Well-Known Member
how about that dry weight homey? my very first dwc bucket just weighed in at 5 dry zips! i never even got close to that in dirt man.
Hey dude, :)

Ill be weighing in Sunday Night, and Ill let cha' know..

I know its over 2lbs.. That I'll tell ya..

5 buckets and 4 soils..

We'll see :)


Well-Known Member
Always great to follow your play by play CG.

I've found that AN is pretty stable too, but it's always good to see what others are finding with other nutes...just in case my nute place runs out. They did a few months back and I was tiiiicked.

Gonna keep looking you up....


Hey Thanks Man,

Glad you like the show :)

It is interesting watching the other journals around here.

Im totally into Learning about upgrading stuff and perfecting my op.

Fascinating indeed.

Please come back soon.

Have a nice day, and a much better evening, CG :bigjoint:


Active Member
About the give my DWC experiment a run. Got my airstones today. They are suprisingly hard to find not one of the 4 hydro stores in my town carries them. But petco does lol they only had 4 though the other 4 I had to order off a online hydro store. Also got my airpump, industiral size air pump that is. This one pump can run all 8 of my sites with ease it has a splitter on it. The only thing I was not to thrilled with was running the 2 different types of stones. The ones I got at the pet store were 5" and the hydro store were 4" and diff manufacture's... i guess it really doesnt matter i just like everything to be symmetrical Im just OCD like that. But i did a side by side with the 2 different round airstones in buckets of water to see how well they put out air bubbles and I have to say these things kick the sh*t out of normal airstones its like night and day but the smaller 4" actually put out more bubbles (they were a little more expensive so there prob better made so that might have somethign to do with it and also they are made by a company that specializes in hydroponics products not goldfish tanks like the other lol ) but yeah these things were spilling water out of my buckets they were kicking out so much bubbles the buckets were filled about 4 or 5 inches from the top too crazy.


Well-Known Member
About the give my DWC experiment a run. Got my airstones today. They are suprisingly hard to find not one of the 4 hydro stores in my town carries them. But petco does lol they only had 4 though the other 4 I had to order off a online hydro store. Also got my airpump, industiral size air pump that is. This one pump can run all 8 of my sites with ease it has a splitter on it. The only thing I was not to thrilled with was running the 2 different types of stones. The ones I got at the pet store were 5" and the hydro store were 4" and diff manufacture's... i guess it really doesnt matter i just like everything to be symmetrical Im just OCD like that. But i did a side by side with the 2 different round airstones in buckets of water to see how well they put out air bubbles and I have to say these things kick the sh*t out of normal airstones its like night and day but the smaller 4" actually put out more bubbles (they were a little more expensive so there prob better made so that might have somethign to do with it and also they are made by a company that specializes in hydroponics products not goldfish tanks like the other lol ) but yeah these things were spilling water out of my buckets they were kicking out so much bubbles the buckets were filled about 4 or 5 inches from the top too crazy.

Hell yea G,

Sounds like you got it together.

I hear ya on the OCD.

Im the same.

In fact I had to find the EXACT same stones for my flowering buckets, or forget it.

Thats interesting about the 4" stone.

I have the same one in my dwc cloner, and it does ROCK a little bit more than my 5" Stones.. I agree.

I just got the 4" secured(siliconed) to my bucket a few days ago, and it fizzles away.

I hope the silicone wont fuck with my plants.. hmmmmmm.

You got the right stuff bro, and Im wishing you superb growth.

Grow on!!! Its gonna Rock you and your plants World!!! ;-)

Keep me informed if you start a journal k? CG :)


Well-Known Member
Ph is something else.

The other day I was panicking over how my plants looked.

A lil pale, and out of it.

I was about to say to hell with hydro..

Then, a few days later, they look terrific.

Problem= "PH"
Remedy=Ph up

If your growing hydro, always make sure your ph is between 5.8-6.3.

That seems to be the best levels for my Girls.

Also, THE "LUCAS FORMULA" is Awesome!!!!!! :)

Classical Music, co2, 1k rays... SPOILED!!!

Have a great evening RIU!!!!! :bigjoint:

P.S. I think I mastered the art of growing mini-tree's in a bedroom!:weed:

It aint so bad afterall ;-)


Active Member
Hell yea G,

Sounds like you got it together.

I hear ya on the OCD.

Im the same.

In fact I had to find the EXACT same stones for my flowering buckets, or forget it.

Thats interesting about the 4" stone.

I have the same one in my dwc cloner, and it does ROCK a little bit more than my 5" Stones.. I agree.

I just got the 4" secured(siliconed) to my bucket a few days ago, and it fizzles away.

I hope the silicone wont fuck with my plants.. hmmmmmm.

You got the right stuff bro, and Im wishing you superb growth.

