California Gubernatorial Recall Election

The normal people cover a spectrum and you can whittle them down. Already 1/6 has had an impact, as does the continuing big lie and then there's covid, which hurts them with seniors. The problem in America is that it is not a democracy on many levels, from gerrymandered districts, to senators who represent geography and not people, to the unconstitutionally mandated filibuster. Now the parties are polarized and it will be one or the other, if the democrats gain an advantage they will exterminate the republicans with voting rights laws and killing the domestic disinformation network. A patriot can do no less than to destroy a threat to the country and constitution, they have little choice. If the republicans win advantage and the three branches again in their current state, it would be civil war and the end of the republic as they sought to destroy the constitution.
Not true. Rational well intentioned people without an agenda of legislating for the Wealthy Melanin-lite Heterosexual Male Only demographic can run as a Republican and continue to run until they start winning.

It is only a matter of time.
The normal people cover a spectrum and you can whittle them down. Already 1/6 has had an impact, as does the continuing big lie and then there's covid, which hurts them with seniors. The problem in America is that it is not a democracy on many levels, from gerrymandered districts, to senators who represent geography and not people, to the unconstitutionally mandated filibuster. Now the parties are polarized and it will be one or the other, if the democrats gain an advantage they will exterminate the republicans with voting rights laws and killing the domestic disinformation network. A patriot can do no less than to destroy a threat to the country and constitution, they have little choice. If the republicans win advantage and the three branches again in their current state, it would be civil war and the end of the republic as they sought to destroy the constitution.

But I think the existence of California, a dem stronghold for many years, says that a one-sided gov't isn't actually the end of the world. Probably because the dem agenda has never been about trolling reps. If the roles were reversed, I'd agree, we'd be facing the troll agenda like the abortion ban in Texas, and the friction that comes with it. Basically, reps are looking for a fight, dems aren't.
Nah, they are just victims of a giant con.

We will bring them around, it will just take a while.
You don't need to bring many around, they are circling the drain now. If the drought continues, the demographic will change and the water usage and rights priorities will change from necessity too. These people like so many others, figure they can make war on a minority and the constitution and suffer no consequence for their actions, others seem to get hurt and not them. Covid changed that though, for about half of republicans, the hard core hate driven delusional ones. The ones who are vaxxed are mostly seniors and the craziness, anti vaxxers and anti maskers cut into their support. A lot of folks don't want to associate with the "tribe" in public, so that tells me something.
Not true. Rational well intentioned people without an agenda of legislating for the Wealthy Melanin-lite Heterosexual Male Only demographic can run as a Republican and continue to run until they start winning.

It is only a matter of time.
A long time, the party is auto selecting sociopaths now, the base demands it. Wait till you see the crop of fucking lunatics they will vomit up for 2022. MTG, Geatz, and the rest of the rogues gallery will seem civilized in comparison. I hope they are in a minority in the house, because it will be a real monkey show as the pander to the loonies.
Not true. Rational well intentioned people without an agenda of legislating for the Wealthy Melanin-lite Heterosexual Male Only demographic can run as a Republican and continue to run until they start winning.

It is only a matter of time.
The party has been poisoned to death, all the good folks left and are independents now, but still bigots.
But I think the existence of California, a dem stronghold for many years, says that a one-sided gov't isn't actually the end of the world. Probably because the dem agenda has never been about trolling reps. If the roles were reversed, I'd agree, we'd be facing the troll agenda like the abortion ban in Texas, and the friction that comes with it. Basically, reps are looking for a fight, dems aren't.
The democrats are looking to govern and solve problems, the republicans want social warfare and to destroy the constitution and democracy itself, you will know them by their actions. Patriots are not neutral in this fight however and war works both ways, retribution works on these people, they are governed by fear and use it against others. The KKK successfully suppressed black people with terrorism for 100 years and kept America from being a full democracy until 1965. This is a continuation of that war that started in 1860 and distorted the body politic and American society ever since. The hard core bigots and Trumpers reenact the battles every summer, greys are plentiful, but there is usually a shortage of blues. Confederates in the attic was a good book.
A long time, the party is auto selecting sociopaths now, the base demands it. Wait till you see the crop of fucking lunatics they will vomit up for 2022. MTG, Geatz, and the rest of the rogues gallery will seem civilized in comparison. I hope they are in a minority in the house, because it will be a real monkey show as the pander to the loonies.
Im guessing around 2026ish. A few rounds of heavy losses should do the trick.
California to examine tighter rules for recall elections after Newsom victory
Maybe wait for the next election??? Vulcan logic right there lol.
That sucks. And is another reason why it is so important for people to get vaccinated, to help the kids to not be as much as risk.

It is pretty shitty that the Republicans forced an election like they did during a pandemic, forcing people into a situation that they are around a lot of people when they didn't otherwise need to be to not have another dick head Republican troll try to back door their way into office overturning the will of the people.

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I truly hope that Newsom doesn't end up sacrificing a couple children so that everyone in California didn't have to have a anti-science hate monger scam their way in as governor.
I'm sure his kids will recover quick, as kids do. Hopefully they don't pass it on to anyone else. I'm not a fan of recall elections. I'm also not a fan of Newsom, although I did vote him into office. Regardless of what I think about him, I hope the best for his family.