Civil Discourse

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Just a reminder, today's topic is:

Should the US control it's borders? Why or why not?

I think that as long as there is a nanny state, the wrong people will come running. A black market for border crossing is a consequence. Many people involved in this black market are rapists and violent criminals.

Id rather remove the benefit incentives, but I'll settle for securing the border at least.
Just a reminder, today's topic is:

Should the US control it's borders? Why or why not?

I think that as long as there is a nanny state, the wrong people will come running. A black market for border crossing is a consequence. Many people involved in this black market are rapists and violent criminals.

Id rather remove the benefit incentives, but I'll settle for securing the border at least.
Yes, yes borders.

All I asked was -- Do you reject the concept that the earth's climate is warmed by the heat trapping properties of our atmosphere?
Just a reminder, today's topic is:

Should the US control it's borders? Why or why not?

I think that as long as there is a nanny state, the wrong people will come running. A black market for border crossing is a consequence. Many people involved in this black market are rapists and violent criminals.

Id rather remove the benefit incentives, but I'll settle for securing the border at least.
We already do ...why infer we don't ?
Who cares about cause. Wrongs are already written.
Let's forgive, and write some more rights!

Are you able to forgive everyone else?
Not just yourself, or followers?

Don't crucify people for being different.
I'm curious where the spin doctor will go on the climate science question. Right now he treats the subject as if it's all just a political question. As you say in your post, the wrongs ARE already made. We made the recent causes of climate change and now we must find the solution to what we have wrought.

But the spin doctor just thinks liberals are seeking advantage like Republicans are doing. I'm curious if he can come to terms with facts.
element of surprise can always outweigh the weapon when used correctly. Now drop your berries and get to moving. My land My house.
What would help you in this situation is to get out the house and use your tax dollars to call the police. You show them you are owner and they take my crazy ass to jail...which your tax dollars will help keep me from coming back. Sorry about your leg

Just a reminder, today's topic is:

Should the US control it's borders? Why or why not?

I think that as long as there is a nanny state, the wrong people will come running. A black market for border crossing is a consequence. Many people involved in this black market are rapists and violent criminals.

Id rather remove the benefit incentives, but I'll settle for securing the border at least.
If you’re worried about rape, Alaska is the rape capital of the world
Would it had made it right if your mom had consented ? Wtf are you saying.
Can a 10 year old Justin Bieber fan consent to sexual relations with Justin. Hell fuck no. Got laws that is against it.
@Rob Roy questions why and what age this can be allowed. He actually has defended a 12 year old being mature enough. He questions who allows the age ?

I don't defend what other people do or don't do, that's up to them to do.

If you or I disagree with what others do, but their actions don't involve us and their actions involve consenting parties what would you say our recourse is ?

Should we disassociate from them or threaten to kill them because we don't like what they're doing ?
Are you willing to murder a person for doing something you don't approve of ?
So, if you were lost in the wilderness but didn't have a fishing license, you'd gnaw your own arm first before you dared to catch a fish? That's very obedient of you.
Nope wouldn’t have to, I have a licence lol. You do like to take things to the extreme to prove a nonexistent point don’t you.
Oh and not sure about where you are but our laws allow for the taking of game in a survival situation
Nope wouldn’t have to, I have a licence lol. You do like to take things to the extreme to prove a nonexistent point don’t you.

So, if you were lost in the wilderness in a place you didn't have "THEIR license"...chomp chomp chomp on your arm ?

Also do you think Cavemen should have gotten fire permits before rubbing two sticks together ?
So, if you were lost in the wilderness in a place you didn't have "THEIR license"...chomp chomp chomp on your arm ?

Also do you think Cavemen should have gotten fire permits before rubbing two sticks together ?
Nope I would do what I needed to survive and live with whatever consequences there were. And with a population of 100 cavemen they really didn’t need a permit unless they wanted to fund a fire dept and buy a truck. Then yes a permit would be good.
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