Grow on!!! Its gonna Rock you and your plants World!!! ;-)

Keep me informed if you start a journal k? CG :)
I really dont see the silicone having any ill effects on your plants at all as long as its dried before you put your plants in there I mean they use silicone to put together fish tanks and fish and other aquatic plants in those all seem to do fine.
But yeah Im def gonna start a journal Im just waiting on the babies and then I will be good to go. Ill let you know.


Well-Known Member
Glad to hear your plants are looking better CG and it looks like you got them bitches tied up into submission. Keep us posted on the Lucas formula, I may try it out on my next grow.


Well-Known Member
I really dont see the silicone having any ill effects on your plants at all as long as its dried before you put your plants in there I mean they use silicone to put together fish tanks and fish and other aquatic plants in those all seem to do fine.
But yeah Im def gonna start a journal Im just waiting on the babies and then I will be good to go. Ill let you know.
Yea, I used some marine epoxy before the silicone...

Didnt hold.. loosened up..So, I went with clear silicone.

Applied nicely, and cured within 12 hours.

So far so good :)


Well-Known Member
Glad to hear your plants are looking better CG and it looks like you got them bitches tied up into submission. Keep us posted on the Lucas formula, I may try it out on my next grow.
They sure are :)

I tied em up and told em they better give me Banana Cola's or else! :twisted:

Lucas has been good to em'.


Active Member
Hey Closetgrowth, great grow you have here, I've learned alot and I've been thinking of something similar to have 16 flowering.

What do you think of this setup I drew out? (ignore the bottom veg area, I have a different setup planned)

(4) 35 gallon containers w/ 4 staggered 5" net pots (more water would mean extra costs with nutes, but maybe save on buying pumps/buckets/air stones n such...)

also might be a little crammed, but I was thinking of possibly spreading the containers farther from each other, and using a ScrOG to pull them towards the middle of the (2) 600w cool tubes I plan on using.

Do you think that $65 air pump with 4 outlet hoses could run one line to each container? and say (2) 12" air stones in each container be enough?

Let me know what you guys think, and if there are possibly other ways to make it more efficient.



Well-Known Member
It looks like it'll work out :)

but I believe you need more air.

Id say more like one GH Dual diaphragm pump per container.


Active Member
Cool, thanks for the recommendations.

I'm thinking maybe 1 GH Dual pump for 2 buckets..then I could have 2 hoses going to each bucket, and those connected to the 12" air stones.

As yours sits now with all those buckets, would you say my container idea is good? I would only have to change the water for 4 containers, instead of 16 buckets...Seems easier (to build as well), I would just be limited to how I could move them around...

In the end I'm just wondering...are 4 containers more efficient than 16 buckets?


Well-Known Member
Had some serious issues with my hydrofarms Co2 reg today, and so I upgraded to the C.A.P. Reg-1.

Much higher quality than the old one.

My relay was getting stuck "on" which dumped way too much Co2...Dangerous!:o

I said Fuck that, Lets do something about this problem, like NOW.

This reg. is a "must have"

Since I installed it, Everything is up and running in harmony, the way it should be.

I dont mind putting money into my growroom.

The more money you put into your setup, the better things will look in the end..

Afterall, its about yield, and of course quality.

I dont cut corners.

Lets do this right, or not at all. :bigjoint:

Now, Im looking into adding a control res. :hump:


Well-Known Member
Cool, thanks for the recommendations.

I'm thinking maybe 1 GH Dual pump for 2 buckets..then I could have 2 hoses going to each bucket, and those connected to the 12" air stones.

As yours sits now with all those buckets, would you say my container idea is good? I would only have to change the water for 4 containers, instead of 16 buckets...Seems easier (to build as well), I would just be limited to how I could move them around...

In the end I'm just wondering...are 4 containers more efficient than 16 buckets?

Well, I like the bucket idea myself because the roots have ample space to spread out, instead of crowding roots/plants within a single container.

I dunno bro, maybe you should reconsider doing a dwc bucket gig with a big ol controller bucket.

But, there are the pro's and cons with every growing style.

Its up to you. ;-)


Well-Known Member
Now, Im looking into adding a control res. :hump:
I really like my little 4 bucket system with the control tank. It makes so much easier to control your pH levels and ppm in each grow bucket.

I've been experiencing minor problems with my meter in the single 5 gallon bucket that I'm using right now for my single lady. Sometimes the probes are getting into the roots and making my meter jump all over the place and making it hard to get a true reading. It all depends on the water level. When the res is full it jumps all over the place but when it's down about a gallon it works perfect.

I'll be glad when this grow is over so I can go back to my four bucket system.



