Club 600

Thanks COF. That was my guess. She's a beauty. I'm guessing a good ten weeker? I switched to 12/12 without any sign of sex, they were quite young.
Well I take it winter is over for us LOL, shit is melting fast, rivers of melt everywhere. I had to move the trucks to the driveway before they sunk into the yard, the 1 ton front tires were sunk in 1 1/2 feet. Did a little truck pull with the Ram and presto, then I found the right front wheel locked up, screw it I dragged it a bit lol. The heavy's are on pavement now and I'm in the chair for the rest of the day. Wife will be a little pissed I have been way overdoing things the last few days.
I finally got a female Qrazy Quake, and a nice short busy male too. I switched to Jacks Classic 20-20-20 and the plants love it, the last two weeks have had great growth rates. I guess the berry project is on hold lol, I saw a chunk of perilite not root lol I must have been ripped. Still just a seed sitting there I may put it in paper towel tonight if it hasnt cracked or try and pop a few more. The seed tent is going to get a bit tight, but were making seeds so I don't think it will hurt much.

Hydro sorry to hear about your grandmother, it's never easy loosing loved ones, thoughts and prayers for your family.
Thanks guys! Really means alot.. I tottally got your message Jig. She is a source of pure goodness to me. Really wish i had payed it back better. But wont we always? I will use her way of holding a hand and making it warm. To try and keep something that i have loved all my life to pass on. Might sound strange but i am high as fuuuuuuuck!
I used alot of effort to make friends believe i was only turning 29.. Got a call from a m8 like: WTF! You lying piece of shizz! Just wait!.
I laughed my ass off cause they had no time to plan any. But as soon as a pal saw on facebook all the post's said 30 he called up the lads. Damn fuckers have blocked the driveway! Ill have to have this shit sitting for a hole month!
Argh sorry had to take down the pics.. Right click search similar on google and you will find my facebook page..
Freaking fun! I was really surprised seeing them roll up with that monster.. What a day.. Im so done..
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sup everybody that knows me.. still no sign of doobs? don't feel like searchin threw.. Im not on the computer as I used to but I should be around seeing as its bought to be spring here so im germinateing.. iv realized iv been so concentrated on my own breeding that Im loosing valuable genetics due to time, germ rate going down.. fuck I hope some of them pull threw.. its about 3 years right?4 they stay in about 70 degrees give or take
Damn hydro. You're friends are alright. Crazy... but cool.

And it's Sweet mate. Sweat collects in your armpits.

No doobie around droman. I fucking hate it. I wish we knew what was going on.
Hahahha i just had a vision of me squirting from my armpits. Revenge will be sweat lol Thanks :) Yeah they are cool. 2 left work as soon as they found out. Maybe i was a prick for letting them think i only turned 29 but i was really affraid of what they would do :) Glad i did not get 15kg of bird seeds in the garden..
Gonna be sweet with some sleep. I feel like ive been up for 2 days..
Catch ya laters