Covert Grow Ops/Sidetracked:

Sprout update.

CP1 12/12
CPDA 6/6
GV1 5/5
GV2 5/5
Slo2 10/12 {damn you for messing up my average}
F1's Jack Carlos Cross 15/15 88's 11/11 Seed that jumped out of the tray and landed on the ground 1/1
BST1 3/3 {but the sun cashed one of them}
BST2 3/3

Here is the little tray jumper in it's quest for freedom.


And in the cozy confines of a new home.

I carried all the sprouts to holding grounds. The GV1's, GV2's, Slo2's, CP1 and CPDA to the one I was using before. The F1's to where I had the CP1's and BST1's recently. Speaking of which. Tuesday just at dark I took three of the CP1's to the LL patch. It had grown up like crazy. I cut a couple more trees and lots of grapevines. I'll have to go back when it's daylight and do more. {I was topping by lighter. I forgot my headlight}


T-Pig is 57 + 3 = 60
Wednesday evening I put another BST1 near the one I planted the other day. {I misspoke when I said it was a BST2}

I used 5 gallons of the turkey manure soil mix, 4 cups 6-6-6, 2 cups 13-13-13-, 1 cup 15-0-15 {heavy Iron}, 1 cup 13-7-13 time release plant food, 1 cup 19-something-something time release plant food, 4 cups perlite, 1 cup vermiculite, 1 cup lime, 1/4 Epson salts.


T-Pig is 60 + 1 = 61
After dark last night I dropped off a CP1 near the BP patch. It was the last of that round of plants to be put in the ground. {Next up will be the F1's}

I got in there early and transplanted it. It had all the same as the BST1 above, except for no perlite or vermiculite.


I watered and topped the Slo2 and 2 CP1's while I was there.


T-Pig is 61 + 1 + 62
How many plants would you say ypou lose every season. To deer, weather, etc. I only have 12. Already lost one to deer. If I end the season with 6 I'm happy.
How many plants would you say ypou lose every season. To deer, weather, etc. I only have 12. Already lost one to deer. If I end the season with 6 I'm happy.
Last year I ended with 12 plants. I started with around 20. But that was my first year back after an 11 year break. I didn't pick the best spots, sun-wise, and I didn't tend to them very much.

I lost a lot to deer and armadillos early this year, but the last month has been better. I'm using the sulfur smelling stuff and it seems to be helping. But then there are patches I haven't been to in a month or more. I could have losses I don't know about yet.
Yesterday just about dark I got out and transplanted the BP X Slo1 plant into last year's SOL patch. This plant was from 1 of 3 seeds I made on the BP plant last year. I may have already told this story, and if I have, just skip ahead. But when I planted the BP patch last year, there was an oak tree that I was going to cut down or ring to get more light. I forgot to come back and cut the oak {or water and feed}, and all the plants but one in the patch died. I transplanted the one plant into better light, dusted it with the last few grains of Slo1 pollen and let it finished. It had less than a 1/4 ounce of bud, but it was by far the best tasting of all my plants. Couple that with the toughness to live through my neglect, and that is some genetics I want to breed with. If she does well, I will take some cuttings for more crossbreed options.

This was the only plant to make it into the ground from the 4-20 planting.

I added 3 gallons of the turkey manure soil mix to the hole. I will have to go back and see what was already there. I topped it too.


T-Pig is 62 + 1 = 63
One day this week I got over to the KP patches. There was one cashed and one male. {both Slo2} The early flower problem hasn't gone away as much as I had thought. The male had pollen sacks ready to open.

T-Pig is 63 - 2 = 61.
Early this morning I went to check on the LL patch. All 3 plants were dead. That is 6 healthy CP1's that patch has ate. I'm taking it as a sign from God, and I'm not going to replant. Maybe I will put in a Spring crop next winter.

T-Pig is 61 - 3 = 58.
I'm getting ahead of myself here. Yesterday I planted the 5 F1's {88's}. I put 4 in last year's GV patch and 1 in last year's Slo patch. I added 1 cup each of 19-6-12 and 13-7-13 time release plant food. {except for the one in the Slo patch, which was 2 cups of 13-7-13} Each hole got 3 gallons of a recent soil mix. It was one of the first ones I used kitty litter in. I'll get those notes posted soon.



