Cloning from Fan Leaves

stems will form,then new leaves and so wont be roots forever, plants need to reproduce....its like u guys are afraid of trying new things....its just tissue culture, shit its not brain surgery

so where is the fuckin' proof then??? do you realize how old this thread is? did you even read the whole thread?? someone PLEASE proof me wrong....and your right, it's not brain surgery. so stop makingf it seem like it is. go ahead and clone your fan leaf and come back in a few weeks with pics of the whole process. I'll be waiting eagerly. and exactly where is this stem supposed to come out of???? if it could've been done, the OP or anyone who thinks it can be done would have proven so already. people in this thread have already tried and failed. HELLO
there is tissue culture which is different from what the OP was talkinga bout..
if you guys want to see an example of tissue culture check out this HERE
im sorry, im not in the habbit of looking at the date of these posts, going on other peoples experiments it NEEDS to be agar, but it can be done; just with the right method
like any other experiment.

just close this thread ta hell! to prevent people like me annoying other people
this tread has been going on for 3 years and still no can talk hypothetical all you want show me a fucking rooted leaf and ill believe you i just went through 21 pages of this and did not see anything but some dead leaves.............. not trying to knock it but if i tell you i know how to root a nugg after ive already dried and cured it best believe ima have some pixx of a nugg growing roots
I for one have learned something from this thread.
the problem with cloning fan leaves is that when you make it root, it still wants to act like a fan leaf, drawing nutes from the stem (or roots in this case) to make energy through photosynthesis....ya need to cut it up ad do it on agar so that it acts more like a regular cell culture...and for this you need aseptic conditions.
I for one have learned something from this thread.
the problem with cloning fan leaves is that when you make it root, it still wants to act like a fan leaf, drawing nutes from the stem (or roots in this case) to make energy through photosynthesis....ya need to cut it up ad do it on agar so that it acts more like a regular cell culture...and for this you need aseptic conditions.
i'm positive it's been mentioned before. why root something that isn't going to produce bud? lol..........
My god,this mess isnt dead yet .

Im pretty sure we concluded that the woomister was out in left feild on this deal.
im like 10% shitty that i didnt know about this method of cloning HOWEVER-

every site i googled about tissue cloning culture(3) said that you need "A very specialized laboratory is required for tissue culture. All the procedures are done in a laboratory and special ventilated cabinet that is as sterile as an operating room" and it takes 8 fuckign weeks to get a seedling from it.

surely a person with a degree in botony would know this.

chalk this up to another misinformed chob trying to spread incorrect information and try to look smart(SUPRISE)

FYI- no one like you, or your angry, input. And another thing, you are a joke for majoring in psychology, LMAO. Sorry shrinks, you and lawyers are 99 percent SCUM!
wooo im here 3 years later its like time travel...once i cloned a baby and planted it in hydro fed it good and 10 weeks later it gave me 10 pounds of baby shyt dried and cured
Forget what all the haters say, I've gotten healthy clones both ways. I once buried a whole node with a fan leaf sticking up, with the top and bottom 1/2 inch of the stem under soil and it totally worked!
O.K., I've read the first 12 pages then skipped directly to the last page to find out if WooooMeistterrr is absolutely full of shit; or can you clone a leaf to be a plant in a week (as he claimed) by some 'simple' process; or what???

The above post tells me the answer is more than likely 'No'...I didn't think so...
Annoying at best.

I have a great idea:
Top Ten List of how WoooMeisterrr can clone a plant from a leaf....!:fire:
Top Ten List of how WoooMeisterrr can clone a plant from a leaf....!

#1. Hire a Witch Doctor from New Guinea....