Convoy? ..Convoy!

Perhaps this all goes back to that scene in Network where the show host encourages everybody to futilely say "I'm mad as hell and not going to take it any more". Sure, get angry, but why yell out the window? What does that accomplish? Or maybe the Two Minutes Hate scenes in Orwell's 1984. It's cathartic to the ignorant who are angry over what the Ministry of Truth has made up to make them angry.

The risk is people get addicted to it. Then things like Jan 6 start happening.
It's a case of rebel without a cause, or clue for that matter. The age demographic of the unvaxxed in Canada explains a lot, 18 to 30 year old's make up the bulk of our unvaxxed, along with the usual antivaxx nuts and Nazi's. So it's a case of the lunatics leading the naïve and generally discontented youth who are way more socially active and mobile than those over 40. This is giving voice to their winter of discontent, most of the restrictions on the unvaxxed are provincial, not federal. Quebec won't let them into liquor and cannabis stores and the vaxx rate jumped fourfold in the following weeks!
I’m really thankful I’m not living near a blaring transport horn. I don’t think I’d hear it for long, I’d either have a souvenir horn or be in jail :(. Not making any friends doing that shit and blocking people from work sites because they can’t get near them. Fucking crazy and Canadians to boot, who’d a thunk :wall:
I’m really thankful I’m not living near a blaring transport horn. I don’t think I’d hear it for long, I’d either have a souvenir horn or be in jail :(. Not making any friends doing that shit and blocking people from work sites because they can’t get near them. Fucking crazy and Canadians to boot, who’d a thunk :wall:

i just saw video and i'm scared for you.
My buddy just posted this on FB

With all due respect Those truckers protesting in Ottawa or Alberta, and at the Ambassador Bridge in Windsor and other locations are not Super Heroes or even Heroes, to me they are "Zeros".
I've seen "Canadian Super Hero Truckers" in action today right here in North Sydney.
Several tractor trailers at Sobeys and Superstore delivering much needed supplies to all of us, even the unvaccinated. Trucks also at Walmart.
A couple of oil truck drivers today and yesterday delivering oil to my neighbors during terrible road and weather conditions.
My neighbors across the street, husband and wife, both nurses with two young children.
Both going to work every day, in fine weather and stormy weather.
Several other neighbors are teachers.
Archie, they are my "Canadian Superheroes".
Not a bunch of whiners that won't take "The Jab" for their own good as well as for the good of society in general.
In stead of lifting the restrictions sooner, their actions may delay the lifting of the restrictions due to the increase in cases and hospitalization.
We all want the restrictions lifted, and according to the "Real Scientists", that may very well happen in two to three months.