Well-Known Member
I'll tell you what's crazy!
Hi, I'm Al Harrington of Al Harrington's Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm-Flailing Tubeman Emporium and Warehouse in Weekapaug!
Due to a craigslist error we are currently overstocked on Large, Filthy Used Strap-ons of Unknown Origins and need to recoup out warehouse space immediately!
Bad news for us, but GREAT news for YOU!!!
We're offering 50% off our complete line of Large, Filthy Used Strap-ons of Unknown Origin for our 3rd annual Large, Filthy Used Strap-ons of Unknown Origins Sale!
There are pink ones with brown stains, tan ones with brown stains, and the ever popular blue ones with AND without brown stains for all you Avatar lovers out there!
At Al Harrington's Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm-Flailing Tubeman Emporium and Warehouse in Weekapaug, we understand that the bad economy has hit everyone hard so, for the next 36 hours we've offering our ENTIRE line of Large, Filthy Used Strap-ons of Unknown Origins at below wholesale cost to the public!
Just mention this ad at time of purchase to receive your discount, and remember: at Al Harrington's Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm-Flailing Tubeman Emporium and Warehouse in Weekapaug we feel your pain and have just the thing to soothe the sore bungholes of recession!
Some would ask: "Can I afford to go to Al Harrington's Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm-Flailing Tubeman Emporium and Warehouse in Weekapaug to buy a Large, Filthy Used Strap-on of Unknown Origins?".
Well, with Valentine's Day just around the corner can you afford NOT to come on down to Al Harrington's Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm-Flailing Tubeman Emporium and Warehouse in Weekapaug to get your own Large, Filthy Used Strap-on of Unknown Origins?
So help us make room in our warehouses and stop in today to make sure you don't miss your chance to buy one of our steeply discounted Large, Filthy Used Strap-on of Unknown Origins for that special "someone" whom you know needs a good Filthy Used Strap-on of Unknown Origins to make their Valentine's Day a day to remember forever!
At Al Harrington's Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm-Flailing Tubeman Emporium and Warehouse in Weekapaug, we always buy at the lowest prices and pass the savings on to youuuuu!
*Al Harrington's Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm-Flailing Tubeman Emporium and Warehouse is located just 2 blocks South of Route 2 in Weekapaug
lmao, i hope you aint type all that, when you coulda youtubed it