Christianity has been debunked once and for all

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More about aliens! We should be flying around in alien space craft! Really see the galaxy!

I have changed frequencies of a digitial radio without touching it! I brought the numbers down into the twenties when its not suppose to go below ~88.0 FM.

It only lasted for ~10 seconds before it returned to normal. I simply put My hand near the radio (about 6 inches away) and the digital numbers started flickering in the twenties. (It looks like I'm an alien too! HAHA)

We were planted on Earth! We are humanoid "aliens"!

We are here now!

No, I dont know eveything. But Im not the once claiming to be jesus christ. I can tell you all your youtube videos are a bunch of nonsense though.
we are not aliens...and we are not going to live underground...and yoiu are not jesus. And jesus was not the son of god anyway. Oh, and there is no god.
come join me and my army hg... ill save you from this sham of a life we have:fire:

believe that i am satan:hug:

come by my thread and devote your soul to a good cause,the devil has death weed:leaf: if that will help with your decision
thank u for your soul,bow down, i commense you!

I'm here to say that I'm an Angel of God Almighty and I now have a voice on the internet thats going to be heard!

If your not down with Jesus than I'll pray that you don't go to hell. It says that the only way to the Father is through the Son.


What do You make of the numbers? 123. 1@23?

Who cares about the number 666, it can't do Me any harm! I have God on My side!

You have to have faith in Jesus to be a believer! (Control Your thoughts and then control Your destiny, in Jesus name! A men!)

We, the believers, are ROYAL CHILDREN OF GOD!

Trishmybiscuits, You must not have "good soil". It will come in time, the more You listen to Christian music, watch Christian talk shows and read the Bible to recieve Your effulgence! ( - n. A brilliant radiance.)

I can't have faith in something that there's not one single stitch or thread of evidence of except for some people who thousands of years ago supposedly heard voices. And as far as Jesus goes, any run-of-the-mill quack of his day could've been walking around espousing the things he said and claiming to be the son of God. Heck, there's people who are going around today doing that.
After reading that abortion of an editorial, i took the liberty of perusing a few of the other articles attributed to the "Unintimidated Press." The entire shoddy publication, if it can even be referred to as such, is a juvenile amalgamation of repetition and finger pointing based in illogical reasoning and, seemingly, the inability to put a stopper in stupidity. It offended my sensibilities as an educated person as well as a human being, and it is my personal opinion that the contributors should be gassed like the apes they present themselves to be.

gasses like apes. christians really are tolerant arent they. who would gas an ape anyway
The most true statement in that whole rant was the last sentence....decisions about religion should be made as adults, not by brainwashed children.

After they become adults if they decide at that point in time that they want to become delusional then that's their prerogative.

the first bit of sense here. my parents took me and my siblings to mass when we were children, and raised us as christians. they did this even though they had decided decades earlier that they did not believe any of it. why did they do this. they did it because they believe that everybody should make their own mind up.
i made up my mind at the age of 15. the whole thing doesnt make sense. if i worship anything, its the wondor of nature. something which we can observe, document, and interact with.

i think that the title of this guys essay is unfortunate. but the main thrust of his argument is that if someone doesnt believe in christianity, dont force it down our throats. why are some people appearing to respond with a degree of anger to this essay. isnt jesus philosophy all about tolerance.

the only thing that prolonged my belief in god and religion was the thought that most of the world believes in it. how could the whole world be wrong.

i now know more about human nature and will sleep soundly tonight in the knowledge that when i die, i will not spend eternity on fire in hell.

religion has already torn humanity apart. it will eventually destroy us. i think that the non believers have the right to express our concerns that the world in which we live is a very dangerous one primarily because of human nature, and that people are being intimidated because of the blind belief of extremist muslim and christian factions.

paradoxically, those religious fanatics.... the most holy of the holy... are prepared to take the lives of others in the name of god. so if all their ranting and raving turns out to actually be true, it is all the extremists who will in fact go to hell, while us tolerant non believers who will be sipping cocktails in heaven
im just going to leave you with this seeing how i made my peace. Seeing isent believing, Believing is seeing. and everyone is entitled to their own beliefs, even you. you talk about christains pushing their beliefs on other ppl, but by ranting about how much bullshit christainity is, you pretty much did the same thing as the ppl you dispize so much. Also you said Christians as in ALL christians push religion on ppl but I havent nor will i ever try to force somebody to believe in god. so keep that in mind the next time you rant about somthing.

all this guy did was post an essay containing his thoughts and points of view on the net for people to read or not read if they choose. i think the whole christian machine is a little bit more high profile than that.
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