California Gubernatorial Recall Election

Minnesota. I never followed the election or anything, but surprising when a pro-wrestler gets elected governor.

I cast my ballot today, and wrote in Wavy Gravy. I figured an acid-head clown would be a much better leader than any of the other options.
YES, or NO?
Newsom was never going to lose the recall election.

It was just a bunch of trumptards making noise.

All they did was make themselves look like idiots and galvanize support for Newsom.

It also showed that no matter what the outcome the idiots were going to claim it was rigged. That claim is going to fall on deaf ears for the majority of Americans that have a functioning brain. I hope the idiot trumptards keep crying foul when no foul occurred. They're just crying wolf and everyone but those in their moronic echo chamber will just shake their head and move on.

Just as with trump America is getting fed up with this election fraud garbage. trumptards are just letting out their last gasps.
Next time, use a little situational awareness when you call on Californians to shelter at home and then spend the evening eating and drinking in a 4 star Michelin restaurant.
Next time, use a little situational awareness when you call on Californians to shelter at home and then spend the evening eating and drinking in a 4 star Michelin restaurant.
Oh, but he was just there for an intimate, socially distant dinner for two when he noticed all his lobbyist friends were there. :hump: It would have been rude not to join them. Even though I find him odious, I cast my 37 votes for him to stay.

I knew The French Laundry was expensive, but that dinner cost the taxpayers of California about $300,000,000. Disgraceful.
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lets stay out of Newsome's bedroom....the only reason this is an issue is because sex was la Monica Lewinski. Does your sex life effect your conduct at work?..would you be upset if your job asked you who you were banging?..
Ya a bit, ummm no, but in all fairness it was the secretary :(.
Ya wanna know what's wrong with America? Foxnews is wrong for America, here is just one small example that says a lot. They wouldn't even give the news in a headline California recall results: See Map, compare it to the professional media without an axe to grind. Foxnews is propaganda and not news the government should ban them from the air and cable by creating new laws and regulations. Broadcasters have always been required to provide public service, Foxnews's pandemic coverage alone should have seen them permanently shut down as a menace to public safety.
So, when is the California recount gonna happen? All elections are now crooked, if republicans loose. Maybe foxnews should whip up a little terrorism over it, ya know space fucking aliens changed the ballots or some other bullshit. America has one political party and one criminal organization as it's political choice.

Congratulations, you are now a one party state with no alternative, but national suicide. The power will be with the democrats and the money will follow the power and corruption will follow that. In republican areas where they are the only option for bigots, the politicians are corrupt and merely have to blow the dog whistle. America needs to break the two party system and make a federal law that make it illegal (with prison sentences) to conspire to restrict the franchise by limiting political participation by any party in all 50 states.

This is no longer up for debate, it is imperative for the survival of the republic. Political parties are not even mentioned in the constitution and the duopoly has reached it's end, or the republic will. The republicans have been poisoned for a generation and are unfit for citizenship, much less government, the democrats will succumb to corruption sooner or latter. There is simply too much money in American politics. I don't think the American structure of government is a very good one, it's not used much anywhere else, except in a few countries that are doing very poorly, like the Philippines. Parliamentary systems seem to have the best outcomes and the more parties the better. America could be so much better and much richer than it is now. Don't confuse the geographic and historical advantages America enjoyed, with the efficiency of it's government. It used to work somewhat well, when minorities were suppressed by both parties, now it hardly works at all and won't, as long as republicans are involved.
So, when is the California recount gonna happen? All elections are now crooked, if republicans loose. Maybe foxnews should whip up a little terrorism over it, ya know space fucking aliens changed the ballots or some other bullshit. America has one political party and one criminal organization as it's political choice.

Congratulations, you are now a one party state with no alternative, but national suicide. The power will be with the democrats and the money will follow the power and corruption will follow that. In republican areas where they are the only option for bigots, the politicians are corrupt and merely have to blow the dog whistle. America needs to break the two party system and make a federal law that make it illegal (with prison sentences) to conspire to restrict the franchise by limiting political participation by any party in all 50 states.

This is no longer up for debate, it is imperative for the survival of the republic. Political parties are not even mentioned in the constitution and the duopoly has reached it's end, or the republic will. The republicans have been poisoned for a generation and are unfit for citizenship, much less government, the democrats will succumb to corruption sooner or latter. There is simply too much money in American politics. I don't think the American structure of government is a very good one, it's not used much anywhere else, except in a few countries that are doing very poorly, like the Philippines. Parliamentary systems seem to have the best outcomes and the more parties the better. America could be so much better and much richer than it is now. Don't confuse the geographic and historical advantages America enjoyed, with the efficiency of it's government. It used to work somewhat well, when minorities were suppressed by both parties, now it hardly works at all and won't, as long as republicans are involved.
Mr. Elder is already in discreet negotiations with Mighty Morphin Poll Dancers who underbid Steal Maganolias.
It was rigged! It was rigged!

