Chinese Troops are in texas

Most people who proclaim the USA is the greatest nation ever have never even visited another country let alone lived there. I lived in Germany for 2 years, Japan for 1 year and visited many more in the USAF. Although I do prefer the USA, it is mainly because my relatives are here, not because we kick so much more ass than everyone else.... because we don't.

We may have in the past but............
Willyßagseed;6460581 said:
Most people who proclaim the USA is the greatest nation ever have never even visited another country let alone lived there. I lived in Germany for 2 years, Japan for 1 year and visited many more in the USAF. Although I do prefer the USA, it is mainly because my relatives are here, not because we kick so much more ass.... because we don't.
I've been to Australia, France, Spain, UK, Italy, Austria, Luxembourg, Mexico over 10 times, one of those times being Mexico city, and Canada. Altho i will agree i like the atmosphere in Paris and London, i wouldn't wana live my life there, maybe a few years..

You lived for free on the bases, I'm assuming?
Your government lets you sleep at night without having to worry.[right thats why hundreds of people die every day and night form crime right]
Your government paves roads for you to get around[i live on the border line of the city and county and belive me i can see the difference between the two]
Your government creates those parks you go to with your kids[ok, wat we cant survive happily w/o parks???]
Your government has one of the lowest tax rates in the world[which seem to rise any time the govt needs more money]
Your government helps keep prices down on goods and services (if you dont belive that go look at how much countries in Europe pay for gas and food)[im guessin u didnt know there was a beverage tax put into action not to long ago huh]
Your government lets you create any business you like[and then run it into the ground with their monopolies, after they tax the hell out of u]
Your government gives you the opportunity to participate in the financial markets[which destroys peoples finances in the blink of an eye]
Your government lets you protest without getting shot [sure they wont shot u but i think i remember they would spray u with the hose or let the dogs loose on u]
Your government lets you say whatever the fuck you want[Protester Arrested Today at University of Texas check it out ]
Your government PAYS your lazy ass if you dont have a fucking job[and does that make us better as a people or make us weaker]
Your government makes sure you will never starve[thats why there are so monay homeless and poor in this country right]
Your government gives you money to go to school if you cant afford it[ok i'll give u this one]
Your government will give you a loan to start up a new business[then run u into the ground with monopolies after they tax the hell out of u]
Your government makes sure the food and water you eat/drink dosent kill you[ever heard of population control...look it up]
Your government will find and prosecute anyone who brings harm to you or your family [thats why there are so many unsolved cases in this country right]
AWWWW come on man give me a break lol

and plz dont play the race card im mixed and i know at the end of the day no matter what ethnicity or race u are, we all have something to bring to the table
In Japan I lived on base (Kadena, Okinawa) E2-E3 and wife stayed in US. :twisted:
In Germany I lived off base (Rhein-Main) E5 SSgt - E6 TSgt and wife came. We lived in a rented room from an old German family and also with a 2nd cousin who is German.
* I also lived in Germany from 4- 5 years old, military brat. Do not remember a whole lot about that time tho.

Been to or lived : Canada, New Zealand, Austria (love the salt mines), Belgium, Germany, Romania (wife's father is 1st gen American from here), France, Spain, UK, Japan, Thailand, South Korea, Mexico, Brasil. Every state but Alaska and Hawaii(unless you count the Airport).

Moms side of the family is German, got to visit where her family was from and see some distant relatives, was awesome.

Fathers side is Irish, still have not been able to go visit family in Eire.
Your government lets you sleep at night without having to worry. No they dont I have to worry every noght because of the Government. If i was in my bed and someone tried to break in my home and kill my family i would have to defend my self there is no secret service in my home. Its because of my government weed is illegal
Your government paves roads for you to get around. I pay my taxes i go to work every day and my city charges me all types of taxes.
Your government creates those parks you go to with your kids. I thought my state did that and where does the money come from hhhmmm are you serious? I can also do with out parks.
Your government has one of the lowest tax rates in the world Not the lowest there is lower do your research not only that are you really talking about this government and taxes with everything in the news for real.
Your government helps keep prices down on goods and services (if you dont belive that go look at how much countries in Europe pay for gas and food) Your out of gas by now but i will entertain you as per there is atleast 20 other countries ahead of us in the cost of living catergory.
Your government lets you create any business you like LOL But they make if very hard for people like me to ever be in this kind of position.
Your government gives you the opportunity to participate in the financial markets. Oh this is some how a privilage given to me by the government.
Your government lets you protest without getting shot. Your right about this one they will just mace you or club you instead.
Your government lets you say whatever the fuck you want. Yeah they do try saying the word bomb in a airport. Or curse in a court a couple of times see what happens. Or better yet talk about Obama on the facebook spread the word that you hate him see what happens.
Your government PAYS your lazy ass if you dont have a fucking job. Hmm this is one people gets confused alot I pay for this Ive worked all my life never used Unemployment never received a check for not working but im sure there is money coming out my check for this.
Your government makes sure you will never starve. Oh do they and how do they do this one. do they buy food for my fridge because if they do let me call them i need some more milk. Dang i dont qualify for that because i work looks like government not helping me there.
Your government gives you money to go to school if you cant afford it. Nope they dont as a matter of fact because i have been convicted of simple possesion of marijuana i cannot receive any government loans or grants. I was caught with less then a gram of Marijuana while fishing.
Your government will give you a loan to start up a new business. Once again your wrong as i stated above my government hates me so much not only do i get a criminal record it follows me forever makes it very hard to get a decent job, dont give me the same chance that perscription drug user has.
Your government makes sure the food and water you eat/drink dosent kill you. Every year there is a different food killing people the foods is getting stranger and stranger spinach and cantaloupe
Your government will find and prosecute anyone who brings harm to you or your family. They are also being payed for this to so not like they do it for free. and not only that they rather cut the person a deal then go to trial because some times they dont even have the right person.
Gimme a fuckin break man

Are you fucking serious man you dont deserve a break you didnt do anything and neither did my government.

Oh they did do one thing fuck my life up and take my money thats sure is the government i want to fight for and die for. you gotta be kidding me coffee bean.
Imagine that young America wasn't so prone to believing in complete bullshit.

Imagine that those same Americans actually spent less time watching pointless videos on youtube, and actually started educating themselves.
Imagine that young America wasn't so prone to believing in complete bullshit.

Imagine that those same Americans actually spent less time watching pointless videos on youtube, and actually started educating themselves.

Imagine that young America wasn't so prone to believing in complete bullshit.

Imagine that those same Americans actually spent less time watching pointless videos on youtube, and actually started educating themselves.

The government wants people to be ignorant; they don’t want them to know truth if someone does get to smart and The Government fears them they will take them out. Not saying this is an excuse to be ignorant, just merely a deterrent. But there are a lot of educated people out there still didn’t change their situation. Not only that the people pay the government why should we stand by and let them do whatever they want with our money. We never said we wanted to spend our money on wars and bailing banks out shit if my business went under they wouldn’t bail me out. Not only that the people who made these mistakes a lot of them is still working for the companies and others have been given packages to leave million dollar packages for fucking up our government allows all this. They as it stand is a part of the huge problem.