CFL Grow: 85w cfl perpetual SOG op


Well-Known Member
VERY nice, pretty much ready to be transplanted already, how many days in the dome for that strain?


Active Member
I wanna say about 10-11 days, i honestly forgot to write down the dates when i took the cuts. go go stoner power!


Active Member
OK, looking to take a small quick survey of the people, hopefully somewhere in a major city or close by. I want to know your light system, wattage, how many bulbs, how long they run for veg/flower, and how many bulbs run in which cycle if you use multiple.

My system uses a total of 12 bulbs for veg/flower. each bulb is 85w CFL, except 1 in veg thats a 42w CFL(bulb broke on shipment)
5-85w and 1-42w run 24hrs in veg
6-85w run 12 hours on 12 hours off in flowering.

I hope this is a major fluke in my outrageous bill, but i'd like to know, if you ran into any crazy electric bills with your light system. Or what your average electric bill is.

From what i learned from the electric company website is that, you fall into different teirs of kilowatt rates, teir1 is lowest, and if u use it longer, for more than average days/weeks, you move up a teir, and move more for more time ran everyday, for a month. The longer the item is on, the higher rates u receive after a certain number of days, til you reach the last teir of rates.
ex. teir 1 would be say 10cents per kwh, but if say an AC unit is running all day everyday for a month, they move it to a teir 4 or 5, where the rate there would be 30cents per kwh.

$450 dollars seems ridiculous, i can possibly understand maybe HALF that amount but seriously, no real changes to the place i live, im as conservant of other electronics as i can be (sleep timers on tvs, shutting comp off at night). Please leave feedback and your set ups, try to do a little comparrison, or shed more light on the electric consumption.

I have a buddy of mine who uses a 1k HPS with a nice bulb in it. and his bill only jumped up 100$, versus a 400$ jump in my average bill. I mean 50$ average, i did expect to pay close to double from a high wattage system, but i dunno what im missing in this equation, other than what i read on the website. Leave a reply with your current lights wattage and how many watts used for veg/flower, and times each of those stay on.


Well-Known Member
Veg with 220w actual
6 x 26w
2 x 32w

Flower with 228w actual
4 x 23w
2 x 26w
2 x 42w

Also running 3 fans, unsure of wattage used there. Two 24/0, one 12/12

I'll letcha know when the power bill comes


Well-Known Member
Yeah..ill ask about mine also. I was running lights at night after 9p to get into the cheaper Kw rates, but I didnt like staying up to work on her if I needed to.


Active Member
about 3 or 4 days, its already getting dry on the edges with a soft center, so another day or so of dry, then the mason jar curing!


Active Member
sorry for the delays, just been in and out of the house, plus the internet was down for 2 days, grr. back up and running now!

Yea! its on day 1 of curing, already feels like a nice dry/moist ratio. As far as the bud, didnt come out super bomb, or smell, but the stone is definetly there. It pretty potent, but just an ugly appearance. After looking at my Banana Kush and Giesel clones side by side, i can tell that the Giesel was just a terrible strain. It doesnt show great quality like Banana kush is pumping out. Its already 5x frostier now at week 4, than Giesel. Glad to say it was rid of my garden. No more random clones from clinics, gonna go to the real deal clone people and get a quality strain from now on. Peas



Well-Known Member
Thought you died or something~ least it got you stoned right? You might get that smell/taste you're looking for in the curing process.


Active Member
did a lil tree trimming. update on the mothers. few new clones rooting and in pots. waiting for next round of clones and going to hack another branch or 2 off the true og. peep!



Well-Known Member
Great grow/technique. Love the fact that your using cfls, so many ppl underestimate them. Good luck, not that you need it.


Active Member
Thanks i appreciate the support, my next step is to make a higher level of flooring to bring the plants closer to the lights. I anticipated much more growth but didnt notice it, going to veg longer and bring them closer to get the better lumen value.