Covert Grow Ops/Sidetracked:

Cool Larry! I have a couple Pennywise crosses and a Black Rhino cross with some high CBD phenos available. Hoping I'll find some for the same thing for a couple guys here
I want to make some crosses too. I just feel better with a few seeds in hand. There is too much that can happen when you are trying to keep a plant alive for long periods of time. Especially when doing it in a clandestine manner.
I got out on a very foggy Thursday morning and watered a few patches.


The 2 CP1's in the 3DT patch were still there. I need to fill the other 3 holes when my CP1's in the holding grounds get big enough.


The 3 CP1's in the JP patch were doing alright.


Edit: I topped all the plants that needed it.
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The GV2 in the SEE patch has grown a little bit. It would grow more if it would rain.


The deer ate GV2 was still alive in the DDW patch. The other two plants were not.


The BST1 in the CE patch has gone all Crazy Eddy on me. I tagged and bagged it. The pollen might not be much good by regular flower time, but I may try it on a lower limb of something. The smoke was pretty good, and it's a good grower so far.


T-Pig is 59-3=56
I also got over to the GN patch. All 7 of the BST1's and 2's were still kicking.


Some are bigger than others though. There is 4 plants in this picture. If you see more than 1, you have good eyes.

On Friday I went down to check on the plants in the holding grounds. Still could only find 6 of the 7 older plants. If there was much rain, I would just wait for it to get taller than the briars. Not sure if it can stay alive until the rain gets here though.

This is one of the CP1's.


All 5 of the F1's are still alive. I have high hopes for these guys.

Went to the HR patch. All the young ones were still alive. I even found a hard to find plant {that was in bad need of a topping} and one of the lost holes.



Checked on the 6 new plants in the PH patch. All alive and well. I've got to run. See you guys on Monday night.
I checked on the lone BST1 {from the impromptu planting on 3-27-16} in the temporary holding grounds. It was covered in male flowers, so I went ahead and killed him. That was the last of the 9 BST, 2 GV1 and 1 CPDA seeds that I had planted, with none of them making it into the ground. From now on I will stick to scheduled planting days. But they did catch all the cloudy, rainy weather at all the wrong times.

And none of the Sidetracked: seeds planted then had early flower problems, just the BST1's. Something to keep in mind next Spring if I make any seeds from them.

I'll be putting seeds in soil tomorrow. I need to read back in this thread and see what I need where. Time. I just don't have enough of it.
I put 12 Slo2, 15 and 11 JCC/88 {the F1's}, 12 CP1 and 6 CPDA seeds in soil today.

I'm getting off work early and going to the camp. See you guys on the weekend.
Yesterday I had left my pack with 2 gallons of water where I go into the GN patch. This morning I woke to a huge thunderstorm. I was still thinking about going to the GN patch, when I was reminded the little old lady whom I have been helping with her garden was going to the doctor today. A quick change of plans, and I went and retrieved the pack {plus a couple more gallons of food/water} and went to the HR patch instead. I was in a big rush, and didn't try to find all 12 of the plants. What I did see was doing good. I topped a couple of the little ones.


With me always being in such a rush, I hadn't done any LOB {lean over baby} work on the girls. I pulled the two main tops over on 3 of the plants. Should have been done a couple of weeks ago, but late is better than never.


When I got home, I had a message that there was no need to rush. It turned out I had plenty of time to do all 12 plants. But I was already out of my wet clothes by then, and wasn't tough enough to put them back on.
I put 12 Slo2, 15 and 11 JCC/88 {the F1's}, 12 CP1 and 6 CPDA seeds in soil today.

I forgot to mention that one of the F1's bounced off the tray and went under my work bench. I looked, but couldn't spot it. When I was done planting, I turned over all the loose potting soil with the dirt and moved my chair, so if it comes up, I won't be tromping on it.
Damn I love these Sidetracked: seeds. I was going to go to my grave with this information, but since the seeds sprouted, I will bare my soul to you guys. Back on my last major planting day {around 4-20} it rained all day. I changed clothes twice that day, doing a load of laundry in the afternoon. For about a week, I was living in blissful ignorance. But then one night at the camp I had my stash bag out, trying to decide what to smoke. I remembered that I had decided to keep the F1 {Jack Carlos Cross/88} seeds separate from the others, and put them with my smoke. A quick search of the stash bag, and no seeds. I worried all night about them, then when I got back home the next day I started a real search. It took a couple three hours, but I found them in one of the many pockets in my camo BDU's. Sitting on the shelf where I had put them when they came out of the dryer. Yes, I had washed and dried the last few F1 seeds I had. So last Tuesday I put some seeds in soil, hoping and praying I hadn't fucked the pooch on this one. Today when I left for work, I was 10 of 11 and 13 of 15 on the F1 sprouts. Thank you Jesus, thank you Lord.

The rest of the sprout report:

GV1 5/5
GV2 5/5
CP1 12/12
CPDA 6/6
Slo2 10/12
F1's {88} 10/11 {Jack Carlos Cross} 13/15
BST1 2/3
BST2 0/3 this morning. I forgot to look before I left for work.

Here are some of the washed and dried sprouts.

I got out yesterday and checked on the plants in the holding ground. All 5 of the F1's were looking good. I've decided they are most likely going into the WH patch down in the big woods, so I didn't top them. Still only found 6 of the other plants. One of which I planted nearby.



I put this stinky BST2 in a kiddie pool sized hole, along with a white oak tree. It got 1 cup 15-0-15, 2 cups 13-13-13 and 4 cups 13-7-13 time release and five gallons of the soil mix commonly known as the turkey manure mix. {I don't have my soil mix notes in front of me, but I do have them}

Damn I love these Sidetracked: seeds. I was going to go to my grave with this information, but since the seeds sprouted, I will bare my soul to you guys. Back on my last major planting day {around 4-20} it rained all day. I changed clothes twice that day, doing a load of laundry in the afternoon. For about a week, I was living in blissful ignorance. But then one night at the camp I had my stash bag out, trying to decide what to smoke. I remembered that I had decided to keep the F1 {Jack Carlos Cross/88} seeds separate from the others, and put them with my smoke. A quick search of the stash bag, and no seeds. I worried all night about them, then when I got back home the next day I started a real search. It took a couple three hours, but I found them in one of the many pockets in my camo BDU's. Sitting on the shelf where I had put them when they came out of the dryer. Yes, I had washed and dried the last few F1 seeds I had. So last Tuesday I put some seeds in soil, hoping and praying I hadn't fucked the pooch on this one. Today when I left for work, I was 10 of 11 and 13 of 15 on the F1 sprouts. Thank you Jesus, thank you Lord.

The resiliency of those little buggers! I wouldn't have guessed that would have been the outcome. Now we'll know what you mean when you say: " I've prepared my seeds for planting".
yesterday we had 60+ mph winds on and off all day and night. Everything was pushed to the walls after the 1st round around mid day but it didnt stop until late last night. Sort of scared to even look....