Cloning in a Cup of Water

Just got a cut from a plant and hoping to clone with this method, but I have a question, I took a cut from a friends plant and did the 45 degree cut and the scrape and put it in tap water, but on the way to my house some stupid kid suddenly just jetted out of the sidewalk with his bike so i had to slam on the breaks, and doing so, it spilled my cup, and it was out of water for a good 3 minutes, will this affect it much?
Yea true. I've completely forgot to water some cuts they got droopy looked dead once I put the water back in they bounce rite back up.
Not a problem just stay diligent from here on out.
Lolz they are only rules to be used as guidelines to ensure the greatest success. On a real note tho these plants are only weeds and are very forgiveing best of luck. Peace.
Today while changing out the water for my clone, I noticed the stem started browning a bit, I'm a bit worried, is this normal, should I cut the plant again, or just scrap it?
Sounds like you might have scraped a little heavily. I've done that before myself. Personally I don't even scrape anymore. I'd say cutting the stem was the right choice. How often are you changing the water? Is it in a clear or opaque cup? Does the cut still look healthy up top?

I've had a few that get a little brown stemmed and soft but still make it. I wouldn't give up yet. She's still trying to take root as long as the leaves look at all healthy.
I change the water everyday. The top leaves are still healthy looking, they kind of seemed to have gotten better after the cut, they got greener and the smell intensified and it's a very Guava like smell, the cup is one of those Styrofoam cups, should I just use a party cup?
Honestly I think If u want 100 percent clone rate on ur particular clone. U need to just leave it alone. Forgot to mention its not really Even Necessary to scrape I've Gotten just as good results just cutting and popping them into some tapwater. Some plants Just root more aggressively than Others there's. Nothing U can Do About it except have patience. They will grow Roots eventually that all just really depends on how strong the mom plant is being cut and when the Cut is being taken I believe regardless of anything Else There is a prime point when cuts should be taken to achieve The best and fastest Results u just have to figure that out as u go with ur particular Strain. Last time I cloned in a cup of water I took the cut n walked around with it in my mouth before it made it To the water cause I Was busy n couldn't get to it quick Enuff. Also I don't Pay attention to browning and mushy stalks anymore. Cause if u leave them in the water long eenuff they will clone regardless Just leave them alone. Afterall n ill repeat it again. Far as I know This Method was concieved with just cutting a plant putting it on a window sill and allowing it to Root from there. My rules where only set in place long after the fact after many experiments to try n help peeps clone a Plant to there best ability shareing trix I Learned along The way cloneing with this method. Patience is the virtue. A plant is gonna clone itself given even The Least of the best elements described. Peace n hope it helps
Thanks onthedl and hemp4victory. I don't think I thanked you two properly before but thanks again. I'll pay more attention to it and stop worrying so much. I guess I was just a bit impatient.
hi there, might be a dumb question but about the light cycles, do i give the new clones 12/12 light when in da cups? and when i transplant them to pots 18/6 light or what?
So my plant just died after sprouting a bit of root at the bottom, I thought I could save it but sadly I couldn't. But at least it gave me the confidence to be able to clone with just water, some root hormone and some sun. Again thanks to both of you and even though my poor plant is dead, I couldn't be happier with this small amount of experience. Next time I'll worry, touch, and inspect it less and allow it to root in peace.
It grew root and then died? That is quite odd. I've never had one die once it starts to root. That's very unfortunate. Glad to hear that you feel like you learned something though. Knowledge is by far the most valuable thing you can possess. It's something that will always be yours.
Yeah, it rooted, but the top leafs were already yellowing. I put it in some soil and watered it, and it pretty much died a day later. It was a bit bitter sweet, but like I said, it was a learning experience for me. Hopefully I'll be able to clone the White Widow I ordered from herbies
You have to make sure a plant from seed is sexually mature before you try to clone it. I find it doesn't root well at all if it hasn't shown you boy/girl yet.