Christianity, Homosexuality, and the New Covenant

Because homosexuals have more sexual partners on average, and thus more unprotected sexual partners, the statistical chance of a homosexual getting AIDS goes way up.

That's why your SPL article admits that "Gay and bisexual men remain the group most heavily affected by HIV"

Your logic is twisted and flawed

No it's not. Instead of proclaiming victory without a rebuttal, why don't you revisit every argument I made?

What does the number of sexual partners have to do with homosexuality being harmful? You are comitting the logical fallacy by equating homosexuality with having multiple sexual partners. One is not the cause of the other. If a heterosexual person had as much sex they would face the same percentage of risk. The causal behavior is having multiple sexual encounters, not being homosexual.
No it's not. Instead of proclaiming victory without a rebuttal, why don't you revisit every argument I made?

What does the number of sexual partners have to do with homosexuality being harmful? You are comitting the logical fallacy by equating homosexuality with having multiple sexual partners. One is not the cause of the other. If a heterosexual person had as much sex they would face the same percentage of risk. The causal behavior is having multiple sexual encounters, not being homosexual.

OMG. Gay people on average have way more sexual partners than heterosexual people. In fact, it's not even close. THat's why being homosexual is more dangerous. Moron would be a compliment...
OMG. Gay people on average have way more sexual partners than heterosexual people. In fact, it's not even close. THat's why being homosexual is more dangerous. Moron would be a compliment...

That's like saying the sky is blue because my car is red. Look up causation vs correlation. Being homosexual isn't more dangerous, having sex with many people is.

A person that is homosexual and only has sex with one person their entire life is just as safe as a heterosexual. Homosexuality is not the risk factor. Dumbass.
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That's like saying the sky is blue because my car is red. Look up causation vs correlation. Being homosexual isn't more dangerous, having sex with many people is.

A person that is homosexual and only has sex with one person their entire life is just as safe as a heterosexual. Homosexuality is not the risk factor. Dumbass.

No, it's not. While being gay itself isn't the cause of them having AIDS, it's the tendency for homosexuals that have on average many more sexual partners that causes the disproportionate percentage of the population to have HIV/AIDS compared to straights.

This is really basic logic and you fail miserably to the point I'm gonna let you have the last word. At this point, me trying to argue with a complete fool is only proving there are two.
That's like saying the sky is blue because my car is red. Look up causation vs correlation. Being homosexual isn't more dangerous, having sex with many people is.

A person that is homosexual and only has sex with one person their entire life is just as safe as a heterosexual. Homosexuality is not the risk factor. Dumbass.

Fuck. That closet he's locked himself in is sealed so tight logic can't seep in. Sad.
No, it's not. While being gay itself isn't the cause of them having AIDS, it's the tendency for homosexuals that have on average many more sexual partners that causes the disproportionate percentage of the population to have HIV/AIDS compared to straights.

This is really basic logic and you fail miserably to the point I'm gonna let you have the last word. At this point, me trying to argue with a complete fool is only proving there are two.

No, only you are the fool for not being able to admit you are wrong that homosexuality itself isn't dangerous or the risk factor for contracting HIV. Even the author of that study went on record saying that anti-LGBT groups like FRC were wrong to use the study to make that inference. You would know that if you read my articles, but you are too afraid to step outside the echo chamber (I read your articles btw). I haven't been arguing against your statistic, only your logic.

Answer me one last question which sums up my point:

If a homosexual has sex with only one person and doesn't get HIV, is homosexuality still harmful?

By your logic, because some women die in child birth as a result of heterosexual intercourse, heterosexuality is harmful and therefore wrong. Actually, that makes way more sense than your argument.
No, only you are the fool for not being able to admit you are wrong that homosexuality itself isn't dangerous or the risk factor for contracting HIV. Even the author of that study went on record saying that anti-LGBT groups like FRC were wrong to use the study to make that inference. You would know that if you read my articles, but you are too afraid to step outside the echo chamber (I read your articles btw). I haven't been arguing against your statistic, only your logic.

Answer me one last question which sums up my point:

If a homosexual has sex with only one person and doesn't get HIV, is homosexuality still harmful?

By your logic, because some women die in child birth as a result of heterosexual intercourse, heterosexuality is harmful and therefore wrong. Actually, that makes way more sense than your argument.

No, I didn't use negative health effects of gay sex as my only argument. But you are trying to exploit the much less common "Man bites dog" cases here. It's a fact that LGBT people have WAY, WAY more sex partners (by many times over) on average.

For one, it's an unnatural act. You wouldn't use two bolts to secure something. You'd use a bolt and a nut because they complement each other. It's a FACT that kids brought up in homes with hetero parents grow up better than ones in GAY homes. The kids under gay parents are more likely to be sexually active and more adventurous (just like their parents).

For two, they have no biological purpose. Two guys can't make a baby. This is why gay "marriages" aren't really marriages. They are sterile unions.

