Club 600

Thanks guys! Really means alot.. I tottally got your message Jig. She is a source of pure goodness to me. Really wish i had payed it back better. But wont we always? I will use her way of holding a hand and making it warm. To try and keep something that i have loved all my life to pass on. Might sound strange but i am high as fuuuuuuuck!
I used alot of effort to make friends believe i was only turning 29.. Got a call from a m8 like: WTF! You lying piece of shizz! Just wait!.
I laughed my ass off cause they had no time to plan any. But as soon as a pal saw on facebook all the post's said 30 he called up the lads. Damn fuckers have blocked the driveway! Ill have to have this shit sitting for a hole month!
Argh sorry had to take down the pics.. Right click search similar on google and you will find my facebook page..
Freaking fun! I was really surprised seeing them roll up with that monster.. What a day.. Im so done..
I want to see the pic?:) blocked driveway, at least it wasn't a blocked toilet...eeeck.

The most used ATM's in Denmark are located 200meters from Christiania..
Haha yeah exactly.. When were you here? Guess they have been there a while now.. I think its trippy going down 4 floors under ground to catch a train. But thats another station
Uh... I think it was 2009, maybe 2010? Not really sure. I don't know if I mentioned my favorite parts of the area. That big church with the gold spiral thing on top was amazing. Have you ever gone inside there are crazy statues inside of elephants. A huge pipe organ and all sorts of ornaments. I also loved the graffiti on the walls across from Cristiania.

The friend who took me was Swedish, but he spoke Danish. We walked along the river and smoked. There was a woman who lived in one of the houses right on the river with her daughter. We stopped and talked with them (in danish). She was very nice and welcomed me to the town. She said she was glad that there were American tourists who saw that part of Copenhagen instead of all the tourist parts. One of the few regrets I have in life is not taking a picture of her and her daughter. :( Ah well... I guess I will need to visit again and say Hej

Edit: now I remember why I didn't take a picture... I was scared as shit to pull out a camera in the place. My friend said I'd be lucky if all that happened was having my camera taken.
Awesome. Ive never been inside the church its getting more famous for people using the grass area for sex, lol. But sounds worth a look. They have a great hall used for music and conferences. The outside of the building is ever changing in colors and pieces. Ive tried to do some but its hard as hell.. I like watching it..

As things are now i would not pull out a camera. But with a smartphone.. Seems impossible to stop.. Im rocking nokia 3210 right now :P Have been far too long but cant get myself to turn in the onex. 150$repair just for the screen and camera sux too so id rather have a new phone all together but thats just stupid as i spent to much on the other one.... haha

7 days until BARCELONA!!! :D
That would be cool shiskaboy. Never been on the NYC subway, only walked past the signs.

I don't know about sophisticated, but the Madrid metro system has nothing on Londons underground. One of the stations in madrid was like 8 floors down. I just kept going up up up up up up....

EDIT: Lies... I've been on the subway. I took it from Manhatten where we were staying over to Brooklyn to see where the old Dodger Stadium was. People staring like who's the white dude lol

EDIT 2: What up BoB!
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That would be cool shiskaboy. Never been on the NYC subway, only walked past the signs.

I don't know about sophisticated, but the Madrid metro system has nothing on Londons underground. One of the stations in madrid was like 8 floors down. I just kept going up up up up up up....

EDIT: Lies... I've been on the subway. I took it from Manhatten where we were staying over to Brooklyn to see where the old Dodger Stadium was. People staring like who's the white dude lol

EDIT 2: What up BoB!
Did you smoke any NY weed?
They prolly werent trippin off you being white, its so mixed in the city. I get funny looks from the aromas coming from my pocket. They prolly could tell your not a NY'er, some areas tourists are considered "food".
Yeah, I scream Cali boy. Def not a NYer.

Didn't get the chance to smoke. We were staying at the New Yorker and I didn't want to smoke in the room... and I'm totally paranoid when traveling about smoking outdoors. I was offered weed 5 times I think. That scared me to lol... I figured if I looked at them they would have stabbed me and stole all my money.

I have some seriously bad stereotypes about NYC.

I've smoked PA weed. Holy fuck... I never knew weed could be so bad. Not saying everything iin PA is shit... but damned if this wasn't grass clippings sprayed with cologne. For real shit smelled like cologne. WTF is that?! And it still cost $60 for a quarter.

DSC_7094.JPG DSC_7095.JPG
In that area of manhattan you are more likely to get hustled than attacked. It would be more like you pay 60 for an 1/8 of some top notch bud, but when you get to a safe place to unwrap all the foil and plastic you find catnip or $5 worth of top notch bud in there, if the guy ever comes back.
You meet a girl at the bar, she comes back to the hotel with you. You all have fun and fall asleep, when you awaken the safe will be empty, credit cards gone, watches, anything expensive.