Covid vaccine not so safe? Video of nurse passing out.

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Covid vaccines create legal immunity, for the manufacturers.
Speaking of Morons... another guy worried about his estate's ability to sue.

Perhaps Joe should indemnify anybody who dies from the vaccines with a million bucks, just to put your tiny mind at ease. He could even pay out those few women who had the rare blood condition, the one doctors know how to recognize and treat, reducing the risks of the AZ vaccine down to almost none. That's what the pause was for, a careful review of the new real world data and educating doctors about the condition and how to treat it successfully.

You are part of the solution or part of the problem and if it wasn't for the fact that kids who can't be vaccinated yet are getting the new strains and dying, I'd let Darwin deal with ya.
ya ok man believe what you will . I never said anything about trump .I love he lives in your head rent free ..I rather have America first than whatever biden is doing . Don't forget your follow up shots ,those are also untested .Not FDA approved .. Maybe y'all should put the pipe down . You still get the china virus with the shot , you still pass it on to other people .There is no logical reason to get it,Maybe if you are over 70 then fuck it right .

What's so Epoch about ultra far right and Falun Gong, I'm sure there's a word for you but I've just remembered we only have so many fucks to give, and you can do a flying one mate.
China virus is caused by mutating mrna virus . Who didn't do their research . I am more of an EPOCH times kinda guy ,Nothing wrong with project veritas exposing corrupt people . People saying we are part of the problem not the solution when they don't know the question.
Wish there was a yawn emoji in the like or a tin foil pyramid hat or something.
China virus is caused by mutating mrna virus . Who didn't do their research . I am more of an EPOCH times kinda guy ,Nothing wrong with project veritas exposing corrupt people . People saying we are part of the problem not the solution when they don't know the question.
Thank you for making your position clear.
The mrna is what helps strains mutate, So quick to pass judgement on people with critical thinking skills . When in all reality you people getting the shots are the true guinea pigs .Mass inoculation of people with an untested drugs is not smart by any means . I rely on my immune system like it was intended to be ,also i am not in the age bracket to where the china flu would affect me. My wife is a rn and has worked the entire scandimic , when the news said the numbers where crazy high , they had zero patients. So tell yourself whatever makes you feel better .Lets see what happens in a few years to people who received the Inoculation ..

ya ok man believe what you will . I never said anything about trump .I love he lives in your head rent free ..I rather have America first than whatever biden is doing . Don't forget your follow up shots ,those are also untested .Not FDA approved ..Where are all the bodies in third world countries,skid row ,homeless shelters? Maybe y'all should put the pipe down . You still get the china virus with the shot , you still pass it on to other people .No kids are dying you are spreading false news . Just like the riots are peaceful .You guys are a special kinda stupid .There is no logical reason to get it,Maybe if you are over 70 then fuck it right .
Maybe you should STFU about things you know nothing about and stuff your bullshit agenda. Here is some "fake news" for you, it's not your turd of choice but not much legitimate news is. The Brazilian variant is in North America as is the UK variant which is now the dominate strain and infects children. Brazil has their own version of Trump another asshole who is killing his own citizens with bullshit and incompetence.

Why would someone come on here and make a fucking fool of themselves on the first post?
Why are so many babies dying of Covid-19 in Brazil? - BBC News
Why are so many babies dying of Covid-19 in Brazil?
More than a year into the pandemic, deaths in Brazil are now at their peak. But despite the overwhelming evidence that Covid-19 rarely kills young children, in Brazil 1,300 babies have died from the virus. One doctor refused to test Jessika Ricarte's one-year-old son for Covid, saying his symptoms did not fit the profile of the virus. Two months later he died of complications from the disease.

After two years of trying, and failed fertility treatments, teacher Jessika Ricarte had all but given up on having a family. Then she fell pregnant with Lucas.
"His name comes from luminous. And he was a light in our life. He showed that happiness was much more than we imagined," she says.

She first suspected something was wrong when Lucas, always a good eater, lost his appetite.

At first Jessika wondered if he was teething. Lucas's godmother, a nurse, suggested that he might just have a sore throat. But after he developed a fever, then fatigue and slightly laboured breathing, Jessika took him to hospital, and asked for him to be tested for Covid.