There is no way a Democrat Governor could survive a recall attempt brought by a bunch of trumptards in one of the bluest states in the nation. Dead people voting, mail in ballots, voter fraud! Voter fraud!

Elder is the real winner! The election was stolen! Recount! Recount! Recount!

It was rigged! Libs stealing another election! It was rigged!

There is absolutely no way that Newsome wasn't recalled and a conservative trumptard radio jockey didn't win. It was rigged!

They stole the election!

I want my mommy. whaa whaa whaa
Mr. Elder is already in discreet negotiations with Mighty Morphin Poll Dancers who underbid Steal Maganolias.
The republican politicians are all cut from the same cloth these days, narcists or sociopaths with a few actual psychopaths thrown in. No normal person of conscience could be a republican, much less a candidate. I say that knowing that Trump had 74 million votes in 2020, half of whom are now in a covid suicide cult. The normal folks are conditioned to racism so badly, it's reached pathological levels of self delusion. I say they are pathological, because they meet the criteria, they are dangerous to themselves, others and their country. So much fear driven hate, all the time, makes for an unhappy and delusional camper. Strong emotions like hatred and fear distort our perspective of reality the most and condition our perception and thinking the strongest. The reason Buddhist say we have 6 senses, instead of the classic 5, is because the mind can condition our perception of reality, like the regular senses can.
The republican politicians are all cut from the same cloth these days, narcists or sociopaths with a few actual psychopaths thrown in. No normal person of conscience could be a republican, much less a candidate. I say that knowing that Trump had 74 million votes in 2020, half of whom are now in a covid suicide cult. The normal folks are conditioned to racism so badly, it's reached pathological levels of self delusion. I say they are pathological, because they meet the criteria, they are dangerous to themselves, others and their country. So much fear driven hate, all the time, makes for an unhappy and delusional camper. Strong emotions like hatred and fear distort our perspective of reality the most and condition our perception and thinking the strongest. The reason Buddhist say we have 6 senses, instead of the classic 5, is because the mind can condition our perception of reality, like the regular senses can.

I agree, but want to add that it's important to think of it like something that everyone is born with, but that it shrinks/grows relative to various influences, meaning that it's treatable over time. And this is from what's left of the optimist in me, because if you don't put an optimistic spin on half the country being pieces of shit, then the only thing left would be to kill the whole country with fire.
Let's see, those places are agricultural in many cases and somewhat rural. The water crises in California should drive many of them under who depend on irrigation, which is all of them. I would expect big, fast demographic changes in those areas, if the drought continues. The democrats need to reset the water usage policy to reflect the changing environment, to help accelerate the process. They want cold civil war and have been waging it against the constitution and in league with a hostile foreign power that's got thousands of nukes pointed at America. I say they should give them that kind of war and demonstrate, that not just black lives will be destroyed by their bullshit, they will be too.
Let's see, those places are agricultural in many cases and somewhat rural. The water crises in California should drive many of them under who depend on irrigation, which is all of them. I would expect big, fast demographic changes in those areas, if the drought continues. The democrats need to reset the water usage policy to reflect the changing environment, to help accelerate the process. They want cold civil war and have been waging it against the constitution and in league with a hostile foreign power that's got thousands of nukes pointed at America. I say they should give them that kind of war and demonstrate, that not just black lives will be destroyed by their bullshit, they will be too.
Nah, they are just victims of a giant con.

We will bring them around, it will just take a while.
I agree, but want to add that it's important to think of it like something that everyone is born with, but that it shrinks/grows relative to various influences, meaning that it's treatable over time. And this is from what's left of the optimist in me, because if you don't put an optimistic spin on half the country being pieces of shit, then the only thing left would be to kill the whole country with fire.
The normal people cover a spectrum and you can whittle them down. Already 1/6 has had an impact, as does the continuing big lie and then there's covid, which hurts them with seniors. The problem in America is that it is not a democracy on many levels, from gerrymandered districts, to senators who represent geography and not people, to the unconstitutionally mandated filibuster. Now the parties are polarized and it will be one or the other, if the democrats gain an advantage they will exterminate the republicans with voting rights laws and killing the domestic disinformation network. A patriot can do no less than to destroy a threat to the country and constitution, they have little choice. If the republicans win advantage and the three branches again in their current state, it would be civil war and the end of the republic as they sought to destroy the constitution.