things work with what I have or I get what I need.

My solvent recovery rig. Once the solvent is gone I can just raise the heat to 250 and pour out decarbed oil all ready to eat.

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OK fair enuf.. I'm no expert but I'm sure I read few times recently that if you decarb before adding to the butter then it infuses more efficiently..
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Shouldn't grind it first. I heat my oven to 150 or so then turn it off to put my buds in on a cookie sheet then let the oven cool just to dry the last of the moisture out then crumble and soak in my solvent of choice. butter, various oils or solvents like ISO, Naphtha or EverClear.

If you want to decarb in the oven first you should get a decarb container like these at Wacky Willies . Airtight so you do the decarb then let it cool slowly in the oven so the terps etc get reabsorbed back into the pot. Much better than an open container or the worst, a cookie sheet.

Make sure oven has been pre-heated for a while before putting the pot in so the heating element isn't coming on so much and place a clean cookie sheet or one of those big aluminum oven pans that are supposed to go in the bottom of the oven to catch splatters and spills on the oven shelf below the one you put your decarb container. Acts as a heat shield so the bottom of the container doesn't get too hot when the element kicks in.

If you use butter then get unsalted butter and clarify before adding your pot. To clarify clarification, ;) , melt the butter in a pot then heat it up good and skim off the scum that forms on the top so it looks like clear oil. Then you can dump your pot in and if using water make sure the butter is below 212F / 100C before adding water or it will blow up in your face and cause severe burns and/or blindness. Could start a fire too if it gets on the hot element or it's a gas stove.

Watch how you go.


Thanks OldMedUser - what if I were to decarb it in a open glass container, but covered with aluminum foil, to keep the terps in?

PS - if my goal is to make edibles that minimize paranoia / anxiety, but maximize creativity and fun / uplifting energy, is there any specific process you'd recommend? (For a weed noob with just butter, and pan skillet, and an oven?)
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Thanks OldMedUser - what if I were to decarb it in a open glass container, but covered with aluminum foil, to keep the terps in?

PS - if my goal is to make edibles that minimize paranoia / anxiety, but maximize creativity and fun / uplifting energy, is there any specific process you'd recommend? (For a weed noob with just butter, and pan skillet, and an oven?)

That's better than laying out on a cookie sheet. It's not like that doesn't work either but I prefer to get as much of the medicine the plant has to offer and terpenes are a major part of the entourage effect that supposedly helps make pot so effective against so many health issues. I plan to be using vacuum distillation to remove the solvent from my oil to keep the temps as low as possible while processing to preserve as much as possible.

Foil would work. I'd use a mason jar and put the ring on loosely so if there's much moisture in the pot it doesn't build up any pressure and crack the glass. Or just press the foil into the threads on top. Your container should be inside a pot or metal bowl so if it does crack the pot doesn't go all over. Mason jars are made of borosilicate glass, (Pyrex), so can handle the heat.

Stay away from sativa dominant pot if anxiety is an issue. Go for the indicas like kush or even something with some CBD in it as that really tones down the buzzy stuff. You'll want some sativa in there to avoid couchlock and help with the creativity aspect. The same strain will have different effects on different people. We never had any grey market dispensaries up north here and the firat time I was in BC I scored some 1g samples of a bunch of strains to try out something different that what I had been growing for years. That's how I clued into how much CBD helped with my arthritis pain. Was a 2:1, CBD/THC strain that had been lab tested at 12% CBD and 7%THC so I went back and bought 10g to take home and make into cocobudder. Best meds ever! Trying to grow pot with those specs is a crap shoot so I'm going to make all my THC pot and CBD pot into separate batches of oil and send them off to a lab so I can mix my meds to whatever ratio I want.

You can buy plant-based terpenes to add to the oil to tweak the effects as well. So far I have a small bottle of Beta Caryophyllene that is supposed to help with inflammation and pain plus promote a balanced buzz. I got it at a hydro store in BC and it's made by TrueTerpenes.com.

To be dead simple you could grind a gram of bud and add it to some butter in a hot skillet for 5 min then spread it on a sandwich. Bet you get wasted on that but wait up to 2 hours before taking any more. With edibles it's best to start low and go slow until you figure out how it affects you. Greening out is not fun but a good double shot of booze takes the terror out of it fast. :)

You can buy plant-based terpenes to add to the oil to tweak the effects as well. So far I have a small bottle of Beta Caryophyllene that is supposed to help with inflammation and pain plus promote a balanced buzz. I got it at a hydro store in BC and it's made by TrueTerpenes.com.

Black pepper is a good source of beta caryophyllene, and ground up it can be added to canna capsules. I think you can get it in oil form as well.

Sweet orange oil is a good source of limonene. The uplifting feel good terpene.

Lavender oil has linalool
Black pepper is a good source of beta caryophyllene, and ground up it can be added to canna capsules. I think you can get it in oil form as well.

Sweet orange oil is a good source of limonene. The uplifting feel good terpene.

Lavender oil has linalool

Piperine(sp) is in black pepper too and I used to grind peppercorns fresh to add 10% by weight pepper to the tumeric caps I used to make to enhance the curcumin effect on my arthritis. CBD works a lot better for me tho.

Crazy expensive for this stuff tho from the True Terpene site. I can't find the receipt but know I didn't pay more than $40 for my little 40 - 50ml bottle. Doesn't say how much on the bottle and nothing at all about it on the website. If all the stuff about how they do their extractions and the work to grow the right strains of hemp maybe it's worth it but too rich for my blood.

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OK fair enuf.. I'm no expert but I'm sure I read few times recently that if you decarb before adding to the butter then it infuses more efficiently..

I add liquid sunflower lecithin to my batches of cocobudder as it's cooling then once in mason jars I freeze and thaw twice which is supposed to bind the cannabinoids to the lecithin and help it absorb into the bloodstream faster.

Basically if what you are doing works for you and you're happy with it then it's all good! :)

Have you checked out the link in my sig below? Dried pot can be used the same way as the fresh frozen bud I use in it but only 1/4 to 1/3 by weight of pot is needed then. I used 10g:1g - oil:drypot to get budder that got me nicely baked with 1tsp.

If anything I'd think decarbing in the oil would help it infuse better but I don't have a lb to test it. I'm going to be making concentrated cannabis oil that I can use in all sorts of ways rather than cooking pot in oil. Then just eat as is, make gummies etc etc.