Where Covid Kills the Young: Brazil Shows What May Await Others - Bloomberg

Where Covid Kills the Young: Brazil Shows What May Await Others
  • People in their 20s and 30s are leaving hospitals in body bags
  • Some have to work, others don’t grasp the depth of the risk
"Like in most countries, the pandemic in Brazil hit the elderly and immuno-compromised first and hardest. But in the past couple of months, the nation that has stood out as nearly a worst-case-scenario for caseloads, deaths and public policy, has shown where the global plague may be headed: for the young. "

"In March, 3,405 Brazilians aged 30 to 39 died from Covid, almost four times the number in January. Among those in their 40s, there were about 7,170 fatalities, up from 1,840, and for those 20-29, deaths jumped to 880 from 245. Those under 59 now account for more than a third of Covid deaths in Brazil, according to research firm Lagom Data. As the elderly get vaccinated, their deaths have fallen by half".
haha which

Ya your right but big pharma has immunity from anything it dose to you .you cannot sue . Thats funny i should be dead i haven't wore a mask this whole time . Wife deals with "china virus positive" all the time .. a bunch of judgmental closed minded people in here . Good luck we are all waiting the results of what the shots do in a few years .From there a educated decision will be made by the rest of us .
Not to worry, Darwin will get a crack at you yet Trumper. How come it's always a package deal? Trump traitor, anti vaccine, anti mask, racist and bigoted. A moral failure who swims through a sea of honest information to their turd of choice then chomps down eagerly. Lies kill, Trump proved that with 500,000 dead and you want more misery heaped on your country. Racism & fear makes ya stupid, Trump's supporters proved that too.
Nope nor has anyone i know .It is definitely not as bad as the videos coming out of china when it first started . people have been getting sick with some kind of flu every year , ya people get sick but with a 99.98 survival rate its not worth shutting down our country.. Just think of every one who lost jobs , business closed for good . Jobs lost forever over nothing .Trillions of dollars in debut .Kids outta school for over a year now . Sucide rates up.The same amount if not more people die of the flu every year .There is always a bigger picture .

This is what people don't understand it may be 99% survival rate for you as you are most certainly young and healthy but the older you get and if you have any underlying illness the survival rate drops significantly than your average flu, that's why they locked down countries because people are fking dying man, I trust the scientist and these are the people that are telling us all this. I personally know a few people that have died from it, just recently my best friends dad died and he was fit and healthy. So yea mate go fck yourself with your BS and have a nice day.
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I already got Covid and breezed through it. I have antibodies to the original virus and a good defense against mutations. Fuck that vaccine.
I already got Covid and breezed through it. I have antibodies to the original virus and a good defense against mutations. Fuck that vaccine.

Yeah... about that, you can get Coronavirus again. There's a reason they're vaccinating people who've already been infected. But best of luck to you, hope it works out for you.
Your the fucking fool. stay home in your moms basement and be scared .. The numbers are fake .If you get hit by a car and die but, test positive for the china virus you are counted as a china death.Keep being a scared little pussy. China released it. it's not Trumps fault ,or any other leaders fault.IT IS CHINAS FAULT . Why are you ok with all the illegals crossing the boarder , bringing god only knows what diseases . While your locked down they just pour in . Fuck that , like i said report back in a few years let us know how its going . I can tell your retarded , IF IT WAS A REAL PANDEMIC THE NEWS WOULDNT HAVE TO KEEP REMINDING YOU, BODIES WOULD BE STACKING UP IN THE STREET . CHINA FLU WARDS ARE SHUT DOWN AND HAVE BEEN .. I know its hard for you to grasp the concept THE GOVERNMENT IS LYING. If it was that bad you would not have to pay people to receive the shot . Why is bill gates involved ? DR. fasley they all own stock in big pharma . It hurts when you find out your being used as a guiana pig for an untested drug . Don't be angry at the ones who chose to wait . Just watch the demarats keep wiping their ass with our bill of rights while you cheerlead for them .Enjoy your 4lbs of beef a year . hell you don't need real beef ,bill gates has synthetic beef for you . Trust him it is the same .

You joined the forum to yell racist BS at people?
Yeah... about that, you can get Coronavirus again. There's a reason they're vaccinating people who've already been infected. But best of luck to you, hope it works out for you.
Yep, just like the seasonal flu. I'Il will kick it's ass too because I'm not unhealthy fat fuck. 78% that were hospitalized, on respirators, or died were obese. It's an obesity epidemic not a viral.
Yep, just like the seasonal flu. I'Il will kick it's ass too because I'm not unhealthy fat fuck. 78% that were hospitalized, on respirators, or died were obese. It's an obesity epidemic not a viral.

Ignoring the neurological sequelae associated with Coronavirus infections, but keep telling yourself that.

Muh racism .. That's all you woketards have.

Don't you have a rock to go crawl back under?
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