Christianity has been debunked once and for all

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so we agree :)
if the cross predates christanity and had nothing to do with jewdism prior to christianity, than it is a pagan symbol that dosnt belong... right?
I'll argue against myself now, but arent all symbols pagan? I mean, the dove, oliv branch, all of this must have had the same or symilar symbolic meaning before the Bible, they didnt just make this stuff up for fun... well, kind of I guess :P but symbols usualy have a deaper meaning that somone just making them up for I dont even know where I'm going with this... that seems to be happening with me alot latly, I just keep going of on little sidenotes until I forget what was going on where I am, who I am, and wheather or not I'm even there or alive, see I dont know whats going on right now, but I think that was pretty apparent
so we agree :)
if the cross predates christanity and had nothing to do with jewdism prior to christianity, than it is a pagan symbol that dosnt belong... right?
I'll argue against myself now, but arent all symbols pagan? I mean, the dove, oliv branch, all of this must have had the same or symilar symbolic meaning before the Bible, they didnt just make this stuff up for fun... well, kind of I guess :P but symbols usualy have a deaper meaning that somone just making them up for I dont even know where I'm going with this... that seems to be happening with me alot latly, I just keep going of on little sidenotes until I forget what was going on where I am, who I am, and wheather or not I'm even there or alive, see I dont know whats going on right now, but I think that was pretty apparent

are you asking - did the early christians appropriate pagan and jewish symbols, holidays, and stories into their religion - the answer is unequivocally yes! That is not unique to christianity though - religions borrowed and appropriated things like that all the time - including the gods themselves - which is why we have Zeus/Jupiter, Hera/Juno, etc...

and even the ten commandments infers other gods too - thou shalt have no other gods before me (oddly - it doesn't say you can't have other gods - just no other top god).
never noticed that about the commandments, make sence, they were tricky bastards back then :P
I know that alot of riligions borrowed from others, but again I'm not sure what I was getting at, but I think I was trying to say is that if we know they borrowed almost everything including symbols and people and the way they lived, dosnt that disprove the religions right their? you cant borrow stuff from somone else and say their wrong without being wrong yourself... or somthing like that?
never noticed that about the commandments, make sence, they were tricky bastards back then :P
I know that alot of riligions borrowed from others, but again I'm not sure what I was getting at, but I think I was trying to say is that if we know they borrowed almost everything including symbols and people and the way they lived, dosnt that disprove the religions right their? you cant borrow stuff from somone else and say their wrong without being wrong yourself... or somthing like that?

you raise a very good point. And while I may not believe this myself, I would mention that there could be a kernel of universal truth that each religion attempts to capture in their own way. keep in mind this is coming from an atheist :)
And while I may not believe this myself, I would mention that there could be a kernel of universal truth that each religion attempts to capture in their own way. keep in mind this is coming from an atheist :)

I like it email! Sounds good to me.

The world will never know.............(but thats how it was suppose to be.... right? HAHA:lol:)


HAHA!!! it was a trap! and you went right for iT!!! I never lived on a mountain!!! HAHAHA NOW YOU ALL LOOK LIKE FOOLS!!!

now maybe you have a vetter understanding of who exactly you are dealing with :P
HAHA!!! it was a trap! and you went right for iT!!! I never lived on a mountain!!! HAHAHA NOW YOU ALL LOOK LIKE FOOLS!!!

now maybe you have a vetter understanding of who exactly you are dealing with :P

Yep. I sure fell for your trap. I still love the mountains though.

now maybe you have a vetter understanding of who exactly you are dealing with :P

Whos "you all", as in "YOU ALL LOOK LIKE FOOLS!!"?

Why would you lie about something so foolish? It makes you look foolish, if you ask me. No offence tckfui.... I still love you bro, I'm just being honest:mrgreen:

And who are we dealing with? A liar? You "vetter" not lie to me:mrgreen:!!! (I'm a jerk! Sorry, I just felt like busting your balls:-|........:?........:cry:....... HEHE:mrgreen:)



Edit- I love climbing mountains too... I just can never find anyone strong enough for the excursions that I like to go on :(

HAHA!!!! so right you are WE!!!! you all is everybody, even mee!!! I think
and yes you are dealing with a crazy pathological lier who makes up lies about stupid shit!!! you really do have a vetter idea of who you are dealing with now, my post has done its job!!!
I HATE CLIMBING MOUNTAINS!!! (well I've never tried it) but I like skiing down them!!! its 23 times as fast and twice as slow!!! I mean, what?
HAHA!!! it was a trap! and you went right for iT!!! I never lived on a mountain!!! HAHAHA NOW YOU ALL LOOK LIKE FOOLS!!!

