Cloning from Fan Leaves

eta till woomeister pulls the 'im not telling you guys how to do it because youre all soooo mean!'

I am not obliged to give morons like yourself any information url's or otherwise.


as for the rest of your post- i posted my salary because its fucking shitty as hell yet i have plenty of ways to take pics. you claim youre retired pre 40 and have the secret to some unheard of cloning method that can get a rooted clone from a fan leaf in 1 week... you obv must be ballin. why not splurge $60 and go to best buy and buy a camera today? wait... could it be its because youre full of shit?? i dont think thats a stretch of the imagination.

what about all these people who have been nice to you and defended you this entire thread. why cant you simply say the technical name of this cloning method so these kind souls can look up the information and research it for themselves? your rational makes no sense at all.

Anways, i wish you luck in your future endevors. next time read up on shit you try to share with people here. no one likes some rtard who claims hes something that he isnt and tries to spread false information about techniques they know nothing about. just because you can copypasta info from wikipedia doesnt mean you have a degree in botony.
yep, just because of how often and much i smoke i rarely am about to enjoy a bag of the croncron. maybe one day i can invent a super secret cloning technique and retire early.
well I was on board to be shown but I can see now this one will weasel away when it came down to show and prove but as it looks we wont get any proof or lesson here just ansubstantiated claim of a great new technique but the claimer would rather let skeptics right then simply show them up and show thier knowledge with others willing to learn from it.My clone cutting always root 3-5 days so this way takes longer if it truely would work but it could be used to get more clones faster since you only get 50-100 per mommy at a time
to me it seems like someone told dude about tissue cloning culture but exaggerated some aspects and left out others. then dude decided to come here and look like a pro, and when he was called out on it tried to cover his tracks.

as for tissue cloning culture, it does look cool. i havent seen anything online about using that method of cloning for marijuana(prob because every site that explains it compares it to a surgical procedure that has to be done in a completely sterile environment) and can take 8 weeks to get an actual rooted clone. it seems this technique is pretty much only for the mass prodution of crops like tobacco and the likes
Id still love to see him come back and post pics of this in action but Im not gonna hold my breath as it being what was claimed
Well idk how reliable this info is to you, but my friend has told me of his friend that was able to clone a plant with a fan leave. He apparently cut it off, planted it, and I guess it really is possible. Never really know till you try though. Theres always the old fashioned way.
you know what I'm gona try it to see for my self if its gona root ir not and let you guys know I'll even take 6 cuttings and see if any of them do grow heck I'll even post pics once a day or every 2 days if I have to
Exactly, why re-invent the wheel?

The manner or character of a dogmatist is arrogance or positiveness in stating opinion.
Thus I am implying that all of the negative, arrogant, opinionated replys to a very interesting post are based on ignorance as those who doubt most often do not "know'. The quote has not a damn thing to do with re-inventing the wheel.
The manner or character of a dogmatist is arrogance or positiveness in stating opinion.
Thus I am implying that all of the negative, arrogant, opinionated replys to a very interesting post are based on ignorance as those who doubt most often do not "know'. The quote has not a damn thing to do with re-inventing the wheel.
Say all the phillisophical shit you want, all I know is waiting 8 weeks for a clone is ignorant!

Hey, did you know you could walk on your hands???
Say all the phillisophical shit you want, all I know is waiting 8 weeks for a clone is ignorant!

Hey, did you know you could walk on your hands???

Doubting a method you are unfamiliar with beacuse you believe you are some sort of grow guru is arrogant and ignorant. What is wrong with a little mature discussion about peoples experience and knowlege??? I do not recall the gentleman ever discussing that the proposed method was better or faster than traditional cloning...only different and perhaps stressing the plant less. This site is about learning, not calling rat every time you read something you are not familiar with. For some of us, who grow for fun, and don't really care how long it takes, are very excited to try a new method. Keep your blinders on sir, keep your mind closed and refuse to expand your knowledge...seems it is your mantra.
your wasting your time flowergirl......

you should know by now that people don't change their bullheaded ways of thinking... people are not open-minded... save your breath ( or fingers since your typing). I totally agree with you though
I'm new to the site, but an old hand at growing -hydro and soil and I would just be interested to know if anybody other than me clones from fan leaves?
From what I can see everyone has theories on how old the plant should be, how many nodes up the plant etc etc. As a degree holder in botany I would just like to say forget all the hype use fan leaves and get great stocky clones with roots after 1 week!!!
When I get a camera sorted I will post pictures.

this is his first post.

as you can see he is trying to say that he can get a rooted clone from a fan leaf in 1 week. this is not possible. he tries to give false information about being a degree holder in botony to back up his claim. forget the hype and try my way? how is this not saying that his technique is 'better' than the tried and true method? just because someone posts some texts on the internet doesnt mean its true. his claims have absolutly no valididy and he cant even provide us with a name for his mysterious cloning technique.

if this post would have been 'hey guys i know youre all fimiliar with regular cloning techniques, but has anyone tried this way? sure it can take a little longer but i prefer this method' and then posted some relevant information or visual aids to back up his methods, i sure wouldnt have jumped on his case so much.

are you also going to defend me if i tell you that pouring bleach on my clones give me super amazing growth rate? how about if i tell you im a master chemist and botonist? if im posting it on the internet it must be true? try using a little common sense.
are you also going to defend me if i tell you that pouring bleach on my clones give me super amazing growth rate? how about if i tell you im a master chemist and botonist? if im posting it on the internet it must be true? try using a little common sense.

i sure would if people jumped on you the way that people have jumped on him... who fucking cares if he's wrong or right. that doesn't give you the right to tear him apart... if you don't think it's possible or whatever then don't say anything at all. is there really a reason people have to be a fuckin dick to him? i mean come on..... give me one real reason to jump on the guy.
i sure would if people jumped on you the way that people have jumped on him... who fucking cares if he's wrong or right. that doesn't give you the right to tear him apart... if you don't think it's possible or whatever then don't say anything at all. is there really a reason people have to be a fuckin dick to him? i mean come on..... give me one real reason to jump on the guy.

1. ignorance...
or simply nothing better to do than challange the education and experiences of others because he is running through his life with blinders on.
Nothing like having a battle of wits with an unarmed person......
Wish people could just accept that there are other methods besides what they have used and quit picking fights with those offering information.