Christianity has been debunked once and for all

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did you know pope john paul II was a cyanide salesmen for a chemical company in poland and his biggest customer was the nazis...after the war was over he joined the catholic church to get amnisty for his war crimes....true story...
Not true bro. He was a chemaical salesman. He did not have war crimes. The b'nai b'rith declared he helped jews escape. He was polish, and the were among the worst to suffer.The nazis did hit him with a truck once though. Heres the wiki article on him.
Pope John Paul II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
heres the company he worked for...

IG Farben Trial - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pope John Paul II's past employment as Cyanide Salesman to Nazis
heres this
The Fugitive Pope
this one also.

and joseph stalin gets the credit for the polish..seeing as he killed 20,000,000 of them...
Did you see who that info is from.

[FONT=Times New Roman,Georgia,Times]Tony Alamo Christian Ministries home page[/FONT]

does that really sound plausible coming form people with an apocryphal message at the top of the page?
here is one from encyclopedia brittanica
John Paul II -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia

You can choose whichever one you want, but encyclopedia brittanica seems more researched to me than what "tony alamos christian ministries" web page has on it.
there is ONE god ii will sum iit up with this....the same way there are diffrent languages....diffrent people...diffrent places...all our tongue translate to the same word,because one god works through all of dont have to agree with god,beleive in god,thank,praise,but he will still give life and love.....
damnit dread, u are the realist. every time i see u post some shit, it be the realist shit i ever heard!!! if i knew how to give you that rep shit i would. can somebody give me a hand with that?:clap::leaf:
every time every time. i really feel you bra. my first connect was Jamaican the best connect i ever had. he put me on to "equality" and ever since i've been a Christian-Rasta. and then i get locked and by the grace of God my celly is a Rasta from St. Croix. God bless you breadren!!!:clap::leaf:
jah bless...iman am not jamaican...ii a rasta...but its ii over "me",and "mine"....ii tryn overstand not understand...kinda hard to explain typing but iim sure you catch mi drift...
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damnit dread, u are the realist. every time i see u post some shit, it be the realist shit i ever heard!!! if i knew how to give you that rep shit i would. can somebody give me a hand with that?:clap::leaf:

It is the little scales icon in the right hand corner of every post. you have to click it on the post you want to rep (it is in between the post number and the double exclamation points (!!).
IM not a Christan, Nor do i claim any religion. But, this piece was obviously written by some one who has a biased view of Christianity. And they sound as if there still in college. IM not defending Christianity by any means, but this is one of the WORST arguments against Christianity/religion as a whole iv ever heard. Ok he said if Jesus were really god, he would have told people the earth is round.. That is COMPLETELY irrelevant to the fact that Jesus was the messiah. That he did not mention bacteria and germs is also just as irrelevant to the fact. Why would that matter if he were the Messiah? It wouldnt, at all.Thats such a small detail, if he did exist he wouldnt even think of it. If he were put on earth as a human, why do u think he would have superlative knowledge of the earth?He was flesh and blood, but apparently the blood of a GOD. He would have lived life as any other,IE same basic education as others, same every thing. Yes there is a buck to make off of peoples fears of the uncertainty of death and an afterlife; but who isn't scared out their skin about death??
This author try's to befoul the adoration of Christ, but fails. He fails because he's making arguments that are as old as Christianity its self. Iv heard nothing new from this Scrub of an author. It honestly reads like a Writing 101 Final. Is this kid going to try to debunk Islam next?
BTW if i were to claim a religion, it would b Islam. I honestly c Islam as the one true religion after doing research. It predates Christianity by Hundreds of years! The Christian Bible makes numerous references to passages and characters from the religion of Islam. Like i said, im not religious by any means, for FUCKS SAKES my favorite music would DAMN me to the bowels of hell. I love Brutal Death metal and TRUE fucking BLACK MetaL.Thats right, a BLACK METAL fan is some what defending Christianity!!! But only because if people were going to not believe because of literature like this; i think its bullshit that some one with such a naive view of Christianity could influence people. Thats why i have the stance i do on this subject. Because if your going to Bash a religion, especially one such as Christianity you better have a DAMN GOOD and ORIGINAL argument as to why people should throw out their bibles and break their crucifixes. Catholicism not so much,Judaism, i could sorta careless. But if your going to challenge the most widely believed religion second only to Islamic practice, you better come out swinging buddy!! Dont come to me with this over used BS every one has already heard. Lets hear something new and fresh.

