Can I supercrop this again? (pic)


Active Member
I have an 5-week old indica that I have taken many cuttings from, and now I'm going to flower whats left.

I'm switching to 12/12 tomorrow and I'd like to supercrop this plant one more time now that it's healed up for a little boost to the stem and to combat stretching. I'll do the higher shoots that I feel are big enough to crop, but I'm wondering if I can re-do the main stem. It looks and feels very thick and I've never re-cropped a stem this thick. This plant is an extraordinary healer (The first time I pinched it, the main tip was bent pointing at the ground and righted itself completely in 8 hours with no wilting and a visibly thicker stem). I believe that it could take another cropping, but could use opinions from someone more experienced.

I'm missing one pic that shows more nodes - they are all as thick as the one in the 2nd picture.



Well-Known Member
NO no time it will be to far back to get decent yield just bloom and hope for a good streech!!and lot's of bud!!look behind!!.jpg


Active Member
Two emphatic 'no's are good enough for me.

For future reference, if I was going to veg this another 2-3 weeks would you crop it again?

Sandie - looks like we're both on the north shore. doing ok with this heat?


Well-Known Member
Aero>>>>heat sux!!plant's have ac not me though!! ha ha.....the truth terksbury here by silver lake! heat should break today....but my plant's only see 77 degree's!! and yes to the 3 week's after pruning.....had to turn on my ozonizer this am...neighbor 1/4 mile away said "what do you have in bloom (have big garden out front) I keep getting this really sweet overpowering smell when the wind's are just right" bleberry bushes I have those not like that much more earthy musky sweet.....really nice I'd like to have that growing here!....woop's flew home and closed up my vent's.....turned on the ozonizer and put carbon filter on line...figured 1/4 mile was too far to get any wiff's!! WRONG>>>jack...ooh ooh that smell...can't you smell that smell?the smell is awesome~~.jpg77 degree's with the president !!.jpg