Civil Discourse

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blah blah blah.
Send me your address so I can evict you off my land :D
You have no proof that this is your property nor should you go to any authority. You still not a gun owner ?

I am not a "gun polisher" that displays his guns in an outward manifestation of insecurity, but I do own guns.

Also, I'm capable of ripping your arm off and anally raping you with it while you moan in a mix of ecstasy / agony. However I'd probably not do that unless you caught me on a really bad day.
and my grandmother should be locked up and you should have mental evaluations ASAP.
a 12 year old can not consent to sexual relations with a 31 year old. Minor cannot consent to sex with an adult. You remembering this will keep your pedo defending ass out of jail.
Need laws for people like you. Need laws enforced due to people like you

We need to facilitate customs and practices which disavow nonconsensual human interactions, certainly.

So, that's a "no" on the granny pictures then? The ones I already have are getting a little frayed.
I support controlling borders if we are going to provide welfare services. It would seem fiscal insanity not to do so, it isn't like our current welfare systems are fully funded.
Roundabout way of accusing immigrants of being on welfare, from the fat racist white guy on welfare
The problem with our Constitutional Republic is that we let people in our nation that we have no clue what kind of person they are, this would apply to all nations or ethnicities. As far as gun toting goes, that IS the reason we have a free nation. Also this is constitutional law, which can not be repealed, any attempt to do so is treason. People hating on President trump are obviously brainwashed lunatics that watch the bottom feeding CNN, which still has yet to detract their story when many other media outlets have. As far as uneducated, I have several degrees, I am not going to tote them, as far as bringing up skin co9lor UncleBuck, bigotry much?
I am not a "gun polisher" that displays his guns in an outward manifestation of insecurity, but I do own guns.

Also, I'm capable of ripping your arm off and anally raping you with it while you moan in a mix of ecstasy / agony. However I'd probably not do that unless you caught me on a really bad day.
you big bad internet guy.
You go off to hurt for nuts and berries. On your return you find me and my wife in your living room. Your wife busy cleaning up, because the place was a little untidy. You ask " what's going on here".
I reply " me and my wife are "copping" your home. " it is ours now". You look confused and bewildered while still clutching your basket of nut and berries. Your wife then ask if we are hungry. We said yes. She volunteers to make breakfast. My wife goes with her to help.
I pull out my Glock and shoot you twice in the leg. The women rush out the kitchen. I tell them not to worry, I just didn't want to get anal raped :wink:. My wife is a nurse that can remove the bullet and stop the bleeding. Your wife goes back in the kitchen to finish cooking.
After the bullets removal and the dressing of wounds we talk. The home is now mine. The land is now mine. I also take your nuts and berries and thank your wife for a wonderful breakfast. Me and the wife leave to give you time to move out...unless you ask if you can stay
The problem with our Constitutional Republic is that we let people in our nation that we have no clue what kind of person they are, this would apply to all nations or ethnicities. As far as gun toting goes, that IS the reason we have a free nation. Also this is constitutional law, which can not be repealed, any attempt to do so is treason. People hating on President trump are obviously brainwashed lunatics that watch the bottom feeding CNN, which still has yet to detract their story when many other media outlets have. As far as uneducated, I have several degrees, I am not going to tote them, as far as bringing up skin co9lor UncleBuck, bigotry much?

Another problem with the constitutional republic is it assumes consent of some people, when none was actually given.
and my grandmother should be locked up and you should have mental evaluations ASAP.
a 12 year old can not consent to sexual relations with a 31 year old. Minor cannot consent to sex with an adult. You remembering this will keep your pedo defending ass out of jail.
Need laws for people like you. Need laws enforced due to people like you
Like him? I'm not sure.

I know a lady very dear to myself who was abused by a stranger before she met my father, and created me.
She was fondled when she was 9. It was one of her mums friends, husbands. She opened up to her mother. Asked her what to do But society shuned her mum from listening to her own daughter.

