Cloning from Fan Leaves

your right flowergurl, and also prooved my point, there is no good reason to jump all over the guy.... people need to live and let live without interfearing... open up their mind every once in awhile and take in something new.
hey lets all talk wit really big words and pretend we're not all pot heads jus lookin for a fine smoke

are you saying that potheads aren't smart? there are plenty of really smart potheads, smoking pot does not affect your vocabulary and IQ.... so why is it that you think we're trying to be smart by using those words?
Having a degree in advanced botanical studies and horticultural sciences is far from retarded my ignorant friend.LOL:confused:
I fully agree it is far from Retarded it is probably the best thing to have while growning i would love to see how you do the clone from a leaf because i am working with 5 other people and non of us have grown before but i have read everything i can for like the last year to try to teach myself and now it is the hands on part i am doing so please any information that you can share will be well coveted on my part. You must love plants to have taken all of those botony classes and all the other needed classes to get your degree.

I have a friend who doesn't have his degree in botony but he works with plants every day and last i heard was looking into getting his degree so congrats to you.
lets pretend we're highly educated inviduals with multiple degrees in everything then come onto this website and be like YO IM SMARTER THAN YA AND KNOW EVERYTHING LISTEN TO ME BITCHES, cause thats what im seein. y cant we jus sit down and be like ya man that sounds like an awesome idea, how'd ya do it again? not be like YO THAT IS SUCH BULLSHIT WE'VE TRIED EVERYTHING ALREADY NOW AY WE COULD BE WRONG
lets pretend we're highly educated inviduals with multiple degrees in everything then come onto this website and be like YO IM SMARTER THAN YA AND KNOW EVERYTHING LISTEN TO ME BITCHES, cause thats what im seein. y cant we jus sit down and be like ya man that sounds like an awesome idea, how'd ya do it again? not be like YO THAT IS SUCH BULLSHIT WE'VE TRIED EVERYTHING ALREADY NOW AY WE COULD BE WRONG
ok, thank you for clearing that up.... i see your saying the same thing flowergurl and I have been saying.
So these new plants shoot up from the veins of the leaf? So you could get a bunch of 'clones' from 1 leaf right? How come I have never heard of this? And where are those pictures?
now i just saw this sort of thing but they were not growing weed some other garden plant and they pined it down to vermiclit? and kept it wet. now will it work on weed got no idea./
hey lets all talk wit really big words and pretend we're not all pot heads jus lookin for a fine smoke

If smoking on weekends and one or two nights a week after work makes me a pot be it.
If using grandiose enigmatic elocution befuddles your diminutive vernacular adroitness, then maybe you are a pot head and need to put down the bong and do some reading.

He read, he said, to know.
Bernard Malamud
lets pretend we're highly educated inviduals with multiple degrees in everything then come onto this website and be like YO IM SMARTER THAN YA AND KNOW EVERYTHING LISTEN TO ME BITCHES, cause thats what im seein. y cant we jus sit down and be like ya man that sounds like an awesome idea, how'd ya do it again? not be like YO THAT IS SUCH BULLSHIT WE'VE TRIED EVERYTHING ALREADY NOW AY WE COULD BE WRONG

Thank you for the clarity...and apologize for the slam...just trying to defend the poor guy for trying to share. I see our in agreement.
1. ignorance...
or simply nothing better to do than challange the education and experiences of others because he is running through his life with blinders on.
Nothing like having a battle of wits with an unarmed person......
Wish people could just accept that there are other methods besides what they have used and quit picking fights with those offering information.
now i gonna say sorry right of the bat
but i am a painter and every thing is step by step and all the union painters they all paint the same way. until some new painter comes along and thinks hes got a better way.but its not better they just think it is.

to me growing is a prosses just like painting step by step if you want to change some steps fine but dont expect me to change some thing that i have been doing for years. and when i meet some other union growers they all do it the same way, weather they went to school of botany or not.

i dont want to sound harsh
now i gonna say sorry right of the bat
but i am a painter and every thing is step by step and all the union painters they all paint the same way. until some new painter comes along and thinks hes got a better way.but its not better they just think it is.

to me growing is a prosses just like painting step by step if you want to change some steps fine but dont expect me to change some thing that i have been doing for years. and when i meet some other union growers they all do it the same way, weather they went to school of botany or not.

i dont want to sound harsh

Once upon a time there was a painter who painted with a brush just like his father and his fathers father had done. One day a new painter came in and said" you need to check out my new idea!" I have designed a contraption that uses a hydraulically powered pump that forces paint into and through tiny openings at extremely high pressures. The result? A much faster way of completing a project along with a smoother, more even finish. The other painters thought the idea preposterous...what...air???? No friggin way... we have always and will always use a brush as this is the only and best method we know. So, the guy took his creation and revolutionized the painting world saving millions time and providing the world with a smoother finish!!!! Yay.....
Once upon a time there was a painter who painted with a brush just like his father and his fathers father had done. One day a new painter came in and said" you need to check out my new idea!" I have designed a contraption that uses a hydraulically powered pump that forces paint into and through tiny openings at extremely high pressures. The result? A much faster way of completing a project along with a smoother, more even finish. The other painters thought the idea preposterous...what...air???? No friggin way... we have always and will always use a brush as this is the only and best method we know. So, the guy took his creation and revolutionized the painting world saving millions time and providing the world with a smoother finish!!!! Yay.....
Hey, now your thinking!!! Only problem is this method is like putting down this revolutionary technology and picking up the paint brush!

Here's a quote for you... Some people are so far behind, they think they are winning the race.:peace::joint::peace:
Hey, now your thinking!!! Only problem is this method is like putting down this revolutionary technology and picking up the paint brush!

Here's a quote for you... Some people are so far behind, they think they are winning the race.:peace::joint::peace:

Based on YOUR experience...this is what YOU believe. Do you have scientific data to back up your theory?
lol i to am a painter and being a critic of everything as well i am pondering the fact of a HYDROLIC powered spray gun lol im not sure they made one for a quality finish something about hydrolic fluid and paint just dont sit right with me....


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Ok so, wither or not painters paint the same way or not, and wither or not there is a better way to paint really doesn't matter. You might say the union does it all one way now, but I gaurentee 15 - 20 years from now if you're still in that union you'll still all be doing it one way but it will be better than what you are doing now, you just haven't seen it yet and aren't creative enough to comprehend it on your own. What matters is this is a FORUM where people are supposed to share INFORMATION. You came here to learn, I'm pretty sure we all did. Now that someone is suggesting something new that you haven't heard of you think that all of a sudden you've learned all there is to learn and he's wrong and can't teach you anymore. Even if this deosn't work for pot and his cloning idea goes tits up I still learned that this is possible on other plants, something I didn't know before I hit this thread. But I've also learned that a lot of people on this site are just here to harass people. Don't piss this guy off before he even has his chance to show us what he's talking about. This is how inventions are created and the painting is revolutionized... it's called experimenting.
Nothing yet, but how long have you had an E-Z clone? What was easiest before that? Everything gets more and more advanced, we just need people to think up the new ideas, and that wont happen if we all tell them they're idiots.