Well-Known Member
thats the same regulator i've got. almost a year with mine and no problems yet. so you're thinking about a controller bucket? 55gal? i guess i havent looked into how it works.


Well-Known Member
I really like my little 4 bucket system with the control tank. It makes so much easier to control your pH levels and ppm in each grow bucket.

I've been experiencing minor problems with my meter in the single 5 gallon bucket that I'm using right now for my single lady. Sometimes the probes are getting into the roots and making my meter jump all over the place and making it hard to get a true reading. It all depends on the water level. When the res is full it jumps all over the place but when it's down about a gallon it works perfect.

I'll be glad when this grow is over so I can go back to my four bucket system.

Good morning Dropa,

I like your setup brah.

I wish I could see a dwc bucket system all put together with a controller, so that I could get an idea of how its assembled.

It would be much better to see it in person, but thats probably not gonna happen.

Do you have any links that explains how to add a controller bucket step by step????


Well-Known Member
thats the same regulator i've got. almost a year with mine and no problems yet. so you're thinking about a controller bucket? 55gal? i guess i havent looked into how it works.
Yea, might as well.

Either I do that, or go back to soil w/ co2... Plain and simple.

My bucket rez temps have been scaring me lately.

Got up to 79 degrees yesterday.

As you know, To benefit from the Co2 you have to have lots of heat and humidity so that the somata(sp?) will open up and take it in.

But, the high heat isn't the best for the root zone.

I have used a lil peroxide the last few days, and it really has stabilized my Ph.
And made my roots white as can be.

Just like you told me a few weeks back..remember D?

I might have had some bad bacteria in dem' buckets.

The ph of the buckets are all between 6.0-6.3 which is fine and dandy.

Anyways, Yea the new reg is a piece of art.

Very nicely designed, and so precise.

Straight up professional.

That hydrofarm reg was kinda hoky, and cheap lookin' from the get go..

The hydrofarm Reg/flowmeter got stuck one time too many.. Had to deal with it, and replace it fast.

Not worth losing my whole crop.

Also, Might upgrade the hydro innovations co2 controller I got here, to the new digigro digital c02 controller.

No calibration required.

And gives you an exact digital co2 reading at a glance... Not just leds.

Another thing, It doesn't have blue led lights. Like the one I have now.

What a design flaw eh? blue lights in a growroom?

What were they thinking?.. green lights maybe.. hmmmm

The designer must of been baked.

Aight folks, Im gonna get some breakfast, Peace. CG :)


Well-Known Member
Good morning Dropa,

I like your setup brah.

I wish I could see a dwc bucket system all put together with a controller, so that I could get an idea of how its assembled.

It would be much better to see it in person, but thats probably not gonna happen.

Do you have any links that explains how to add a controller bucket step by step????
No not really but they are easy enough. You would need at least like a 55 gallon reservoir for your control tank. Then you would have to connect all your buckets together in line with your tank.

Here is a pic that I drew myself to demonstrate what you would have to do. I said 30 to 40 gallons in the picture but you would have to have a 55 gallon or even bigger. It would just depend on how many grow buckets you have linked together.

Just say you have the eight as shown in the picture. Each one with 4 gallons of water X 8 would be 32 gallons. Plus you would need the equal amount in the control tank to to maintain your water level. So you would need 64 total gallons of water to start off with. Once you get your res all pHed and you ppm set you release the shut off valve and the water will flow through your system filling your buckets with 32 gallons of water left in your control tank.

The hardest part would be to link all the buckets together. If it were me I would go with all 1/2 inch PVC but you can use 1/2 in rubber hose with rubber grommets that you can buy at Lowes. I just tried to buy some the other day but they had every size but the one I needed.


Well-Known Member
No not really but they are easy enough. You would need at least like a 55 gallon reservoir for your control tank. Then you would have to connect all your buckets together in line with your tank.

Here is a pic that I drew myself to demonstrate what you would have to do. I said 30 to 40 gallons in the picture but you would have to have a 55 gallon or even bigger. It would just depend on how many grow buckets you have linked together.

Just say you have the eight as shown in the picture. Each one with 4 gallons of water X 8 would be 32 gallons. Plus you would need the equal amount in the control tank to to maintain your water level. So you would need 64 total gallons of water to start off with. Once you get your res all pHed and you ppm set you release the shut off valve and the water will flow through your system filling your buckets with 32 gallons of water left in your control tank.

The hardest part would be to link all the buckets together. If it were me I would go with all 1/2 inch PVC but you can use 1/2 in rubber hose with rubber grommets that you can buy at Lowes. I just tried to buy some the other day but they had every size but the one I needed.
Ok, Im gettin' it now... :hump:

You would be surprised to know that there are no good sites on adding a control bucket to dwc bubblers.

Aight, I may pm ya on a few questions if ya dont mind.