Chinese Troops are in texas

really? cause we owe them a fuckload of money...

A bullet can kill a few people at once, so let them try and come here and do their stupid bullshit.

Why give Texas away? Texas is what holds this dying nation together brother. No one is friendly then in Texas.. everyone else got their noses in their assholes all the time.

Why not give new jersey away? fuck new jersey and those jersey shorez... its just trash anyways, so i dont the think the rest of the US would mind or even notice

Why else does the US government let china do just about what ever they want?
Some Terror Threats Are Fake

really? cause we owe them a fuckload of money...

A bullet can kill a few people at once, so let them try and come here and do their stupid bullshit.

Why give Texas away? Texas is what holds this dying nation together brother. No one is friendly then in Texas.. everyone else got their noses in their assholes all the time.

Why not give new jersey away? fuck new jersey and those jersey shorez... its just trash anyways, so i dont the think the rest of the US would mind or even notice

2 in one shot mother fucker, 2 in one shot. :hump:

i LOL'ed
You can either go live in those countries i stated before, Or you can go live in the UK, Denmark, or Canada where they pay close to 50% in taxes. Or you can go to France where they pay 7 bucks for a small box of frosted flakes.

Oh and thanks for the video made by some guy in his moms basement

Man u r jus so narrow minded u sound jus like a govt official, trying to sugarcoat ur argument with trash talkin about another country, i bet u voted for Bush didnt u, u sheep, and if u acually watched the vids u would understand the problem that we all face as people, so cut that race or ethnic bullshit and realize that we as a species are in danger, ever heard of the new world order
Do you know China's Population here let me help you out.
1,331,460,000 (China) as of 2009
307,006,550 (US) as of 2009

(for every one american they have four Chinese lets not ask for a war)

I was taught to pick my battles when I was young because you cant win them all and you never know which one it is you will not win.

They don't have a navy or airforce that is capable of waging war with the USA.
oh and we dont have to worry about the Chinese ever invading us...if they did there would be nobody left to buy their shit lol
Good luck with china taking Texas!! Texans own the most guns in the country. Shit even 85 yr old granny's are packing a .45.
Man u r jus so narrow minded u sound jus like a govt official, trying to sugarcoat ur argument with trash talkin about another country, i bet u voted for Bush didnt u, u sheep, and if u acually watched the vids u would understand the problem that we all face as people, so cut that race or ethnic bullshit and realize that we as a species are in danger, ever heard of the new world order
1. Didn't vote for bush
2. Narrow minded how? Cause i believe our country is one of the greatest out there?
3. Could you point out which "race and ethnic bullshit" I have said? You sound like those black kids i went to school with who blame everything everyone does that they don't agree with on race
4. New world order? lmao. let me guess, you believe in that FEMA coffin theory too?
5. Name 1 country that is better than the US
1. Didn't vote for bush
2. Narrow minded how? Cause i believe our country is one of the greatest out there?
3. Could you point out which "race and ethnic bullshit" I have said? You sound like those black kids i went to school with who blame everything everyone does that they don't agree with on race
4. New world order? lmao. let me guess, you believe in that FEMA coffin theory too?
5. Name 1 country that is better than the US

alec,ill go with ..what is canada for 100
alec,ill go with ..what is canada for 100

$14 for a 6 pack of bud light, $12 for a pack of smokes, 25% tax on everything between provincial and federal, weather sucks 9 months out of the year, hard to buy american goods and if you do the exchange gets you (you will pay just to have someone convert the money), filled with quebecois, etc etc etc