El Tiberon
Active Member
ONOES!!! ofrced to strip naked????
held in solitary confinement?
lights on 24/7???
somebody hasd never been to jail here in the USA apparently.
first you get fingerprinted and photographed
then YOU GET STRIPPED NAKED and somebody checks your orifices for evidence and contraband (and weapons)
then you go into lockup ALONE to await your interrogation (wow no co-conspirators, so you cant get your story straight? must be torture)
the lights NEVER go out
it's always fucking cold, or balls hot.
it stinks like puke, shit, and fear-urine
the food sucks.
the guards are hardly friendly
you dont get a koran bible or a copy of the buddhist sutras
when they do get around to "questioning" you they use lies, intimidation and not a small amount of physical "discomfort" and the promise of a long stay in a small cell with a HUGE and sexually depraved cellmate to squeeze info out of you.
man, we torture EVERYBODY.
These things happen because gringos are too scared to kill the prison guards and police that play these games with them. If you grew some balls and took control of your country and made the country fear you, this treatment would not exist.
Do you have any idea how many different people would die if a guard at Villahermosa were to get out of line with a prisoner? He would of course, but also his family and any of his friends if they could be found.
The guards have a different attitude in Colombia. They know they will be killed along with their families if they insult the wrong person. This brings a great deal of respect towards the prisoners from the guards. They have learned over time through the deaths of many others what not to do.
The guards in the US have not learned this lesson yet because your criminals are not well organized and thus not well protected when they enter your system.
It would only take perhaps a dozen or so guards and their families to die before they changed their behavior.