Covert Grow Ops/Sidetracked:

I got by the HR patch during the middle of the day today. Three of the new plants had cashed. I think it was just too hot and dry for them {before the +3" of rain the other day}. I did do some more LOB {lean over, Baby} training. And took lots of tops. I added the last of last year's bud to the smoke mix this week. I'll keep the mix going with tops and bought pot.


T-Pig is 59 - 3 = 56
From the HR patch, I continued on down to the PH patch. 1 of the 6 was dead, but there is another that is right behind it, so I will count them both as cashed. I said I was trying to breed a strain that would thrive on neglect. I'll just look at this as natural selection.

T-Pig is 56 - 2 = 54
I did six more sets of old seeds soaked in the pea water. I just grabbed them at random, and two more packs turned out to be PPE/99. I guess I had lots of seeds that year. I threw out about a quart of Stand {my main strain from yester-year} seeds last year when none of them would sprout. If any of these sprout, I will regret that.

Here is the line-up. I will admit that I don't remember all of the strains. {when it says + 3, it's 1996 + 3}


I put these on rockwool. 4 of each kind, except for +7/8, which I did all 9 of the beans I had for that strain.
I think I've put a few more seeds in soil since I last posted. {I'm too lazy to go back a page and see, so if I've already said this, skip ahead in the program} I put six BST2 seeds in the "big" 6 pack thing a couple days ago. I really like those big ass seeds. I hope it turns out to be a good smoke. I'm going to make more seeds if nothing else. The early flower problems showed that it will make males.

I checked on a few patches. The bigger of the BST1's in the GN patch is showing his balls. I've got to backtrack and see when I planted those seeds. It seems like it was late enough I shouldn't still be having early flower problems. If it keeps on, I will change my plans for keeping the strain around. I gave him a good trim job, but didn't kill him yet. I'll hang on to the pollen though, just in case I need it later.

The news over at the GV patch was much sadder. Two of my 88's {the F1's of the Sidetracked: strain} were cut. I'm down to two of the five I started in that planting. I hope they hang in there.


I leaned this 88 over toward better sun. Each time I go out, I wind up doing more tree trimming than anything else. Or in this case, grapevines.


T-Pig is 54 - 2 = 52
Sprout report as of this morning.
CP1 5/6
GV1 3/3
GV2 2/3
BST1 3/3
BST2 2/3
BST2 {in the 6 pack thing, planted a day or so behind the others} 4/6
60/40 1/1

Nothing on the old seeds I was trying to pop.
The seed starting area was the scene of an epic cat fight yesterday. And judging by the 2 inches the turned over seedlings had grown at a right angle, it must have happened just after I left for work yesterday morning. I'm just glad I got out there and saw it before I left for work this morning. There was one CP1 broken, and another seedling that was just popping got mangled a bit, but it may live. The cheap little pots were tore to hell. Luckily they were in a tray, or it would have been much worse. I got them back in order the best I could and added soil to keep them pointed toward the sun.

My crazy shit makes me think back to that classic Dead tune. . . .

I was testing out the freshly dried Copper Rhino this morning when I read this, killing myself laughing. It pretty well blew my head off, unreal tastes in the vaporizer, smelled of cat piss and limes. Good stuff
Why I say that, is about three weeks ago when I put the first plant back there, I left a plastic milk jug of water near the hole. When I went back, the top was off the jug and on a side branch of an oak, about 12 inches off the ground. The jug was squished in, like it had been stepped on. An animal could have done it, but it did get me to worrying about that patch. This whole covert grow-opp shit will make you look over your shoulder at every little thing. But yesterday morning before work I was in the garden when a big, slow plane flew over the woods where those patches are, it banked right over the woods and turned and flew away. I'm kind of thinking about not putting anything else in those woods. There is 12-15 holes in there, but I might just plant peach trees in all of them. I can dig more holes in some far flung corner of the farm.
Or go with the gut feeling instinct
My plans are always flexible. I kind of decide as I'm going. But those patches are too close to the house for me to feel comfortable with planes circling. If they were found, it would be like a big flashing red arrow, pointing to me.

There is an area near my 3DT and JP patches with brush about head high that would rock and roll, if I can keep the deer at bay. I still have lots of Slo2 seeds, so I may put in a late crop there. It was later than this last year when I had popped my first seed, so I know I still have time.
We had a big thunderstorm blow through yesterday afternoon. I got out and checked on the 4 plants in the BP patch at daylight this morning. One of the CP1's had a broken limb that I had been LOB training. I just propped it up on another limb, since I had no tape with me. All the plants in the holding grounds were looking good. Another few days and I will be transplanting those.
Some of you guys might remember the Deer Ate CP1. It was chomped on 3-27-16.


She got over that, but has been looking a little under the weather the last couple of days. Hard to see with her bent over, but the leaves are clawing. Any thoughts?

The young BST2 in the FP patch is looking fetching. I'm thinking a new name is in order. Fat and Stinky comes to mind. The three plants in this patch get sulfur water a couple of times a week.