now maybe you have a vetter understanding of who exactly you are dealing with :P

You're right about that - a liar! When you said you used to live on a mountain when in fact you never did, well, in my book that makes you a liar. So, you're right, we do have a better understanding of who exactly we're dealing with - a liar!
For one thing ,I think Jesus had bigger things to worry about than to tell the people of the time about the damn sun and the stars. For another, that is a myth about people assuming the world was flat in those days, look it up on the History Channel web site. Viruses and bacteria?!!! Are you fucking kidding me? You probably have no idea how they work yourself, and you grew up in these times. It would have been an awful waste for Jesus to be a damn college professor rather than the Savior of the human race. Those people had no need to understand those things, Jesus was worried more about there souls than if they got herpes.
The wonderful mathematical figures the idiot came up with? We are not talking about Bill Gates making decisions that fast or even a super computer, we are talking about the Supreme Being. the One who created everything. His ability to know everything is just too much for the small human brain to comprehend, It is impossible to measure the ability of something infinite. I'll agree with the autor on one point, Christians do misinterpret the OLD TESTEMENT. This was a series of books that included parables mixed in with a little fact, and some important information if it is interpreted correctly. For accurate interpretation and insight into God's meaning I have found the most knowledgeable to be the Jewish people. Christian take too litterally the stories of Genesis, this is a parable, a code if you would. On a side note, this jack ass hasn't done much research either, there have been severl archaeological finds, which confirm much of Biblical accounts. Also did I read someone say "valid Points", anyone can hit valid points, even when they are wrong. The best way to hide a lie is by surrrounding it with a lot of truth. This is the best I could do I'm high, give me a break.
For one thing ,I think Jesus had bigger things to worry about than to tell the people of the time about the damn sun and the stars. For another, that is a myth about people assuming the world was flat in those days, look it up on the History Channel web site. Viruses and bacteria?!!! Are you fucking kidding me? You probably have no idea how they work yourself, and you grew up in these times. It would have been an awful waste for Jesus to be a damn college professor rather than the Savior of the human race. Those people had no need to understand those things, Jesus was worried more about there souls than if they got herpes.
The wonderful mathematical figures the idiot came up with? We are not talking about Bill Gates making decisions that fast or even a super computer, we are talking about the Supreme Being. the One who created everything. His ability to know everything is just too much for the small human brain to comprehend, It is impossible to measure the ability of something infinite. I'll agree with the autor on one point, Christians do misinterpret the OLD TESTEMENT. This was a series of books that included parables mixed in with a little fact, and some important information if it is interpreted correctly. For accurate interpretation and insight into God's meaning I have found the most knowledgeable to be the Jewish people. Christian take too litterally the stories of Genesis, this is a parable, a code if you would. On a side note, this jack ass hasn't done much research either, there have been severl archaeological finds, which confirm much of Biblical accounts. Also did I read someone say "valid Points", anyone can hit valid points, even when they are wrong. The best way to hide a lie is by surrrounding it with a lot of truth. This is the best I could do I'm high, give me a break.

Welcome to RIU!

Its cool man, your entitled to your beliefs. We are not here to tell you what you should or should not believe in, but rather, we are here to show you an alternative view than what your parents taught you.

If believing in religion makes you happy than don't stop doing what your doing. But if you question religion because you have some qualms about it than we are here to help you with your effulgence.


Welcome to RIU!

Its cool man, your entitled to your beliefs. We are not here to tell you what you should or should not believe in, but rather, we are here to show you an alternative view than what your parents taught you.

If believing in religion makes you happy than don't stop doing what your doing. But if you question religion because you have some qualms about it than we are here to help you with your effulgence.


speak for yourself!!!!
my soul purpose for being on this site is, to tell people what they should and shouldn't believe in!!!!!!!!!! :P
speak for yourself!!!!
my soul purpose for being on this site is, to tell people what they should and shouldn't believe in!!!!!!!!!! :P

What kind of bud is that in your Avatar tckfui? Was it your stuff? I don't recall ever seeing a plant with leafs so dark and purple like that. I've seen plants with Dark purple buds, but not fan leafs like that.



Read it. Raises a couple points.

At the same time, though, I'm still stuck on how little they know about Christianity.

And Christ it was funny when he went on a little mini-rant about how crunched for time God must be during a natural disaster! Does he really think Christians believe God operates by earthly physics and time? Bahahaha!

I would make some metaphor about how long Christians and Atheists have been flinging shit at each other, saying everything they can to try and convert people.

Ay yi yi, sometimes I just want to move to move to Antarctica.
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i don't follow religions but i have read revelations and other scriptures regarding the end times and i have to say... it's damn interesting to see prophecies unfold in our generation.
ah come on guy!!! if you read revaluations you should know how utterly ridiculousness it is, ITS FUCKING INSANE!!!!!!!!!!
its like some harry potter type shit :P
but yea, through enough crazy ass ideas out there a bunch are bound to be true, but last I checked there have yet to be any demons comming from giant crevases in the world, or giant seven headed dragons with people heads that each represent some crazy thing, geeze the devil is a weird guy if he said hey I should make a weird dragon person, and have it be all symbolic like, it'll be nuts.
why would God and the devil come together for such a far fetched catastrophy, and why would the devil play into his roll, I dont really rememeber revalations much, I was allways high while reading the bible, but I rememeber some of it :P and I rememeber having quite a hoot over revelations.

however, this is a pretty interesting video that talks about why the pope is likly to be the anti christ acording to revalations.
cant find the link now, but I'll find it within the hour and edit it here.
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