My mother DID NOT SAY YES!
That's the difference.

you big bad internet guy.
You go off to hurt for nuts and berries. On your return you find me and my wife in your living room. Your wife busy cleaning up, because the place was a little untidy. You ask " what's going on here".
I reply " me and my wife are "copping" your home. " it is ours now". You look confused and bewildered while still clutching your basket of nut and berries. Your wife then ask if we are hungry. We said yes. She volunteers to make breakfast. My wife goes with her to help.
I pull out my Glock and shoot you twice in the leg. The women rush out the kitchen. I tell them not to worry, I just didn't want to get anal raped :wink:. My wife is a nurse that can remove the bullet and stop the bleeding. Your wife goes back in the kitchen to finish cooking.
After the bullets removal and the dressing of wounds we talk. The home is now mine. The land is now mine. I also take your nuts and berries and thank your wife for a wonderful breakfast. Me and the wife leave to give you time to move out...unless you ask if you can stay

If I pulled out my erm "glock" I bet your wife would tell you to run along and she'd be home "in awhile" .

Damn it man, now I see why Penthouse forum rejected your application.
The problem with our Constitutional Republic is that we let people in our nation that we have no clue what kind of person they are, this would apply to all nations or ethnicities. As far as gun toting goes, that IS the reason we have a free nation. Also this is constitutional law, which can not be repealed, any attempt to do so is treason. People hating on President trump are obviously brainwashed lunatics that watch the bottom feeding CNN, which still has yet to detract their story when many other media outlets have. As far as uneducated, I have several degrees, I am not going to tote them, as far as bringing up skin co9lor UncleBuck, bigotry much?
Amendments to the constitution are not treason
Like him? I'm not sure.

I know a lady very dear to myself who was abused by a stranger before she met my father, and created me.
She was fondled when she was 9. It was one of her mums friends, husbands. She opened up to her mother. Asked her what to do But society shuned her mum from listening to her own daughter.

My mother DID NOT SAY YES!
That's the difference.

Would it had made it right if your mom had consented ? Wtf are you saying.
Can a 10 year old Justin Bieber fan consent to sexual relations with Justin. Hell fuck no. Got laws that is against it.
@Rob Roy questions why and what age this can be allowed. He actually has defended a 12 year old being mature enough. He questions who allows the age ?
If I pulled out my erm "glock" I bet your wife would tell you to run along and she'd be home "in awhile" .

Damn it man, now I see why Penthouse forum rejected your application.
element of surprise can always outweigh the weapon when used correctly. Now drop your berries and get to moving. My land My house.
What would help you in this situation is to get out the house and use your tax dollars to call the police. You show them you are owner and they take my crazy ass to jail...which your tax dollars will help keep me from coming back. Sorry about your leg
Would it had made it right if your mom had consented ? Wtf are you saying.
Can a 10 year old Justin Bieber fan consent to sexual relations with Justin. Hell fuck no. Got laws that is against it.
@Rob Roy questions why and what age this can be allowed. He actually has defended a 12 year old being mature enough. He questions who allows the age ?

Like i say. I have no idea about Roy's life. But i know mine.
My grandmother is a strict Catholic. Whole family is.
The man who hurt my mother was Catholic too.

Both my parents are athiests. They found each other because of their beliefs.
I choose to be athiest as well.
Does this make me less superior?
I didn't fuck any girls until my mid 20's. Does this make me less superior?
I ALWAYS wait for consent! Does this make me less superior?
How about my parents for finding each other? Does this make them less superior?
How about my understanding of myself, and them? Does this make me less superior?
How about loving them for who they are? Does this make me less superior?

Im my own man. Society can go gf.


Edit: excuse me too. I meant women. I get turned on by adults my own age!
But when i was young it was my hot female teachers at school turning me on. Not all the other little girls.

Spectrums of anything, need to be recognized! NOW
I needed help. Society says no...
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The U.S. is a legal fiction and doesn't own anything thru justly acquired means, as opposed to individual people who can justly own property if certain criteria is met.

So the real question and the lump under the carpet is on what basis does a legal fiction claim ownership of anything ?

Individual people or groups of individuals with a similar and agreed upon mindset should have control over their borders, legal fictions reliant on unjust means should be disbanded for the good of mankind.
There's a baby somewhere in that bathwater Rob. Things are not bad comparatively.
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