Christianity has been debunked once and for all

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I think the devil did it. Booooooo devil.
The only difference between a religion and a cult is the number of members.
that proves nothing. that article proved just as much as the bible does. thats your problem, thats everybody's problem. you just wrote soemthing down that everyone was already familiar with and think you're so smart when its all said and done. you keep using the word christians when theres so many different branches of christianity its impossible to categorize followers into one category. People knew about other continents back then, read the books man. read poetry from philosophers from that time and period. read about trade routes. fuckin' read the bible. I know how the religious system works with politics in america and so do all the average joes. I didn't need to read that article. Even if your aim was to debunk religion you've also just stated the importance of religion. Laws, Civilization, Society in itself has always set on a religious foundation and i dont find that to be a bad thing. Its not religion that so negatively influences people. its people themselves. the human element twists religion you said it yourself.. how they interpret the bible text to their wanting. yeah thats people.

Anything introduced to the human element is forever tainted.

simple as that.

in the end you want a ban on religion and its brainwashing? what will that do? make the governments job easier to turn us into mindless cattle. i mean they've already got 60 percent of the american public as mindless tila tequila watching sheep. taking religion out of school, out of life. is not the answer.
Can we all just accept the fact that we can neither prove, no disprove the existance of the Christian God? Sprituality if real, is on a much higher plane than human existence and science that we cannot possibly even begin to study it.
Can we all just accept the fact that we can neither prove, no disprove the existance of the Christian God? Sprituality if real, is on a much higher plane than human existence and science that we cannot possibly even begin to study it.

No. I will accept that we can not prove the existence of any god.

drop out the christian, cause apparently there are many gods. drop out the disprove - cause you can't prove a negative.
that proves nothing. that article proved just as much as the bible does. thats your problem, thats everybody's problem. you just wrote soemthing down that everyone was already familiar with and think you're so smart when its all said and done. you keep using the word christians when theres so many different branches of christianity its impossible to categorize followers into one category. People knew about other continents back then, read the books man. read poetry from philosophers from that time and period. read about trade routes. fuckin' read the bible. I know how the religious system works with politics in america and so do all the average joes. I didn't need to read that article. Even if your aim was to debunk religion you've also just stated the importance of religion. Laws, Civilization, Society in itself has always set on a religious foundation and i dont find that to be a bad thing. Its not religion that so negatively influences people. its people themselves. the human element twists religion you said it yourself.. how they interpret the bible text to their wanting. yeah thats people.

Anything introduced to the human element is forever tainted.

simple as that.

in the end you want a ban on religion and its brainwashing? what will that do? make the governments job easier to turn us into mindless cattle. i mean they've already got 60 percent of the american public as mindless tila tequila watching sheep. taking religion out of school, out of life. is not the answer.

If you actually do what you suggest, you quickly discover how inaccurate the bible really is....
do what i suggest? I didn't say look for facts in the bible. I said do a little research elsewhere and you can find people knew about far away continents in those days. dont try to pick my writing. what you don't get is. im just defending my point. Religion is not as negative on society as this guy's article claims it to be, but thats his opinion and this is mine.

As for your reply. Did you not read the very beginning, "that proves nothing. that article proved just as much as the bible does." read that over and over till you understand what i said.

Biscuits and Gravy says that religion is more a burden and should be banned. I say its something that is crucial for all world cultures. Theres nothing wrong with being an aetheist. theres nothing wrong with being a jew, christian, tibetan monk, or whatever.

Everythings based on perspective. Thats the human element I was talking about.
do what i suggest? I didn't say look for facts in the bible. I said do a little research elsewhere and you can find people knew about far away continents in those days. dont try to pick my writing. what you don't get is. im just defending my point. Religion is not as negative on society as this guy's article claims it to be, but thats his opinion and this is mine.

As for your reply. Did you not read the very beginning, "that proves nothing. that article proved just as much as the bible does." read that over and over till you understand what i said.

Biscuits and Gravy says that religion is more a burden and should be banned. I say its something that is crucial for all world cultures. Theres nothing wrong with being an aetheist. theres nothing wrong with being a jew, christian, tibetan monk, or whatever.

Everythings based on perspective. Thats the human element I was talking about.

I agree that you said: that article proved just as much as the bible does. And the rest of your statements alluded to your believing and defending that statement.

Which is why I disagree. I am saying the article proves far more than the bible does (or can). And I said if one follows your advice (reading the bible and other writers from the time) - whoever does would probably disagree with you also. And I continue to stand by what i said. Though I do agree the article did not "debunk" as that is not really possible. It certainly does show the bible for what it is (allegorical literature) and what it isn't (accurate history).