Boy, talk about an easy response to debunk. But before I do I want to say that I think you're really a Christian who's masquerading as a non-believer in order to give the appearance of impartiality. I mean, that's what it looks like to me. You defend Christianity as fervently as any Jesus freak I've ever known. Now to the rubbish.

"Ok he said if Jesus were really god, he would have told people the earth is round.. That is COMPLETELY irrelevant to the fact that Jesus was the messiah. That he did not mention bacteria and germs is also just as irrelevant to the fact. Why would that matter if he were the Messiah? It wouldnt, at all.Thats such a small detail, if he did exist he wouldnt even think of it. If he were put on earth as a human, why do u think he would have superlative knowledge of the earth?He was flesh and blood, but apparently the blood of a GOD. He would have lived life as any other,IE same basic education as others, same every thing."

Oh? Then why did people believe that Jesus was the son of God? If he was so ordinary like you say, why did people believe he was the son of God? There must've been some reason. You're argument here doesn't make any sense.

Secondly, according to the Christians, Jesus was not only the son of God he was one in the same with God. As such he would've had knowledge of the natural world that went way beyond that of the average person. Jesus exhibited none of that knowledge.

"This author try's to befoul the adoration of Christ, but fails. He fails because he's making arguments that are as old as Christianity its self. Iv heard nothing new from this Scrub of an author."

The author doesn't try to befoul the adoration of Christ. He just points out that people who had contact with him weren't overwhelmed with awe. He also points out that not everyone who came in contact with Jesus didn't believe he was the son of God. Both of those points are nothing more than simple indisputable facts.

And as far as the arguments being old, be specific. Point to something specifically that you've seen in print before. Be specific.

Why don't you just fess up and admit you're a Christian. You're not fooling anyone.
people of science just cant formulate peoples faith...because they dont understand it..they spend all their time trying to disprove it....religion isnt hard to debunk at all...religion is an institution and therefore man made and governed and open to corruption....what a person feels in their heart is faith and is impossible to disprove or discredit someones feelings and personality
I just got through the God Delusion by Richard Dawkins. I recommend it to Christians and non-Christians alike. He provides a level headed science and morality-based approach to the questions posed by dogmatic faith.

The fact of the matter is while scientists are working towards discovering and explaining every facet of planet Earth, they always have time to review and (when it is warranted) debunk their own work. It is imperative that all material be credible and accepted by all in the scientific community for it to be accepted as truth.

Conversely, Christianity employs the unflinching devotion to scripture readings which date back thousands of years, which have seen no revisions since. These readings contain some notable quotables, but in the same breath advocate slavery, bigotry, torture racism and murder. It claims the earth was created in six days and has existed for only four thousand years.

Charles Darwins' theory of evolution is supported by leagues and leagues of scientific research and inquiry. countless experiments and hundreds of millions of fossils were taken. Evolutionary Biologists have compiled a multitude of research on cell biology and evolution to prove that all species evolve over the course of history.

Intelligent Design (as it is called) claims that there was one designer, who created the universe and all its planets, then chose to focus on Earth in particular. He created light and dark, then he created the sun and the moon. He created tadpoles and frogs, fawn and deer, and he creates full grown human beings who already know how to talk. Of course they have no evidence for this, save for some speculation about the formation of the grand canyon (great flood?)

Indeed, science has debunked Christianity a LONG time ago, but it is the rigid unflinching Christian dogma that has people pointed in the wrong direction and kept them facing the other way all this time.

Dont get me wrong, I think christians are good people I just think they should have looked outside their household for religious inspiration
yep - not possible to debunk - let alone "once and for all".

The reason that I chose the title I did for this thread is because I don't believe that any rationally minded person could read the essay that this thread is based on and still attach any credibility to Christianity. Keep in mind, I said any rationally minded person. Ultimately there's people who are going to believe what they want to believe. There's also people who walk around with the mentality that every word of the bible is true and, therefore, none of it can be questioned. But for people who have open, rational, and unbiased minds, it should resonate.
The reason that I chose the title I did for this thread is because I don't believe that any rationally minded person could read the essay that this thread is based on and still attach any credibility to Christianity. Keep in mind, I said any rationally minded person. Ultimately there's people who are going to believe what they want to believe. There's also people who walk around with the mentality that every word of the bible is true and, therefore, none of it can be questioned. But for people who have open, rational, and unbiased minds, it should resonate.

I understand. Religion is more slippery than that though. You have folks, on this thread even, saying they don't believe in the bible but maintaining they are Christians. I don't know how they can justify it either but there it is.

Now if you are talking about debunking the bible strictly as history or fact - then that is a different story altogether.
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