Christianity has been debunked once and for all

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i can see how someone could be offended by this article. it hurts to have someone call you a liar and then prove it to your face. it hurts to know that you cant prove anything that you believe in. i for one, loved the rant and i could contribute pages and pages on this subject. KUDOS to the author. :fire:

I commend you! People not being afraid to speak their mind have been somewhat of a rarity in this thread. I think most are intimidated by the overwhelming number of disgruntled Christians posting to it.
I commend you! People not being afraid to speak their mind have been somewhat of a rarity in this thread. I think most are intimidated by the overwhelming number of disgruntled Christians posting to it.
It must be understood that we have not obtained a level of knowledge that defines or dismisses totally the reality of God (I put a capital G just for respect of the topic). I read the article and as always the author of these rants implies he has the knowledge of a god's nonexistence. The author is doing exactly what he criticizing. That narrow mindedness is driving religion. To some respect he's right. If it can't be explained then you fill in the blank with god.
But for everything I see around me I can't help but think that there must be a greater power involved in this design.
Anybody see the movie Contact with Jodie Foster? Remember when she reached a point in her journey where the breath taking beauty before her stunned her to the point that she proclaimed “...they should have sent a poet.” People who wish to insist that there is no god and insist we should believe the same have as much information as those who say there is.
At one time I believed without a doubt that there was a Christian God and none other. Not anymore.
But I will not dismiss the idea of something greater. And I've yet to run into someone smart enough to prove otherwise.
We haven't reached the end and in some respect I hope we don't. I don't think we would know what to do with that kind of knowledge.
One more thing this country was not founded on religious freedom. It was founded by a group wanted to pray their way. They were intolerant to any other type or style of belief.
They actually left a country that believed in religious freedom.
The Puritans (Pilgrims) lived for 12 years in Delfshaven Holland. A country that believed in religious freedom. The Puritans had trouble with the diversity of religious beliefs around them. Felt it was bad for their children to be exposed it.
So the opportunity to practice their way was presented to them and they took it.
I feel like I lost a whole IQ point reading this,

everyone tries to make people believe what they believe , like the idiot who wrote this he says christians should mined their own business yet he finds time to write this garbage. maybe he should take his own advise.
for all you believers out there who are so sure that god knows and sees everything.......

please do a quick google image search for depleted uranium.... look at the images of children born with unbelievably horrific defects... some so bad that they dont even resemble humans....
...this is the aftermath of sophisticated weapons...war!

if there is a god, why is he letting this happen....????
do you bible bashers believe that these unfortunate children were born sinners and if they survive, and repent, god will forgive them???
give me a break. do something useful with your life and try and change foreign policy... forget god, because if he exists, then he has forgotten a lot of these poor souls... imagine one of these kids was yours!!!!
its heartbreaking
Dude, that's a harlequin baby.It's genetic.It's not caused by chemicals.Please take that down.All you're doing is exploiting the suffering of another to prove a point.
Dude, that's a harlequin baby.It's genetic.It's not caused by chemicals.Please take that down.All you're doing is exploiting the suffering of another to prove a point.

it was on a website for du, but after checking it, youre right.

look, its kind of besides the point.....

this discussion is about god. im certainly not trying to exploit the childs obvious suffering. i know its a difficult image to look at, but its reality... theres a lot of people who are born into a life where all they will experience untill they die is pain and fear.
there are reasons that this child was born like this.... scientific reasons.
i just want to know how cases like this fit into god's master plan. what is the message god is trying to say here?

i would like if someone championing the christian faith attempts an answer

the reason i posted up the picture is because people tend to skip issues like this when they explain how great and mighty god is!

genetic research may be able to help prevent this from happening in the future. god cannot

if the moderators feel this image is in bad taste i'll take it problem.
i could write loads describing it, but a picture speaks ..............

its certainly uncomfortable to look at, but that doesnt mean talking about it is exploiting it.
i think its worse to ignore it.
maybe instead of donating to a chuch, you should donate to scientific research, or to some sort of charity, or help pay the wages of the people who help children like this.

the christian church ie: the vatican and all the way down to local churches are very wealthy. why dont they sell off their land and raise as much money as possible and donate it to good causes??????

becasuse the money would be a drop in the ocean compared to what is needed people would probably say! well wasnt there a story in the bible about the rich man who donated a portion of his wealth, and the poor old lady who could only give one alm....but thats all she had!!!

why doesnt the church lead by example??
they certainly talk a load of useless rhetoric, but would it not be more practical to concentrate on helping all the people who are experiencing suffering like us lucky ones couldnt imagine???

you dont need all that wealth to be close to god do you?
why cant the church operate like mother theresa or something? ...she had the right idea.

this is my main problem with christianity....its a machine.
Dude, that's a harlequin baby.It's genetic.It's not caused by chemicals.Please take that down.All you're doing is exploiting the suffering of another to prove a point.

and by the way, and with all due respect... im not trying to prove a point, because you cannot prove a point to people who have blind faith and will never consider changing their point of view.
Those of us who don't believe in god know that if he existed he's the most abusive and neglectful father there ever was.
and by the way, and with all due respect... im not trying to prove a point, because you cannot prove a point to people who have blind faith and will never consider changing their point of view.
theres a lot of people who are born into a life where all they will experience untill they die is pain and fear.

genetic research may be able to help prevent this from happening in the future. god cannot

this is my main problem with christianity....its a machine.

