Christianity, Homosexuality, and the New Covenant

God certainly don't want you
You sir, are a FAKE Christian and your own words prove it!

Are really here just to proselytize pot smokers?

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I was addicted to weed its not for me . I got a mission in this life I can't smoke pot .but am I against it certainly not or against people who use certainly not but it does create a mental addiction an depression . I think most could agree .if someone smokes pot there not bad but it effects your opinions and thoughts
You sir, are a FAKE Christian and your own words prove it!

yes God doesn't want a stubborn stiff necked child that won't budge to wisdom or understanding .He hates those that are lazy in faith . Jesus wants can do type people .Who can get the job done . not you you love not the God of the kindom of heaven . When you want to fix your attitude we can talk until then get out of my sight .go patrol a different thread troll
If you want to go be an athiest fine God certainly don't want you . You sail your own boat have great rocky trip oh this is gonna be gooood

You just broke 2 commandments and violated Jesus' teachings.


The reality is that Jesus was a very, very cool cat. The guy was just stellar in nearly every way a man can be. His real message was that you didn't need religion. You don't need some book verse thrown at you to tell you what to do.

Jesus came to tell us all that all we need is ourselves, God, and the ability to be honest with him and ourselves.

That is why he said, "And when you pray, do not do so in public on the street corners or in groups like the hypocrites do. They do that because they like to be seen by others. Rather, when you pray, go alone to your secret place, to an inner room, and pray to God in secret. And God will see what it is that you do in secret, and he will hear you."

Christian's ignore pretty much everything Jesus ever taught. Were Jesus alive today, he'd hate Christianity far more than he ever hated the Pharisees.

Jesus would see the modern Christian for exactly what they are: judgemental, prejudiced, hypocritical pricks.
oh this is gonna be gooood

Expecting my life to be miserable because I'm a non-believer and literally drooling at the prospect of being able to witness the misery.

How very christlike you, you braying jackass. Ironically, if your God did exist, he would be very, very angry with you, right now. Smite him God! Smite him less he repents! (You can't see them but I'm doing snake stuff.)
You just broke 2 commandments and violated Jesus' teachings.


The reality is that Jesus was a very, very cool cat. The guy was just stellar in nearly every way a man can be. His real message was that you didn't need religion. You don't need some book verse thrown at you to tell you what to do.

Jesus came to tell us all that all we need is ourselves, God, and the ability to be honest with him and ourselves.

That is why he said, "And when you pray, do not do so in public on the street corners or in groups like the hypocrites do. They do that because they like to be seen by others. Rather, when you pray, go alone to your secret place, to an inner room, and pray to God in secret. And God will see what it is that you do in secret, and he will hear you."

Christian's ignore pretty much everything Jesus ever taught. Were Jesus alive today, he'd hate Christianity far more than he ever hated the Pharisees.

Jesus would see the modern Christian for exactly what they are: judgemental, prejudiced, hypocritical pricks.
you have no knowledge not any . I understand the feelings of our father . I've read the book of Life . You pick your fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil .
No practicing Christian believes that. You're a fraud. Instead of pretending to be a Christian, just don't be one. It's as simple as you are. You're fooling no one, and certainly not the big dude you imagine up there (and who you just called a hater).
Expecting my life to be miserable because I'm a non-believer and literally drooling at the prospect of being able to witness the misery.

How very christlike you, you braying jackass. Ironically, if your God did exist, he would be very, very angry with you, right now. Smite him God! Smite him less he repents! (You can't see them but I'm doing snake stuff.)
at one time I been down your road I know how it is going to turn out . thats all I was implying im sorry if you felt I wanted to see you live in misery I offered to teach you the ropes all I get is disrespect beloved straighten out. an you show not any understanding
you have no knowledge not any . I understand the feelings of our father . I've read the book of Life .

"You Pharisees and teachers of the Law of Moses are in for trouble! You’re nothing but show-offs. You travel over land and sea to win one follower. And when you have done so, you make that person twice as fit for hell as you are." - Jesus
at one time I been down your road I know how it is going to turn out
I'm not you. I progressed seamlessly from child to happy and responsible adulthood. I'm sorry to hear of your troubles, but the travels along my road have been just fine. If you need it, go for it. Just shut the fuck up about how everyone should be as goddamned delusional as you appear to be. Thanks.
"You Pharisees and teachers of the Law of Moses are in for trouble! You’re nothing but show-offs. You travel over land and sea to win one follower. And when you have done so, you make that person twice as fit for hell as you are." - Jesus
what makes me so fit for hell lol you just met me