Cannabutter on an induction cooktop

Does anyone have any insight on trying this method? Ive got a batch goin at 160degrees is this good or bad? First time ever tryin this so i have no idea really. I used 1/4lb to a lb of butter with about 8 cups of water simmerin at 160 is it hot enough or to hot? Some help would b greatly appreciated. Oh yeah it was leaves and little nothing buds mainly leaves tho.


Well-Known Member
1/4th to 1 lb of butter is a big dif.

I would personally raise the temp to atleast 200

how much MMJ was used?

so far just raise the temp is my thought..
1/4lb of leaves. I figured you could cook it longer at a lower temp resulting in stronger butter. Am i thinkin wrong? This is my first shot so correct me if im wrong


Well-Known Member
1/4lb of leaves. I figured you could cook it longer at a lower temp resulting in stronger butter. Am i thinkin wrong? This is my first shot so correct me if im wrong
I am not saying it wont work...

I am saying.. higher temp=slower cook time..

theoretically you can add MMJ to olive oil wait a month and it will be ready..

I understand now what you mean 4 oz to 1 lb butter correct? + 8 cups water.. now I get the 8 cups of water... darn internet making things more difficult..


Well-Known Member
burn will burn at 250 so 200 is ok..

I just made some last night used 2 sticks of butter added 1 oz of MJ baked... yes baked with tinfoil top at 200 for about 2 hours (then I left it outside since it was cold and this am it was nice and solid and only needed about half as much as the oil is use.. so I am getting more set on using butter vs oil for caps now..