You are asking some very real questions Roscosera and I believe We should be demanding improvements in the needed areas. But when We have a bunch of sold out politicians that care more about catering to the lobyists than the people they allegedly represent, than their corruption can be seen by their impact on society, e.g., wars, soaring gas prices, inflation (because of "stimulus" packages that puts BILLIONS of dollars into the banksters that devised this fiasco), poverty/lack of jobs, outsourcing, impeded renuable energy technologies, the lies and deception of many things, etc.

So, do You think God is responsible for the atrocities that evil people have commited?

We cannot change the past but We can learn from it.

"i just want to know how cases like this fit into god's master plan. what is the message god is trying to say here?"

I don't like it, or understand, why good/innocent people have to suffer. I have My own affliction and I wish I were perfect, but I get My strength knowing that God, My Father, sees all and will repay the afflicted and afflicters accordingly, either in this life/world or the next. And if I'm wrong than Jesus was a liar, but I take His Word as Truth. After all, He walked on water, healed lepers, cast out demons, split the Red Sea, died on the cross, rose from the dead, etc.

the christian church ie: the vatican and all the way down to local churches are very wealthy. why dont they sell off their land and raise as much money as possible and donate it to good causes??????

Don't let Me get started on the Vatican. If You want to talk about corruption, theres a good place to start. Many people have used the name of Christ for their own avaricious agendas. Some people are just sick. They have undoubtedly exploited their role as "Chrstian teachers" to rake in the money, and I believe they should donate to good causes but instead they hoard.

"you dont need all that wealth to be close to god do you?
why cant the church operate like mother theresa or something? ...she had the right idea."

Of course You don't need to be wealthy to be close to God. Jesus said a camel has a better chance of fitting through the eye of a needle than a rich man getting to heaven. I don't believe He has problems with people that are wealthy, but rather those who love money more than God/Him.

maybe instead of donating to a chuch, you should donate to scientific research, or to some sort of charity, or help pay the wages of the people who help children like this.

why doesnt the church lead by example??
they certainly talk a load of useless rhetoric, but would it not be more practical to concentrate on helping all the people who are experiencing suffering like us lucky ones couldnt imagine???"

Some churches use the money for missionaries and helping the poor. For example I was watching a show that used the money to dig wells for the children in Africa since they had no clean water and were getting sick from drinking the infected water. So not all churches are the same. Some have good intentions while others (like the Vatican) just want to expand and build so they can collect more money.

I belive a step in the right direction would be to get off of fossil fuels NOW! We will eventually be setting up hydrogen stations in the ocean that use highly efficient solar, wind, geo-thermal and other free renuable energy sources to convert the ocean water into hydrogen (and O2) for powering (seeminly) EVERYTHING! Just start reading this thread from page 60 to the end and you'll realize I've explained quite alot about the past, present and Our future potentials.

My point being is that I believe God created the universe. How else would everything come into existance out of nothing?

for all you believers out there who are so sure that god knows and sees everything.......

please do a quick google image search for depleted uranium.... look at the images of children born with unbelievably horrific defects... some so bad that they dont even resemble humans....
...this is the aftermath of sophisticated weapons...war!

if there is a god, why is he letting this happen....????
do you bible bashers believe that these unfortunate children were born sinners and if they survive, and repent, god will forgive them???
give me a break. do something useful with your life and try and change foreign policy... forget god, because if he exists, then he has forgotten a lot of these poor souls... imagine one of these kids was yours!!!!
its heartbreaking

some awesome richard dawkins quotes and here is a joe rogan clip that is hilarious and awesome at the same have to listen the whole way through though

We are all atheists about most of the gods that societies have ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further.

I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world.

Complex, statistically improbable things are by their nature more difficult to explain than simple, statistically probable things.
Those afraid of the universe as it really is, those who pretend to nonexistent knowledge and envision a Cosmos centered on human beings will prefer the fleeting comforts of superstition. They avoid rather than confront the world. But those with the courage to explore the weave and structure of the Cosmos, even where it differs profoundly from their wishes and prejudices, will penetrate its deepest mysteries.

You can't convince a believer of anything; for their belief is not based on evidence, it's based on a deep seated need to believe.

A celibate clergy is an especially good idea, because it tends to suppress any hereditary propensity toward fanaticism.

-carl sagan
Why does there have to be a religion and a god, or anything?
Why cant we just be here to live and die like all other beings
and creatures in the past, present, and in the future. All have lived and died
and something or someone has replaced them with no problem. I dont believe in a religion or a god
because i dont see fit for one to exist and no proof of one to exist. Another question for anyone
who has an answer. What keeps "humanity" having a soul and "animals or creatures" not having one?
What seperates us form them and why dont they have one?
Because humans have this need to feel "special."
Why does there have to be a religion and a god, or anything?
Why cant we just be here to live and die like all other beings
and creatures in the past, present, and in the future. All have lived and died
and something or someone has replaced them with no problem. I dont believe in a religion or a god
because i dont see fit for one to exist and no proof of one to exist. Another question for anyone
who has an answer. What keeps "humanity" having a soul and "animals or creatures" not having one?
What seperates us form them and why dont they have one?
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