Convoy? ..Convoy!

Truckers to protest in DC ahead of the State of the Union | USA TODAY

What started as an anti-vaccine mandate protest in Canada, is now a catch-all movement against perceived government overreach.
well, at this point, since the government is tired of doing this :wall: with fucking antivaxx fuckhead morons, why not?
if you cocksuckers would have cooperated from the beginning, instead of being whining cunts, we would quite probably be at herd immunity, and this would all be moot, but cowardly neckbeard qanon conspiracy theorist morons had to kick up a fuss and fuck everything for everyone, just like they try to fuck up everything they can't quite understand...which is, quite literally, almost everything...
but at this point? i'm vacced and boosted, and seem to have good natural it's fine with me if they stop all the measures to stop the spread, the unvaxxed are 97 times more likely to die than the vaccinated, seems like a win to me....except for the very young who can't be vaccinated, and those with pre existing conditions that prevent it...but hey, they're weak links, right, fuck them....fuck everyone who doesn't want to inhale your fucking virus ridden breath....
If you cocksuckers would have cooperated...we would be at herd immunity? I've also been double vaxxed and boosted, friend. Herd immunity only works if people become immune, and neither getting vaxxed or recovering from Covid makes us immune so we will never ever achieve herd immunity no matter how many people get vaxxed. That makes you mandate lovers the cocksuckers, not that I'm criticizing you for it, the pursuit of happiness is our constitutional right.
If you cocksuckers would have cooperated...we would be at herd immunity? I've also been double vaxxed and boosted, friend. Herd immunity only works if people become immune, and neither getting vaxxed or recovering from Covid makes us immune so we will never ever achieve herd immunity no matter how many people get vaxxed. That makes you mandate lovers the cocksuckers, not that I'm criticizing you for it, the pursuit of happiness is our constitutional right.
You need an update, mandates are dropping all over the place because of omicron and effective vaccines, all restrictions will be dropped in most places with in a month. Omicron is a viral vaccine, or so says Fauci
If you cocksuckers would have cooperated...we would be at herd immunity? I've also been double vaxxed and boosted, friend. Herd immunity only works if people become immune, and neither getting vaxxed or recovering from Covid makes us immune so we will never ever achieve herd immunity no matter how many people get vaxxed. That makes you mandate lovers the cocksuckers, not that I'm criticizing you for it, the pursuit of happiness is our constitutional right.
People are still in the mode of thinking that vaccines protect people from infection from the wild strain but that went away with later variants. In some diseases such as measles, polio, smallpox -- all dangerous diseases -- have all but vanished once enough people became vaccinated. At first during the pandemic, we could rationally discuss herd immunity if enough people were vaccinated. When vaccines provide protection from infection then wide scale mandates are a good choice. This is because high rates of vaccination would protect everybody, including people with compromised immune systems who are always at risk regardless of vaccination status. So with the wild strain, mandates made sense in many ways -- equity, safety and saving health care resources for emergencies.

But effective and long term protection from infection went out the window with newer variants. With it much of the rationale for a mandate. One good reason remains. Coronavirus vaccines prevent of serious disease due to Covid for most people. For this reason, vaccine mandates can prevent surges in people sick due to Covid from crashing our healthcare system. Another reason, is the cost of treating Covid patients. I could see justification for two-tier heath care coverage depending on vaccination status. This would effectively be a mandate depending on cost of coverage for antivaxxers. An employer might make vaccination a requirement to prevent disruptions in the workforce. The military has a mandate for that very reason.

I hope we are not going down the rabbit hole of "vaccines are dangerous". I'll laugh if you say that.

So I'm not altogether one way or the other on the subject of mandates. I think one can reasonably argue either side of the issue from the facts. I don't understand why people accept advice from witch doctors, quacks, con men and talk radio hosts and reject advice from medical experts. But I do see why it might be reasonable to say that Covid vaccine mandates do not make sense right now.

I do wish people would stop getting so emotional on the subject.