Smoke Report for me

it gets me behind the eyes, it makes me feel like my eye, eyelids and brow/forehead are puffy and ready to float away.
a slight heady high with a good heavy body weight around your core.
I can still function normally if concentrating for a good 10 minutes, then I find myself just staring at nothing after that.
Found myself on the couch at 2am this morning watching info-mercials. so it has some knock out power, but i have been sober as a judge for 3 weeks, so i am getting back in the game.
the flavor and taste are still not where i want them to be. in the vap there isnt much of a taste, out of the water bong/sherlock (another FDD piece). I havent tried the ice bong yet since i cant seem to remember to do it. But more curing will help and since this is only the first of the dry stuff with a mason jar filled and curing now, the other stuff will most likely taste and smell better.
the rest is my baked mind wandering back in time...its too cold to walk the dog and if he sees me in here he thinks i am doing work, not like Kobe Doin Work (spike Lee) but really working.
you know that girl when we were teenagers who is so far out of your league that you wouldnt even think of talking to her? I dated her when i was in my 30's 
She was my drivers ed. partner the summer between my sophomore and junior years in HS. She was late for the class and the only seat was in front of me
so we were partnered up all summer, 5 days a week for 4 hours. Nothing special, i called her a few times and always got that she was sleeping/out with friends/or not home.
I saw her at a bar 10 years later and freaked her out with the information i knew about her, sity where she grew up, her address in the city, her old phone number, I had her thinking i was a physic, this was also before stalkers came in the news. I told her how i knew and she laughed and said hello and went away for a few more years.
I am bartending and she comes in with her work friends and i let it go, knowing that she would just laugh and say hello and that would be it, so i say nothing. One night i was about to close the bar and they come in late asking for one round (4 of them, 1 guy) so i get them a round and start to lock the doors. they said that if i get a beer since the doors are locked i can sit and shoot the shit with them. I am nice and they leave and thats that. She cam ein the next night, :with a strange feeling that she knows me..." well fuckin duh? I explaina dn she sits at the bar and we start to talk, ya no shit. so we sat there for 4 hours talking, and 6 the night after that. we get plastered on my night off at another bar and start talking about our personal views on the world and oddly mine match hers 
so we dated for almost 2 years. Backstory her dad is loaded, corporate world running/running..i mean running and in charge of one of the largest companies in the world. millions are using his product today, so he is loaded.
we broke up over some really stupid shit and i was pretty crushed but we were drunk all the time and fought constantly. blahhhh it sucked.
her dad died last weekend and i sent her a FB message, sorry for your loss, "X" was a great person and i will always remember Christmas at the mansion on the lake, blah blah blah...
I also sent her mother a flower arrangement to the mansion as a nice guy.
I get a phone call this morning from the ex saying that we broke up for a reason and sending flowers and FB messages wont get her back. lmao. 10 fucking years ago...holy fuck batman, i was being a nice guy. 
she did take it in the ass though, and that was cool.
she stands to inherit about 4-5 million and 1/4 of the mansion price when they sell it.
fucking physco women. o ya my boy back in the day made a play for her as well and got shot down, lol. i remind him of that often.