You may find nothing wrong with people believing things without evidence - but others, like myself, have a VERY big problem when some of the things people believe encourages them to fly airplanes into buildings. Or thinking destroying the temple in Jerusalem would bring about Christ's return is another extremely dangerous mindset. Especially considering the volatile situation in Middle East and a Christian US president! I have no problem with people believing things without evidence. And frankly, it is none of my business (unless they push policies based on their beliefs - then it becomes my business). No one, including myself, knows for certain if there is a god or not (other than zealots) but because no one knows for certain, we should base our public policy on what we do know for certain and most definitely not on what people believe.

and I hope that was a typo about keeping religion out of schools. I am not sure where you live, but not only is religion already out of schools, the US constitution demands it remain that way.
the whole point of that article was to defend this statement Religion is not as negative on society as the article says.

are you saying religion is causing people to fly into airplanes. thats just ignorant, and just as bad as a Klan member saying he hates jews.

i keep pushing it and pushing it in your face but you people dont understand

theres nothign wrong with religion

theres something wrong with us as a race, as a people. you think this shit wouldnt happen without religion? and if you ban religion you think people would just go "well thats a good idea maybe we should go get jobs at mcdonalds" that would throw the world into a violence with no precedent.
the whole point of that article was to defend this statement Religion is not as negative on society as the article says.

are you saying religion is causing people to fly into airplanes. thats just ignorant, and just as bad as a Klan member saying he hates jews.

i keep pushing it and pushing it in your face but you people dont understand

theres nothign wrong with religion

theres something wrong with us as a race, as a people. you think this shit wouldnt happen without religion? and if you ban religion you think people would just go "well thats a good idea maybe we should go get jobs at mcdonalds" that would throw the world into a violence with no precedent.

The whole point of the article was to prove Christianity couldn't be based in reality. It wasn't written to prove religion has no negative impact on society - the article was written to prove the opposite. not sure what you're even talking about here - did we read the same article? Or are you referring to your last post as "the article"?

Are you saying religion has no negative impact on society?
are you also saying religion had nothing to do with 9/11?
are you saying because i say it was muslims crashing those planes, because they believed their God was going to reward them for doing so, makes me equivalent to a KKK member?

I am asking these questions because you are not very clear and getting a little hysterical.

I am not saying all bad things stem from religion and said nothing that came close to inferring that. But there is a lot wrong with religion and religion has a huge negative impact on our (and all) societies. Again I will add - does it do some good? Yes. Does it do bad? Yes. How much of each and the impact is debatable.
everythis has negatives and positives but i feel the positives of religion outweigh the negatives. the whole point of that article was to say religion has no positive impact. I aslo believe our own gov knocked down the towers. but your saying all muslims feel that way. thats why it sounded racist to me. if you havent noticed its the majority of the muslim community that was condemning those actions. as many holes you poke and prod at of mine you have just as many.
everythis has negatives and positives but i feel the positives of religion outweigh the negatives. the whole point of that article was to say religion has no positive impact. I aslo believe our own gov knocked down the towers. but your saying all muslims feel that way. thats why it sounded racist to me. if you havent noticed its the majority of the muslim community that was condemning those actions. as many holes you poke and prod at of mine you have just as many.

Absolutely agree most everything has both positive and negatives. I think the article was explaining how the bible couldn't be historically accurate. And how the God described in the bible is an adequate or hateful God. I did not take away that the article was condemning all religion and/or saying religion has no positive impact. Perhaps I should read the article again though i'm pretty sure i recall it correctly. I don't believe the article ever said religion has no positive impact - but could be mistaken.

As to the good outweighing the bad - that is certainly debatable. And thinking there is more good to religion is a fine and defensible position.

I never said all muslims feel that way. Even if i did, that would not make me a racist. Muslims are not a race. Do i really need to explain this? I could say I hate all muslims (i don't) and that would still not make me a racist. A bigoted fool, yes. But not racist. For the record, I don't hate any group of people collectively.

What i did notice was far too much silence from the Muslim majority over horrendous acts committed by their fanatical few. The muslims desperately need their reformation and soon! Martin Luther for Muslims where are you?

Seems like the only holes you find are ones you create yourself by putting words into my mouth.
everythis has negatives and positives but i feel the positives of religion outweigh the negatives. .

