Colloidal silver in the Res instead of H2O2. Any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Try speaking from experience dipshit.

And what does my join date have to do with anything? Is there some kind of hazing period? lol, been around various pot boards 10 years and no, you haven't been growing longer than I've been alive but thanks for making me laugh with such predictable drivel
yeah damn! i remember you from the old PG! your a big mouth smartass! still the same old! i heard hellboy passed away. wtf small world and you stand out LMAO i never heard bout the colloidal silver in res intersting to see what it could do. i use h2o2 myself only to eliminate larvae


Active Member
Stonetech, I did not buy the CS from any store. I made it myself. I can't trust these fucks out there with my babies! I make CS for myself for it's health benefits, then it dawned on me to try it in the res. So, in essence, it is very cost effective and I can control the strength of it as I make it. If you are interested in putting together your own CS generator, there are many options out there for sale. I did it my own way, and make it a gallon at a time in an amber glass bottle. I got 4 x gallon amber jugs from ebay for $20. These were some vintage bottles with a larger mouth opening than what is available today. You can find the modern ones for cheaper and use them. I got 10 gauge .9999 silver wire from amazon, sold by the ounce (about 21 inches), which, when it was cut in half, worked perfect for my application. I placed the silver wires about a half inch apart from each other in a rubber stopper that fit the opening of the jug; I am looking for a cork stopper to replace it though. Also from amazon I purchased an AC/DC generator, simply a wall wart that gives a maximum current of 500mA at variable voltage from 1.5V to 12V, so I can turn it down as the reaction takes off. The final piece is a pasta pot that I fill partially with water and place over the stove at low heat with the jug inside while the electrolysis takes place. The heat helps the reaction to start. In total, this can be put together for less than $100. See for yourself. Why do you think the drug companies/FDA don't want anything to do with CS? I say because it's cheap and easy to make. They don't stand to profit from it...Fuck them!

I know that was probably more info than you wanted, but if you were interested, I wanted to throw that out there. Best of luck, good sir.


Well-Known Member
If you are interested in putting together your own CS generator, there are many options out there for sale. I did it my own way, and make it a gallon at a time in an amber glass bottle. I got 4 x gallon amber jugs from ebay for $20. These were some vintage bottles with a larger mouth opening than what is available today. You can find the modern ones for cheaper and use them. I got 10 gauge .9999 silver wire from amazon, sold by the ounce (about 21 inches), which, when it was cut in half, worked perfect for my application. I placed the silver wires about a half inch apart from each other in a rubber stopper that fit the opening of the jug; I am looking for a cork stopper to replace it though. Also from amazon I purchased an AC/DC generator, simply a wall wart that gives a maximum current of 500mA at variable voltage from 1.5V to 12V, so I can turn it down as the reaction takes off. The final piece is a pasta pot that I fill partially with water and place over the stove at low heat with the jug inside while the electrolysis takes place. The heat helps the reaction to start. In total, this can be put together for less than $100. See for yourself. Why do you think the drug companies/FDA don't want anything to do with CS? I say because it's cheap and easy to make. They don't stand to profit from it...Fuck them!

I know that was probably more info than you wanted, but if you were interested, I wanted to throw that out there. Best of luck, good sir.
is there a tutorial that you followed for this? like a detailed thread with pics or something? it is very interesting. what human health benefits does CS have and how do you apply it? ingestion?


Well-Known Member
I think i saw a diy thread on icmag's forum, sure there are lots of others though.

Below are some examples of silver compounds, and their historical or present uses.

Silver Sulfadiazine: Bactericidal and anti fungal uses, for decades it has been the standard treatment used in burn cases.
Silver Nitrate: Disinfectant used in podiatry, and placed in infants eyes at birth to prevent blindness. This material is the primary material erroneously equated as being colloidal silver especially in the past, up to the present.
Silver Iodine: Disinfectant
Silver chloride: Disinfectant
Silver Lactate: Astringent & antiseptic.
Silver oxide: Previously used for chorea & epilepsy
Silver picrate: Uses, moniliasis & trichomoniasis.

