Confused rookie grower needing some help

Ok thanks
Yeah your bud size will depend on a number of things not just nutrients. If everything else is in order, temps, humidity, lighting, ventilation, medium, pest control, etc you could use just about any nutrients (proper dosage obviously) and be rewarded
What do you think went wrong with the seeds that you lost money on, just curious? How much light do you have/what is your environment like? temps and humidity?
Hi,,,,,I think is because of the flushing and The soil maybe ?i bought cheap soil to start ,,,does soil brand make a difference,?i used flora trio,,,the ones I messed up I think is because I waited to flush too late when the bud had like no more white hairs then ,,the buds were becoming brown and shrinking ,,I pruned too much before too I think it it didn't help,,,,,when do you think I should start flushing them judging by the red hairs %?do I flush only when I start seeing yellow leafs?the Taste was awful and the smell lol and I cured them like I read ,,to open the jar 3times a day 10mins first week then once every few days then once a week ,,for 6 weeks ,,was that ok?thanks
What's the best curing schedule you think,?so I just don't flush the plants when their ready and I cut them??

That depends what type of promix you use. The flower potting mix is way too hot, nutrient wise, I use the "herb & vegetable" mix and it still has too much nitrogen for some sativas. It'll work well for indicas, though some might show some clawing of the bottom couple of leaves. If you're using that kind of promix you don't need to feed your plants for at least a month, usually for me a couple of months. After that you look to see any signs of deficiency and feed from there. There are a couple of types that, as Renfro says, are almost nute free. With those you'd need to feed from the first week.
I had a nitrogen excess with one grow and it caused small buds, the other plants of that strain were in different soil and buds were decent size.
Forgot to say, I don't flush. Cure is more important for taste/smooth smoke.
best curing


Well-Known Member
The smell of the weed in the jars is the best indicator of whether or not you're opening the jars often enough or too often. It'll also let you know if it was too wet or too dry when you put it in. A lot of the things you read about soil grows seem to have come from guys who started in hydro. Most of it won't hurt your plants, but some of it is unnecessary.
Thanks for the chart,,,I'm just tryin to get best butes to use cheapest price so I can't blame that for the bud size ,,I just wanna do everything right cause I've already waste many months an time on all my mistakes I did //what about everyone here saying to not flush??really??i can just cut the plant when it looks ready??
if you use pro mix it's a peat based potting mix that won't provide nutrients persay so you will have to use nutrients. Some people like the Jacks nutrients, cheap, I prefer GH three part, gives me excellent results, massive yields and excellent quality... whatever you choose if you are in pro mix you should run a pH of 6.5 - 6.8.

When you water/feed you should get about 20% runoff out the bottom of the pot to prevent salt buildups. An adult plant will take a feed of somewhere around 1000 - 1200 PPM. If using RO water you will need a calmag product. Calmag gets added first, then micro, grow and bloom if using the flora trio. The chart I put on here is for a 30 gallon mix, so you can divide by 30 to see how many ml/gal. Products are added in that order as well, the Armor Si goes first, then Calimagic...

View attachment 4359258

What kind of lights are you running? Tell us about your grow room setup.

I hope that answered a few questions for you.[/QUO
Ok thanks,,,What's the best schedule for the curing ?

The smell of the weed in the jars is the best indicator of whether or not you're opening the jars often enough or too often. It'll also let you know if it was too wet or too dry when you put it in. A lot of the things you read about soil grows seem to have come from guys who started in hydro. Most of it won't hurt your plants, but some of it is unnecessary.[/QU


Well-Known Member

You don't flush??first time I hear that,,,,yea I use the vegetables one ,,,so I don't give nutes for the first month with this one?also ,,the website who sold me the seeds Idk what to think cause some of the same Strains plants looks different ,,some flowered without me doing the 12/12,,,why?do I need to put those in flowering when that happens?thanks
I don’t flush anything. It’s not necessary and I think can screw up the end product. The plant needs food until you chop it. You just roll your feeds back or feed followed by water. In peat based mediums.


Well-Known Member
Read up while you grow and the next crop will be better.

For ease of use get ProMix HP and AN 3-part with Big Bud powder and Rhino Skin for silica if you want that. Some Epsom salts and any old CalMag will do. Use RO water.

If you can't get big buds with that under a 1000W Super HPS then maybe you should buy your pot. ;)

I found a great spot to download FREE POT BOOKS . I downloaded a grow bible first and got lots more. Books look great and complete like the real ones I have here. No web site but just a page of links. Just right click on what you want and then "Save Link As" to download so they don't open first as many are 50+ megs. They got lots. Enjoy.


Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
Might I surgiest just going back to basic and simple?
Soilless medium like Canna terra, one part nutes or a plain jane potting mix and Canna terra one part nutes.
Don't worry about bud size if ur growing for yourself. Unlike a penis size doesn't count. You want quality and fast turn around and need to be cloning.

Forget about flushing, its not needed just adjust the nutes at the end of the cycle, you will know when as the plant slows its feeding. (purchase a digital water meter).


Hi,,thanks for your reply,,,oh really?cause I was reading on other threads that your supposed to start flushing when it's 10%brown I have to wait until all the hairs are red to start flushing?do leafs become yellow when its time to do the 2 weeks flush,,or it's not related?i have multiple plants right now of Bruce banner ,durban,,skunk and Girl Scout cookies ,,but I just need to know signs on the plant when it's time to do the last 2week flush.?i don't have a magnificent glass atm,,the plants I was enquiring about are all red hair but on some the buds look small,,there's not really any yellow on leafs jut a few spots,,should I flush it now?i was about to do that tomorrow and to stop giving nutes///yea some said flora trio is ok,,but when I see te results of the ones using advanced nutrients it's like day and night ,I mean their buds are so huge lol someone showed me plants he used with fox farm and sensi bloom and it's was huge ,,,can I add nutes or any stuff with the flora trio?it seems the buds don't get too big with it,,I only bought it cause it was cheap to start but now I'm thinking of buying more expensive nutes for better results ,,and what is the best soil to grow with?,let me know what you think,,,thanks!

Tommy I wouldn’t worry about the hairs they don’t tell you shit what you need is a jewellers loop you need to look at the all important trichomes they after all are why you grow weed.if you flush when they are turning milkey they will be ready after the flush


Well-Known Member
If you have everything dialed in you could use Miracle Grow and end up with big buds.
I use Miracle Grow exclusively on my White Widow grows. I top them once and let them go under a 600 watt MH/HPS.

I use the general purpose for veg and tomato formula for flower.

Never had a problem. I net 6 ounces per plant without really trying with buds just a tad smaller than the size of a ping pong ball.

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
Tommy I wouldn’t worry about the hairs they don’t tell you shit what you need is a jewellers loop you need to look at the all important trichomes they after all are why you grow weed.if you flush when they are turning milkey they will be ready after the flush
They mean a great deal. They tell you allot. They even tell you when to start checking the trics if ur so inclined. You dont want them "turning Milky" at all, You want them all miky or turning amber.
Why are you telling him to flush for?


So you can grow with organic soil and no use of nutes?is that soil way more expensive compared to promix?
From seedling to the end of veg for organic what ever pot size you use 1/3 worm casting the rest compost then from week 2 of flower top dressing with organic bloom fertiliser once then water till they are ready you see simple


They mean a great deal. They tell you allot. They even tell you when to start checking the trics if ur so inclined. You dont want them "turning Milky" at all, You want them all miky or turning amber.
Why are you telling him to flush for?
Everyone does it differently m8 personally I’m organic and don’t flush but synthetic nutrients are different


Well-Known Member
really bad advice
Ignore this guy.

He's one of those people that grows by urban legend rather than simple rules.

Marijuana is, quite literally, a weed. It will grow in pretty much any soil with any fertilizer.

Your lighting is by far what's most important.

Any garden soil will work well. I use Miracle Grow.

Mix in about 40% perlite. It's 6 or 7 bucks per bag and helps drainage.

Grab a bag of garden lime and mix in about 2 cups for a 5 gallon soil grow. That's your calcium and magnesium. It runs 5 bucks per bag.

That's it. You wont need to feed in veg until around week 5. After that, you'll feed low doses every other watering.

When you switch to flower is where your plant will really take off if you have proper lighting. That's when feeding gets increased as the plant gets larger.

Unfortunately for you, it's going to take experience to get it right. We've all been there. We've all let a plant go hungry and we've all burnt one or two.

Don't panic. Don't try knee jerk fixes. Stay the course, learn and you'll be fine.


I use Miracle Grow exclusively on my White Widow grows. I top them once and let them go under a 600 watt MH/HPS.

I use the general purpose for veg and tomato formula for flower.

Never had a problem. I net 6 ounces per plant without really trying with buds just a tad smaller than the size of a ping pong ball.
Exactly the nutrient companies are as bad as the pharmaceutical company’s.i use Remo’s nutrients for Dwc they are good but way too doesn’t mean bad