CatfishBilly's 400w sog soil grow. 2011


Well-Known Member
LOL, I can't believe we're flowering under the same wattage, even using the same soil at this point. That plant is huge. Seriously sativa dominant.


Active Member
LOL, I can't believe we're flowering under the same wattage, even using the same soil at this point. That plant is huge. Seriously sativa dominant.
Yea, lets hope the flowering time isnt nuts. lol.

just add a 4 inch booster fan on your intake at the bottom to give it movement
with some oscillating or 6" fans inside
and that exhaust fan at 3/4 power you should be good.
unless your ambient temps outside the tent are too high

if its 80 outside your tent expect about 90 inside with light on
maaayybbeee 85
and thats with good airflow and circulation
10 degree increase is pretty normal
I have a 6inch booster on intake, so i tried running a intake duct from the window ac. Inside the tent there is a 20'' box fan. Works for now. But i need a more perm solution. Seems like the exhaust heat is causing the room to heat up. I added another box fan in the room to make airflow a little better.


Active Member

Flowering room

day 39
Bagseed sativa dominant strain x4
5 gallon grow bags
400 watt hps
Total 66 days.

Veg chamber, 20-4
Lower: 2 Hymalayn Gold Fem, 28 days old

Under 4 26w cfls Bright white
1L Pots,


Scrog Tent: GH Cheese 3.5 gallon pot. 28''x28'' screen size

Should i flip? or wait?

My flowering ladies.. they cant even hold themselves up.. gonna have to support them when the buds pack on some weight.



Active Member
any opinions on when i should flip? a week, few days? i cant really tell and i want this to do well.

more info on the plant....

Cannabis genetics: Skunk x Hindu Kush, originally UK developed
Type: Indica dominant cannabis hybrid
Awards: 1st Prize Indica Cup, High Times Cannabis Cup 2006
Flowering: Indoors, 8-9 weeks yielding up to 700g/m2
Harvest: Ready in mid-October outdoors northern hemisphere yielding up to 800g per plant
Characteristics: Knock-out indica stone with bursts of mental energy


Well-Known Member
i d wait 2-3 more weeks at least. You REALLY want to err on the side of patience here.... mine has been vegging for close to 7 weeks lol....


Active Member
I have hermis, i think all plants may be effected... what should i do? scrap the crop now and start over? or should i let it grow?


Active Member
Oh yea, and my cheese scrog was flipped today around 5pm. Hope the stretch will fill in the rest.

But yeah, hermis, advice?