Club 600

hahahaha, that made my morning, lemon balls, hehehehe. Nice one Amber;)

Could it be....2 days of sun in a row for Amsterdam????? We shall see. It is officially the worst summer since 1901!!! lmfao. In other words, the worst summer in history (not many peeps I know were alive in 1901 ffs!!!) Oh well, at least the PArs won yesterday, woohoo!!!

Have a nice Sunday everyone, and try and be nice to others!!!!!

Much spliffyness to all,

[420]Haze;6137826 said:
Final harvest pics from my SCROG, we removed screen and side buds almost hit the floor, we will easily get a pound dried, 1 p = 448 gms, so getting closer to 1 gram per watt, not to bad, we will see what final dried weight is, some dank bud from Greenhouse Seed Co.


























WOW//// how many colas you got there
Haze, very nice, now I have to go into my room and see if my babies filled my screen...after all they have been under the screen for a day and a half now. How big of an area was your screen?
Good morning everyone. Was poking around for info on Epsom salts and ran into a little article about it, nothing great, but a response/comment to it deserved a copy and paste to the 600, I think. Just FYI.

I did an experiment with Epsom salts and several identical potted plants. I increased the salt concentration from zero in the first pot to a very high concentration in the last intended to kill the plants. I controlled the experiment for about three weeks. I did separate experiments on peas and beans. A bit of epsom salts increased growth over plain potting soil. However, it rapidly became toxic in higher concentrations. The peas were more resistant than the beans. So, my comment is… a little helps, but too much can kill, so err on the side of too little rather than too much.

Here's another forums post that follows up well with this.

06-15-2006, 10:21 PM

Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Costa Blanca, Spain on a Temporary Ban from the City
Posts: 2,654

Epsom Salts
I feel I should say a few words about the use of Epsom Salts in cannabis cultivation.

All green plants produce their own food from water, CO2, and light, by a process named photosynthesis. The chlorophyll molecule, which is essential to photosynthesis, is coloured green and contains one atom of magnesium. So adequate magnesium is absolutely vital to the growth of green plants.

If there is a shortage of magnesium in the plant´s nutritional intake, an early indication is the yellowing of leaves. It is easy to remedy any deficiency by feeding a dilute solution of Epsom salts, MgSO4, in a concentration of about a teaspoon to a gallon, two or three times in the growing season; a little goes a long way.

Magnesium deficiency is distressingly common, many commercial soils contain little or none of the element, and many ferts only contain tiny amounts of magnesium, if they contain any at all. And growers do not always appreciate its importance.

But magnesium deficiency is not the only cause of leaf yellowing - a shortage of nitrogen can have similar symptoms, but this is MUCH less common as most of us routinely feed nitrogen-containing ferts. Some pests, such as red spider mite, can cause leaf yellowing, as can a whole host of viruses to which your ladies are susceptible. And don´t forget it is normal for the lowest leaves on the plant to yellow and die. They have done their job, and your buds are now being fed by the products of the photosynthesis being carried out by the fan leaves.

But if you do have a problem, I do recommend that you try some Epsom salts in the first instance. It may well not be the answer for your problem, but it very often is.
Dsourman likes this.

Last edited by Spanishfly; 06-16-2006 at 06:49 PM.
Duchie, if one is using cal-mag, which I do once a week in veg and up it during flowering, would one need to use epsom salt? All opinions welcome.

After two years of growing and a lot of wasted money I have been trying to keep my grows as simple as possible and that includes nutes and other additives. Today my girls were given 15ml grow nutes, 15ml maxicrop, 3ml silica, 5ml rhizotonic, one tablespoon of molasses and 5ml of cal-mag. They'll get water for the next three days and then a dose of liquid karma and then water for two days before feeding again. I've been using botanicare pro blend nutes and my root system from my last grow was superb. I can't recommend enough for people to try smart pots. With some attention to your root system these pots develop the best roots of any container I have tried. I have to tear the root ball from the pots and it then comes out if one huge wad full of feeder roots. The soil doesn't even break away from the roots. I'll get a picture up next time I pull a root ball out.
i second the smart pot advice. they are marvelous. soo many roots and the soil is jus locked up in a huge chunk. i even started my plants into 5gallon smartpots and they filled out completly
I've been really thinking about trying the smart pot's for my next run. Would 5 gallon be ok for a 4 plant bush grow, 600 watter, 4 1/2 X 4 1/2 space, or would the 7 gallon be better? I'm thinking the 5 gal should be fine, but I'm alway's open to suggestions.
I've been really thinking about trying the smart pot's for my next run. Would 5 gallon be ok for a 4 plant bush grow, 600 watter, 4 1/2 X 4 1/2 space, or would the 7 gallon be better? I'm thinking the 5 gal should be fine, but I'm alway's open to suggestions.

check out my last grow and your questions will quest no more




Wally, I notice in your pics with the marbles you watered in the center of the pot. I water around the perimeter of the pot when I transplant to encourage the roots to go seek the water. I actually always water around the perimeter to think of it.

To whoever asked the ever popular yield question, my last grow was a 12/12 from seed in two gallon smart pots and I pulled seven ounces dry. This scrog grow I'm using three gallon smart pots.
Wally, I notice in your pics with the marbles you watered in the center of the pot. I water around the perimeter of the pot when I transplant to encourage the roots to go seek the water. I actually always water around the perimeter to think of it.

To whoever asked the ever popular yield question, my last grow was a 12/12 from seed in two gallon smart pots and I pulled seven ounces dry. This scrog grow I'm using three gallon smart pots.
Now I remember, you are the sativa lover ;)

The nug shots a few posts back are of my Acapulco Gold :)
Hey Heads Up. I don't know the answer to your question. I'm kinda starting from the bottom up and am still using nutes from a common garden center. They are a solid pellet fertilizer, organic of course that contains some fish nutrients as well some additional fish bone meal that I use for extra N and P. Other than that I've been using Rooters Myco and Molasses. Some of my plants do yellow a fair bit and I'm quite confident now that it's not and N deficiency but probably more Mg. (?)

I've been using a coir/peat moss/perlite mix that I've been recycling over and over a few generations now and it seems that my plants are doing better for longer. A composter is still top on my list of things to do.

Here's my 5 gallon Genius Pot. ;)
Evening guys, if you haven't already, head over to Mr West's and congratulate the lad on becoming a Daddy.

Nothing much to report from over here, just smoking some, you know......

Peace, DST
If anyone can show me a place to get 8inch cool tubes from please do. I ma in touch with Chinese companies trying to source some. The biggest I can find is 6 inch. Any help appreciated. Ta muchly 600.

Peace, DST