One of my favorite things is cannabutter cookies and I had a request for the recipe so I thought I would post it here....
Cannabutter cookies
1 pound of clarified butter
14 grams of dry ice hash
2 cups of general purpose flour
1 cup corn starch
1 cup powdered sugar
optional is 1/4 teaspoon of vanilla extract
Cook the butter and hash on low in a crock pot for about 3 hours and turn it off and let it cool for a couple of hours and then cook it for 3 more hours. Strain thoroughly and refrigerate until it solidifies.
Take the cannabutter from the frig and allow it to soften and then slowly combine the other ingrediants. The mix should be stiff.
I use a clear wrap and make 1" tubes of dough which I then wrap in aluminum foil and refrigerate until they are solid.
I cut slices about a 1/8th" and bake at 325 for 20 minutes. This leaves the tops soft and I then broil them on low for 2 minutes to finish them. Allow to cool and refrigerate. Consume as desired. ....WARNING: They are fairly stout and 2 are usually sufficient
