Convoy? ..Convoy!

I'm waiting for Bannon's newest scam, "Go Fund Terrorism". Maybe Donald will get the idea and drive coast to coast in his limo leading a convoy of deplorables for a "Go fund my coup" website!

Once the money disappears, so will these losers.

The company said it works with local authorities to ensure it has an understanding of what is taking place in connection with any fundraiser.
“Following a review of relevant facts and multiple discussions with local law enforcement and city officials, this fundraiser is now in violation of our Terms of Service (Term 8, which prohibits the promotion of violence and harassment) and has been removed from the platform,” the company said.

READ MORE: GoFundMe asked to testify at Parliament over trucker convoy money raised

Originally, $1 million was released to the organizers, which GoFundMe said was due to a clear distribution plan being provided and funds would be used only for participants who travelled to Ottawa to participate in a peaceful protest.

“Given how this situation has evolved, no further funds will be directly distributed to the Freedom Convoy organizers — we will work with organizers to send all remaining funds to credible and established charities verified by GoFundMe,” the company said.

All donors may submit a request for a full refund until Feb. 19, 2022 using this dedicated refund form.
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I sure hope Trudeau has plenty of tissues on hand for his hormonal crying session.

Anyhow, I don't understand how Trudeau could be "vaccinated" and boosted, get covid and still want to impose vaccine passes etc. It seems, well, stupid. Almost like someone has dirt on him and if he doesn't impose that horse shit, the pictures of him banging an Armadillo or something will come out.

Also, he called the protest people "racists". Yet his blackface fuckery is never mentioned. Why not?

Last thing...Hunter Biden. Maybe he could paint a picture of this beautiful protest and donate the money to charity or something? Cuz you know gofundme is trying to steal the money they collected.
Looks like the republicans are gonna use the convoy idea in America, to cause disruption and wanna clear the decks. See the issue many other countries have with American social media like this, Facebook, Instagram and others? They could tie up America using this civil war tactic, cause that is what you are seeing, the opening shots in civil war 2, and this is how it will be fought. Ironically, like the Proud boys, it started in Canada.

We have close to a 90% vaxx rate in Canada, so you can imagine the number in the states and how much cash they could raise on go fund me. Without regulation, they could fund protests/disruptions for months and block streets all over America exacerbating supply chain issues.

Looks like we might need laws in Canada against Go fund me and other such internet fund raising efforts. These prosocial fund raising efforts will be subverted by hate groups, they will fund disruptive protests, not violence. In Canada, less than 10% of the population wants to have a veto on public health policy by blocking public roads and causing disruption. They are being funded by Go fund me, much American money and anonymous large dollar donations.

Anti social assholes will fuck up yet another good thing, if Go Fund me wants to survive, they better stop funding "protests" and start helping people like they are suppose to. I figure this is just the beginning, someone is going to do it in America on a much larger scale, Canada was a test and a warning.
This protest has caused considerable division between family/friends - no exception here.

My neighbour, as described by his friends, is a racist, alcoholic, know it all, with a coke problem. He is also a truck driver. We don't talk for one reason - he's a racist asshole. We met once and there's no ambiguity as to why he's not welcome here.

Website dedicated to Doxing all companies involved with the truckers convoy. Will be sent to insurance companies, banks, and PR agencies....
Our mission is to document and shame every business that is identified as being involved in the 2022 Truckers Convoy occupation of Ottawa. This includes truckers, supporting businesses, hotels, and restaurants. By naming and tagging we hope to ensure that any future internet searches reveals the true nature of these businesses.

Website dedicated to Doxing all companies involved with the truckers convoy. Will be sent to insurance companies, banks, and PR agencies....
Our mission is to document and shame every business that is identified as being involved in the 2022 Truckers Convoy occupation of Ottawa. This includes truckers, supporting businesses, hotels, and restaurants. By naming and tagging we hope to ensure that any future internet searches reveals the true nature of these businesses.
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