Christianity has been debunked once and for all

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remember this book was written a very long time ago.
John was seeing technology that was far beyond his time... hell i'm sure it was difficult to describe.

it's all about translating. like a pale white horse could be symbolism for something else. something that exists today that John, from thousands of years ago, would see as a "pale horse".
remember this book was written a very long time ago.
John was seeing technology that was far beyond his time... hell i'm sure it was difficult to describe.

it's all about translating. like a pale white horse could be symbolism for something else. something that exists today that John, from thousands of years ago, would see as a "pale horse".
once you start considering any parts of the bible as metaphor, where do you stop? is satan merely a metaphor for man's baser instincts and god merely a metaphor for nature at work? once you start deciding which parts of any sacred text to take at face value and which to consider allegory, religion becomes morality by convenience and god's laws to be an incomplete list of suggestions. the spirituality and divinity of the belief becomes suspect and it becomes merely another philosophy.
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For one thing ,I think Jesus had bigger things to worry about than to tell the people of the time about the damn sun and the stars. For another, that is a myth about people assuming the world was flat in those days, look it up on the History Channel web site. Viruses and bacteria?!!! Are you fucking kidding me? You probably have no idea how they work yourself, and you grew up in these times. It would have been an awful waste for Jesus to be a damn college professor rather than the Savior of the human race. Those people had no need to understand those things, Jesus was worried more about there souls than if they got herpes.
The wonderful mathematical figures the idiot came up with? We are not talking about Bill Gates making decisions that fast or even a super computer, we are talking about the Supreme Being. the One who created everything. His ability to know everything is just too much for the small human brain to comprehend, It is impossible to measure the ability of something infinite. This is the best I could do I'm high, give me a break.

Everything you say here is nothing but speculation. The points raised in the essay, the ones you're trying to dispute are facts, undisputable facts. You're trying to use speculation to invalidate facts. Pity.

And as far as the "This is the best I could do I'm high," you might want to try again. This attempt was pretty bad. Pathetic even.
giant seven headed dragons

revelations very clearly says that that represents a nation of people. dufus.
in about 3 places at least.
can u guys actually read?

or do u just sprout shit that other people tell u?

the bible has 200x the number of characters as any other book
you would have to read it 200x in order to understand it
on the same level as an ordinary book

its damn silly to discuss a book u have never even read from front to end.
The bible has no credibility and shouldn't be taken seriously.

in order to say so u must have read it properly
which u have not,

even if u only appreciate it as literature, like the illiad or the oddysey, that is so.

the sheer number of stories streatching such a vast time, scribed by so many people, more than any other book by many times....

printed more than any other book by many times

in more languages than....
printed more than any other book by many times

in more languages than....

Thus making it more prone to error and for translators/editors/individuals to inject their own opinion over time.

That's why there isn't THE bible.. there are BIBLES. At this point in time, there are many versions of the SAME book.

So apparently even the translators didn't read it enough.

But that was a pretty lame attack. If you have a point to make, make it.
Don't drop down to petty insults like, "you read it wrong".
I don't see how anyone who has ever read the bible can take it seriously,bunch of contradicting,warped,big brother tripe but it would make for a helluva horror movie.:peace:
out of all the crazy beliefs out there, Christianity is the one that is shit-talked about the most. why?

is it because they believe in God or they have bogus claims about God?
out of all the crazy beliefs out there, Christianity is the one that is shit-talked about the most. why?

is it because they believe in God or they have bogus claims about God?

I'll give you my opinion, for what it's worth.

I believe it's because the Christians can't mind their own business. They want their ideology to dominate every aspect of life, at least in the United States anyway. I don't think it's because of what they actually believe even though what they actually believe is sheer myth and sheer fantasy. I believe it's because they want to ram it down everyone else's throat. That's why a lot up people are starting to rise up against it.
Or more than likely because "Christians" don't understand the true meaning or the context of any of Christ's teachings. American Christianity for the most part is a joke. The Catholic Church has a long history of pure evil in the name of God. Christ predicted that his followers would change his teachings. There is a lot of proof that the Gospel of Thomas is independent of early Christian texts. Which means it was written during or maybe even before some of the Gospels. Of course Mainstream Christianity says this text isn't "inspired." Probably because in it Jesus ridicules the idea that the Kingdom of God is in the Sky somewhere.
I don't see how anyone who has ever read the bible can take it seriously,bunch of contradicting,warped,big brother tripe but it would make for a helluva horror movie.:peace:

Which makes it all the more amazing that so many people do. That's what boggles my mind about Christianity. And that is, that so many people are duped by it.
You all make scientific observations supposedly accepted as scientific proof yet you cite no references, you contradict yourselves and have no degrees in either theology nor any field of science and yet think you are able to comprehend and claim to have read and understood a complex and widely studied ancient book such as the bible and although you have no interest in it or its religion?

It takes years of studying to comprehend the bible from a minister's stand point, and yet all of you who claim to have no affiliation with Christianity say that you have read and understood it?

When will you all stop deceiving yourselves, modern atheists are the true enemies of reason.
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Oh so you have to be a theologian to understand a a collection of myths passed down from a bunch illiterate desert dwellers from 2000 years ago...........these are the same people who thought lighting was gods anger...................wonder why there no mention of Native Americans, Australia, or china in the bible I wonder why, did god forget about them.......hmmm no mention about dinosaurs either, did Adam and eve ride dinosaurs.........wait let me guess Noah couldn't fit them on his boat......................thor, mythras, all the greek gods, roman gods, native american gods, aboriginal gods, Aztec Gods, Inca Gods, hinduism, shintoism, Islam,.....I could go on and on....... let me guess, those are man made religions..........but your religion is the true one.............................When you realize why you don't believe in those gods than you will realize why I don't believe in your god.............................., first there was polytheism, than came monotheism.........mankind is getting closer to the truth that there is no god (or gods) and there never was............We are all Atheists when it comes to Thor, Posidon but I just take it one god further
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it's funny how they'll hate on how admiment Christians are about something they believe saved their lives forever.

btw, becoming the "debunker" is simpling putting yourself in the polar opposite position as people who believe in a Bible. good luck

yea i've seen too much hate to these people and it's really annoying.

i definitely think American Christianity is a load of bullshit. it's totally out of context and wrong.

when Jesus was around, he spoke about loving your neighbors and being happy and all that good stuff. the basic good things in life we humans need to live peacefully. of course he spoke about God too, but he never said God was a being or anything. for all we know, God could just be energy or spirit or light in the universe. and Jesus was telling us that God is here and we can speak to him, because he is all around us. and we must understand that he is the reason for our existence.

so if you think about it that way, Christians are worshiping energy or light or a great spirit, not a giant man in the sky with a huge white beard.

also, when i heard about Nibiru (Planet X) it struck a lot of interest in me about the bible. it's written somewhere in there that angels that were once on heaven came to Earth, as well as Lucifer being thrown down to Earth from heaven.

well... what if this planet is what they considered "heaven" and it's inhabited by beings that are considered angels? it would explain how at one point in time, when Nibiru was near Earth, beings came from the planet to Earth and spoke to humans.
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