Religion is not a bad thing in my opinion. If you want to believe in God or w/e than thats cool. If it makes YOU happy, than thats all that matters. Right?

I do believe that religion has been used for evils to help conquer adjacent placid countries in the past- just look at the Roman empire. I believe the bible is full of good morals and it would be nice if everyone was as humble as the bible teaches.

My mother was a very devout Christian(single mom) and would always tell me "Put your faith in God, he will take care of things in the end"... Anyways, I have come to the conclusion that she was full of shyt. Everything I have done has been of my own accord. Why doesn't the churches pray for world peace? Why not pray for someones terminal back pain to go away? Why not pray for everyone to enjoy life to the fullest?

If you are religious, my advice to you is DON'T LET ANY ONE TAKE ADVANTAGE OF YOU BECAUSE OF IT!! Some people are just straight con-artist predators. Don't pay 10% of your income(tithes) to the church, but rather buy some cheeseburgers for a homeless person(I do it... I would rather give a vagabond food than money that he could potentially spend on drugs..:mrgreen:) Or better yet, give your money to a family member in need.


i forgot how to spell the other word and didnt want to look it up. lol i know the difference

alright im a little buzzed so lets talk yall! i feel that we're putting emotions to words and its not sounding right to each other lol. i always hate when i or other people do it.

ive always believed religion should be a personal thing. i could never go to church and listen to a man preach to me especially when he's denouncing marijuana when i was aware of his pot use and stealing from the church. lol, fuck the collection plate he wasn't gettin nothin from my family.. but that was because they're cheap. the precher before that got aids from a hooker, beat his wife and kid, and gave aids to the sunday school teacher and she gave it to her husband

some people.. but hey thats everybody religion or not.

i'll say this

the best way to explain the bible is helpful stories that can teach us and enlighten us. i dont think the bible is an accurate portrayal of history and never have but i still feel its important for any person who wants to explore any religion.

all of us smoke for different reasons. just like religion. we believe what we believe for different reasons and even if we cant agree on that. we still have sweet sticky bud to bring us together.

-hugs for all-

as you can tell with chimpanzees, ants, and every form of life. War is a natural instinct. Bigotry will be around forever, religion regardless.


tell me an aetheist never hated somebody?
fuckin' a!
puff, puff, pass! :joint:

i forgot how to spell the other word and didnt want to look it up. lol i know the difference

alright im a little buzzed so lets talk yall! i feel that we're putting emotions to words and its not sounding right to each other lol. i always hate when i or other people do it.

ive always believed religion should be a personal thing. i could never go to church and listen to a man preach to me especially when he's denouncing marijuana when i was aware of his pot use and stealing from the church. lol, fuck the collection plate he wasn't gettin nothin from my family.. but that was because they're cheap. the precher before that got aids from a hooker, beat his wife and kid, and gave aids to the sunday school teacher and she gave it to her husband

some people.. but hey thats everybody religion or not.

i'll say this

the best way to explain the bible is helpful stories that can teach us and enlighten us. i dont think the bible is an accurate portrayal of history and never have but i still feel its important for any person who wants to explore any religion.

all of us smoke for different reasons. just like religion. we believe what we believe for different reasons and even if we cant agree on that. we still have sweet sticky bud to bring us together.

-hugs for all-

as you can tell with chimpanzees, ants, and every form of life. War is a natural instinct. Bigotry will be around forever, religion regardless.


tell me an aetheist never hated somebody?

im not saying its the only cause.....but for an institution the preaches love and peace and everlasting happiness it has accumalated a pretty good body count....more people die over religion than any other cause...while animals fight and war for survival..we fight and war for a being that nobody has ever scene..because the religion of choice says that their way of worship is right and all others are want to see some of the great things religious institutions have been the cause of..checkout the spanish inquisition....:joint::hump:
check out communist china and how they slaughtered every monk in tibet because.. religion is not allowed
check out communist china and how they slaughtered every monk in tibet because.. religion is not allowed

Hi Crumbles - i would only point out that it is irrelevant. Even if atheists and other non-believers killed a million times more than any religion - that would not make the folks killed by religion any less dead.

But even more to the point, it was an ideology that encompassed much more than secularism under Mao.

And communism wasn't even secular - or at least scientifically/atheistically so - it was a slave to its ideology much like religion is to its dogma. When genetics threatened to throw egalitarianism out the window, the communist countries held on to Lamarckism like it were religious dogma.

so once again - faith - belief without evidence - is at the bottom of humanities biggest mischiefs.

something to consider anyway...
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