I've also seen pics of people who have gone overboard ingesting CS and it actually turned their skin silver, its called Argyria. Its irreversible and gets worse with exposure to the sun. I haven't been able to find any info on the ppm required to disinfect drinking water, but I'd assume this level would be safe and ideal for plants also. Then again it might be cool to grow some "Siverbud".


Well-Known Member
You can say it's a hunch But silver Is not a needed nutrient for a plant to survive so why would you use it at all ? I know they use it as a Topical spray to cause Hermies that give fem seeds But they Don't put it in the water to do this

  • the three primary macronutrients: nitrogen(N), phosphorus(P), and potassium(K).
  • the three secondary macronutrients such as calcium(Ca), sulphur(S), magnesium (Mg).
  • the macronutrient Silicon (Si)
  • and micronutrients or trace minerals: boron (B), chlorine (Cl), manganese (Mn), iron (Fe), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), molybdenum (Mo), nickel (Ni), selenium (Se), and sodium (Na).
I see no silver Anywhere ??? I'd use anything other than What we know causes hermies to Keep your tank clean with


Well-Known Member
Anyone ever see what happens when you take to much CS This is why The FDA won't touch it lolz



Well-Known Member
From what I understand, it's the nut jobs that try to "improve" colloidal silver by making it with soluble silver nitrate that have the problems with argyria. Silver particles such as those produced by electrolysis aren't the problem- it's folks who use silver nitrate solution to put even MORE silver into solution that get these problems.


Active Member
First of all, Bauks, you are correct in saying that silver is not necessary in growing plants. And likewise silver is not essential for humans to consume in any form. Silver is, however, beneficial to both. It is found quite commonly as a trace element in the soil across the globe and, in turn, trace amounts are absorbed by plants. Modern farming has depleted most of the silver out of farmland due to it's continuous process through the years. By consuming fruits and vegetables we took in silver in days of old. If you read about the nature of colloidal silver and how it works on single cell microbes, you will gain understanding of why I think this reservoir move is effective.

Zem, I encourage you to do your own research on the health benefits of silver. Beware of the purple guy in the video. He admits that he started turning blue when he rubbed "colloidal silver" on his skin. It is more difficult to find videos of him saying that, and even harder to find him saying that it was not colloidal silver, but colloidal silver in the form of a silver protein. A silver protein product can be classified as colloidal silver, but it is much more concentrated and has much larger particles. These particles would normally fall out of a distilled water colloidal solution. To keep them suspended the manufacturers use gelatin. These gelatin solutions can have 1000 ppm of silver or more! I've heard of some containing 30,000 ppm. Get it? The more I read about this guy, the more I think he wanted to turn blue, or was paid a lot of money to turn blue and is now the poster boy for the anti-colloidal silver movement. He also admits that he still drinks colloidal silver for it's health benefits.

And Bauks, The FDA won't touch it because no large financier stands to profit from it. It is too easy and inexpensive to make at home in this modern age and is not worth the trouble or the money for them to go through the official testing/certification process, nor do they want to. Their big pharma buddies would be in for some serious losses. If you do your research, you will find that people consumed silver all the time for medical purposes until 1938 when penicillin and other antibiotics hit the scene. On a side note, it is also recommended to purify water in cisterns. That and it's benefit to plants is what led me down this path.

I will also go out on a limb to say that beneficial bacteria in a hydroponic system is of little consequence. I say this under hypothesis that plants will suck up whatever solution they are given. That stated, breaking down organic compounds into something that the plant can more easily take up is not necessary when the solution provides what they need already. Adding silver to the solution may be purely beneficial in these terms...I have a feeling I'm going to get some responses from this statement. One tid-bit to consider before responding: if plants could pick and choose what they wanted out of a solution, then why would they get nute-burn?


Well-Known Member
It's very often used as a growth additive, you don't have to look hard to find that. The colloidal silver used for making feminized seeds requires a higher ppm opposed to the amount used for plant growth benefits... I've never done it so I can't say but using beneficial microbes won't help you if you use chemical nutrients. That's why I wondered the same thing you have after learning all of the benefits of colloidal silver, but I still use H2o2. There's really only 1 best way to find out...


Active Member
have seen experiments with just putting coin in solutions like milk to keep shit from growing in it. I may dropp some silver rounds in my res and see what happens