CFL Grow: 85w cfl perpetual SOG op


Active Member
I ran a 400 watt hps for about 6 months 12/12 and I think my bills were around 15 or 20 bucks higher than normal, I never really broke it down. I was paying 9 cents a kw. Hey hmk024, you ought to either drop ya lights or raise your plants. Id reckon you would pick up quite a few more grams if ya did. Lookin good though. I love SOG and perpetual SOG is a plus. Peace.


Active Member
yup, just bought a board and a 2x2 dowel to make legs, makin a lil wood table to raise the roof!(floor)


Well-Known Member
you got me thinking about doin a perpetual grow on the side. Im testin out cloning right now, just pulled off 2 lower branches of my PE hoping they survive. When you pull clones you wait for them to root then veg for another week right? My clones are in my flower cab right now because i dont have space in my veg cab for the time being. Do you think they would root faster in my veg cab, or should i just leave them?

Thanks for showing us this amazing little grow, it looks great.


Active Member
Above my mothers, on the shelf part of the closet is where i keep my clones. I let them show atleast 2 root fingers before i consider them "rooted". Takes about 2 weeks, and when thats done, ill veg them for atleast a week to help them get adjusted to the newer pot and grow its roots into that soil.

In your flowering cabeinet should be fine for the first couple days, but i wouldnt recommend keeping them in that box til they are rooted. Its possible they might start converting to the flowering hormones in that period of time, even with no root structure. Ive put 2-4 inch clones in my box and they will start to flower. Veg cabinet if u have it on 18/6 should be perfect. Also a trick ive been doing alot after i take all my cuttings, is ive shut the lights off for 24 hours. They dont droop or look sad, and it helps them rest and start forming the hormones it needs to make those lil rooties!

Hope that helps!


Well-Known Member
Thanks man. Im clearing some space in my veg cab for the clones now. do you root your cuttings in rockwool, or just straight into soil?


Active Member
Into rockwool cubes. Im using House & Garden Root Excellurator. Seems to work amazing, but its expensive.


Active Member
If anyone hasnt tried this technique for droopy/sad clones, Ive used this 3/3 times and have had success with great looking, standing up clones. When you are done with your cuttings and ready to put them away to sit and root, turn the lights off for atleast 12 hours, perferrably 24. They dont droop or look sad and has worked great for me, even with shorter flimsy stems up to the thick stalky taller stems. Hope this helps out for people curious about fixing that problem without resorting to products, such as Anti Wilt.


Active Member
Took a few more photos to give a whole update of whats going on

Banana Kush on the left, True OG on the right, Cloners chillin in the middle with the lowered reflector. Clone dome shots with top off.


Kryptonite at 14 inches tall


Clones from previous, about 6-7inches each


2 of 4 White Widow seeds that are just chillin



Active Member
You might notice some of the clone leaves are yellow and tips are dead. Its just something that occurs from the whole process. They are super great rooted clones that have utilized its own food and energy source to produce the root system and structure. This will usually happen to most people who clone, or will be cloning in the future.


Well-Known Member
LOL hmk you should be on that show "How It's Made" Super home closet perpetual Looks amazing bro.


Active Member
I got a tool belt and everything haha. "you ever build a cabinet?" "you ever build a cabinet,... fooor weeeeed?"


Well-Known Member
Its good to know the yellowing is normal, im thinkin that one of my clones might not make it but if my other clone makes it ill be happy with my first attempt. Im try to test out both scrog and sog at the same time and see which one i like better. Props man you make this look so easy. + Rep