Three, it displeases God. Whether or not he exists is another argument. However, if there is no God, then there aren't any universal morals because there is no standards to hold things to whatsoever in a godless universe.
The Catholic clergy are a shining example of Christianity's opposition to homosexuality and pedophilia.

No they aren't. They are a disgrace to the Christian philosophy. In fact, Catholics aren't even Christian by most standards. Catholics have many documented unbiblical practices. You're just finding pleasure or laughter in pedophilia. Which is completely not OK
No they aren't. They are a disgrace to the Christian philosophy. In fact, Catholics aren't even Christian by most standards. Catholics have many documented unbiblical practices. You're just finding pleasure or laughter in pedophilia. Which is completely not OK
you support a guy who feigned raptor hands to mock a disabled man and described how he rapes women by grabnbing them by their vagina.

what is the most christian part about that?

also, is your girlfriend still refusing to fuck you, virgin?
It's a fact that LGBT people have WAY, WAY more sex partners (by many times over) on average.

Only if they're doing it right.

For one, it's an unnatural act. You wouldn't use two bolts to secure something.

Calls something an "unnatural act" and then uses unnatural items in the real world (bolts) as a metaphor,
committing the most egregious form of false equivalence in the process. In other words, batshit crazy.

It's a FACT that kids brought up in homes with hetero parents grow up better than ones in GAY homes.

Then surely you can provide citations? Upon what do you base that fact?

Three, it displeases God.

God could suck my dick for all I care.

Just come the fck out and then shut the fck up. Thanks.
Catholics aren't even Christian by most standards. Catholics have many documented unbiblical practices.

Yeah, those Catholics sure do have some nutty ideas.

you support a guy who feigned raptor hands to mock a disabled man and described how he rapes women by grabnbing them by their vagina.

what is the most christian part about that?

also, is your girlfriend still refusing to fuck you, virgin?

I'm not a virgin or a Trump supporter. And not "refusing", it's called abstinence. You're literally making empty arguments here.

By the way, Trump was simply refrencing the fact that some women are easy to get because they like to sleep with successful men. I doubt Trump is a rapist, though I don't agree with his policies, attitude, or lifestyle
No, I didn't use negative health effects of gay sex as my only argument. But you are trying to exploit the much less common "Man bites dog" cases here. It's a fact that LGBT people have WAY, WAY more sex partners (by many times over) on average.

For one, it's an unnatural act. You wouldn't use two bolts to secure something. You'd use a bolt and a nut because they complement each other. It's a FACT that kids brought up in homes with hetero parents grow up better than ones in GAY homes. The kids under gay parents are more likely to be sexually active and more adventurous (just like their parents).

For two, they have no biological purpose. Two guys can't make a baby. This is why gay "marriages" aren't really marriages. They are sterile unions.

Three, it displeases God. Whether or not he exists is another argument. However, if there is no God, then there aren't any universal morals because there is no standards to hold things to whatsoever in a godless universe.

Unnatural according to your religion, not according to the definition of existing in nature. Your religion holds an illogical and immoral belief.

There is the standard of empirical evidece and reasoning/logic to base morals on. If you agree that there is morality expressed throughout history, and the idea that there might not be a god, then you agree that a god is not necessary for morals to exist. If god didn't exist, is murder still wrong? Of course! One can easily reason that murder is wrong without invoking a god.

Where is your argument against homosexuality at? It turns out none of your claims are factual, simply taken from anti-homosexual groups that use antiquated, fringe studies and faulty logic to demonize homosexuality. The fact is that homosexuals lead very positive, productive lives despite deeply ingrained bigotry.
Unnatural according to your religion, not according to the definition of existing in nature. Your religion holds an illogical and immoral belief.

There is the standard of empirical evidece and reasoning/logic to base morals on. If you agree that there is morality expressed throughout history, and the idea that there might not be a god, then you agree that a god is not necessary for morals to exist. If god didn't exist, is murder still wrong? Of course! One can easily reason that murder is wrong without invoking a god.

Where is your argument against homosexuality at? It turns out none of your claims are factual, simply taken from anti-homosexual groups that use antiquated, fringe studies and faulty logic to demonize homosexuality. The fact is that homosexuals lead very positive, productive lives despite deeply ingrained bigotry.
I'm not a virgin or a Trump supporter. And not "refusing", it's called abstinence. You're literally making empty arguments here.

By the way, Trump was simply refrencing the fact that some women are easy to get because they like to sleep with successful men. I doubt Trump is a rapist, though I don't agree with his policies, attitude, or lifestyle
No, it's not. While being gay itself isn't the cause of them having AIDS, it's the tendency for homosexuals that have on average many more sexual partners that causes the disproportionate percentage of the population to have HIV/AIDS compared to straights.

This is really basic logic and you fail miserably to the point I'm gonna let you have the last word. At this point, me trying to argue with a complete fool is only proving there are two.
Haha "this is basic logic". You've completely lost your mind. I'm opposed to name calling but in this instance I have to say u have the logic of a complete MORON!! It's quite laughable.