T-Pig is 58 + 5 = 63.
Went this morning to check on the AL patches {the bug out patch}. In AL east the broke back CPDA had died, like expected. The 2 other CPDA's and the CP1 were doing well. I topped the CPDA's for the first time, and took 2 tops off the CP1.



In AL west, the broke back CP1 had died, but so had 2 others. So I have 6 plants out of the 10 I put out. I planted some peach trees and grapevines on that land today. I needed an excuse to go back there more often. We are needing rain real bad.

T-Pig is 63 - 4 = 59
They are dying from lack of water or cold? I lost about 7 so far this season due to cold temps
Our low was 72F last night. It's the hot dry weather that killed the two CP1's. The other two that died had weak spots on the stalks. When they were all together in the trays, the other plants held them up. But once I took them out, they fell right over. I should have tossed them then, but I buried them deep, past the weak spot, hoping they would make it.

We do have an 80% chance of rain today, with the promise of a tropical depression next week. I knew when I planted so many patches, that if the rain stopped I would be screwed. But I'm just now getting plants into last year's patches. They are a shorter walk than most of the others, so I can keep them watered a little better.
Went back to water the 88's yesterday morning. The one in the crawl to hole in the GV patch had died. It got dropped in transport, and I should have give it another week in the pot before transplanting.

T-Pig is 59 - 1 = 58
Also went to water the plants in the holding grounds. I found the lost plant. It was looking good when you consider it hadn't been watered in a couple of weeks. I will transplant it this coming week. I didn't dig down to look at the label, so not sure where it will be going.
I put more seeds in soil yesterday.

6 CP1's, 3 GV1's, 3 GV2's, 3 BST1's and 3 BST2's.

And 1 60/40 BST1/GV1. When I found this seed on the rolling tray at the camp, I was 60% sure it was GV1. But when I dug it out to plant it, the seed itself looked like it was BST1. Soon it will tell me what it it.
We are trying to reason with hurricane season down here today. I put the trays of fresh seeds in the underground greenhouse, and moved the trays of sprouts under shelter at the original holding grounds. I went to check on the BP patch. When I weighted the limbs of the CP1's down with pine limbs, I hadn't thought about the added weight of rain. Both plants were pulled way down. I had to reverse engineer one of my pine limbs to turn it from a weight into a crutch.

But all 4 plants were looking good. I split a gallon of water with 2 cups of 11-2-1 and 2 scoops of MG blue stuff between the plants. I topped the leggy Slo2, then washed the 4 tops when I threw all my wet clothes in the washer. I remembered a few minutes in, but I bet soap will effect taste.
Yesterday I was reminded of something I learned as a young farmer. All seeds have enzymes that help with the sprouting process. I was using a bag of dried black eyed peas from the grocery store to plant in my food plot {for the deer}, so I added water to them and waited 24 hours. This morning I put some of my old seeds that hadn't been working for me into the enzyme rich water. In the morning I will put the seeds in soil and see what happens. I did a few each of PPE/99, GG 9,10&11+8, The Last Supper and UK#1. Even if just one from each one sprouts, I will be real happy. I had gave up on all my old strains after trying lots of them last summer and getting no pops.
I found time to plant the lost and found BST2 from the holding grounds. I put it near the other two BST2's. I guess with 3 plants in it, I need to name this patch. It's either going to be FP or SW. Both names are saying the same thing, just with different words. I used 5 gallons of a recent soil mix, 3 cups perlite, {I am out of lime and Epson salts, but will add soon}, 2 cups 5-10-15, 1 cup each of 6-6-6, 10-10-10, 13-13-13, 13-7-13 and 19-6-12. I have about 30-35 peach trees I started from seed. I planted one of them with the BST2.

Here is the BST2 in the holding grounds. Is it any wonder I lost her?


And in the hole with the peach tree.


The BST2 I put in a couple of weeks ago is looking good.


T-Pig is 58 + 1 = 59