

Well-Known Member
10638659-0394-432F-BFFC-E69728E85B3E.jpeg Ok so I cut this clone on July 20th, ten weeks tomorrow. It took 3+ weeks to root and 4 weeks to reveg. It’s being growing healthy for 2+ weeks now but still only has 3 fingered leaves. I’m waiting to see 5 fingers before I flip.


Well-Known Member
Ohhh ok , I won’t wait to flip then. Thank you! I’m never cutting clones in flower again if i can help it.


Well-Known Member
Getting some MAJOR taco leaves, not sure if it is from light intensity or hot soil, I moved the light from about 10” to about 12”. If it keeps getting worse I will go to 14”. They did say this strain is difficult to grow and not for beginners but god damned, it’s so fucking finicky


Well-Known Member
Yeah with leds youre gonna wanna stay in the 80-82 range imo, temps are too cold for that intense light is my guess.

edit: "There is a prevailing consensus that 75 °F is the ideal ambient temperature to grow Cannabis under HPS lighting without CO2 supplementation. This experimental result indicates that an 84 °F ambient air temperature is required to achieve the same optimal leaf surface temperatures when using plant-optimized LED lighting-- and that a 75 °F ambient air temperature with LED lighting would not achieve optimal leaf surface temperatures, slowing metabolic rates and leaf and flower production. "



Well-Known Member
My temps at canopy level anywhere between 78-82. Was about 75 before I added those 15w screw in bulbs.


Well-Known Member
Day 15 Since Flip
Taco leaves are looking a little bit better with tops 12” from light. Temp between 78-82. Gnat problem is almost completely gone now :cool: Going to give the first dose of 1-5-7 today. 83277D13-050D-47A6-AC61-54F1E3072DC2.jpeg
Compared to the last run it looks much thinner already.