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Get the virus then get back to me, pink panties.Deep thoughts, bub.
Get the virus then get back to me, pink panties.Deep thoughts, bub.
Every one of your posts makes you a bigger fool and shows your are a sucker. Did Trump lie? He was the government and he got vaccinated, so did all the people at Foxnews.Your the fucking fool. stay home in your moms basement and be scared .. The numbers are fake .If you get hit by a car and die but, test positive for the china virus you are counted as a china death.Keep being a scared little pussy. China released it. it's not Trumps fault ,or any other leaders fault.IT IS CHINAS FAULT . Why are you ok with all the illegals crossing the boarder , bringing god only knows what diseases . While your locked down they just pour in . Fuck that , like i said report back in a few years let us know how its going . I can tell your retarded , IF IT WAS A REAL PANDEMIC THE NEWS WOULDNT HAVE TO KEEP REMINDING YOU, BODIES WOULD BE STACKING UP IN THE STREET . CHINA FLU WARDS ARE SHUT DOWN AND HAVE BEEN .. I know its hard for you to grasp the concept THE GOVERNMENT IS LYING. If it was that bad you would not have to pay people to receive the shot . Why is bill gates involved ? DR. fasley they all own stock in big pharma . It hurts when you find out your being used as a guiana pig for an untested drug . Don't be angry at the ones who chose to wait . Just watch the demarats keep wiping their ass with our bill of rights while you cheerlead for them .Enjoy your 4lbs of beef a year . hell you don't need real beef ,bill gates has synthetic beef for you . Trust him it is the same .
I see the shame of Trump is starting to wear off, now that he's fading away in the news. He'll be back for his criminal trials though.Get the virus then get back to me, pink panties.
I too hope for this, we agree, except you will probably spread it to others on your way down and kids will be vulnerable to the new strains until they are vaccinated. You Qtards are concerned about kids remember? Except when they are brown and in cages on the southern border.I hope I catch it, so I can come back and talk shit to your fat ass.
Every metric of Covid is being debunked, yet you still spread propaganda. Will it kill people? Yes! But the deaths have been greatly exaggerated and the demographics of who it kills have been understated. We now know that masks are bullshit, social distancing is bullshit, and surface contamination is bullshit. What will it take for you to realize that this virus will be endemic? It will be seasonal. Nobody is safe. Your best defense is a healthy lifestyle. My dad was contaminate with Agent Orange. For 30 years this government denied accountability. After he got testicular cancer at 30 and a mutant form of Psoriasis, only then did they compensate him after getting a lawyer. Yet you ask me to trust the fucking government?I too hope for this, we agree, except you will probably spread it to others on your way down and kids will be vulnerable to the new strains until they are vaccinated. You Qtards are concerned about kids remember? Except when they are brown and in cages on the southern border.
My ass isn't that fat and getting thinner now that I'm immunized and out and about more. In fact, I was doing something like this this morning when the air was still, but I'm a bit rusty on the stick. Wish I had these mountains to dive here, we have lot's of them though, but not as high, but I got a thousand foot cliff over the sea I can get to sometimes. Just a bit of practice today though.
Start posting credible citations and evidence then, also start making sensible cogent arguments based on facts. Surface transmission was found to be much lower than flu because of recent scientific research, airborne spread is the way it transmits and it is far more contagious than flu.Every metric of Covid is being debunked, yet you still spread propaganda. Will it kill people? Yes! But the deaths have been greatly exaggerated and the demographics of who it kills have been understated. We now know that masks are bullshit, social distancing is bullshit, and surface contamination is bullshit. What will it take for you to realize that this virus will be endemic? It will be seasonal. Nobody is safe. Your best defense is a healthy lifestyle. My dad was contaminate with Agent Orange. For 30 years this government denied accountability. After he got testicular cancer at 30 and a mutant form of Psoriasis, only then did they compensate him after getting a lawyer. Yet you ask me to trust the fucking government?
The world must be a scary place for you, you appear to be confused and frightened.You site MSM?They are basically parrots for the government. Way to source Pravda. You take the vaccine and leave the rest of us alone. Take your Karen and Ken bullshit somewhere else. If it works then why the fuck should you care if the rets of us die. You woketards actually would love that to happen, yet you shroud yourself in virtue signaling.
All peoples have racist and bigots among them and your posts indicate you are one.I missed that part. Racist ... Lol I'm half Native American and my wife is Hispanic you fucking cracker.
Both groups are particularly vulnerable to covid and have high morality rates, first nations are near the top of the priority list in Canada and their vaccination rates are way above the rest of the population and I think it's a great idea, most Canadians do too, but there are bigots and racist everywhere. Trump and Trumpers spout the same shit, spout it too and you'll be tarred with the same brush, but there are other ways of being stupid and ignorant too I suppose.I missed that part. Racist ... Lol I'm half Native American and my wife is Hispanic you fucking cracker.
Not quite and if you are native, us liberals are your best friends! BTW Liberal is one who advocates and fights for liberty, freedom under the constitution, with independent courts and by rule of laws made by democratically elected politicians. The only way people can be free in modern multicultural societies.Show me accountability if the vaccines cause bad side effects and I'll consider that stupid shot. Until then STFU, Libtard. I bet you're one of those idiots that drives with mask on.
I always look at the background of the writer before I read an article. She is associate professor at UC. A university that routinely silences differences of opinion. She also came off very snarkey, which is no suprise. No thanks. I will consider that vaccine when more adequate testing is done. I'm not an anti-vaxxer. I just want to see long term effects? How hard is that to understand? If the Vaccinations work, then why are you guys riding my ass to get one. You should be safe. You don't give a fuck about my health, you just want control.
I always look at the background of the writer before I read an article. She is associate professor at UC. A university that routinely silences differences of opinion. She also came off very snarkey, which is no suprise. No thanks. I will consider that vaccine when more adequate testing is done. I'm not an anti-vaxxer. I just want to see long term effects? How hard is that to understand? If the Vaccinations work, then why are you guys riding my ass to get one. You should be safe. You don't give a fuck about my health, you just want control.
I'm aware of that. If it had an 70% kill rate like Ebola, I would jab myself with a vaccine.Keep watching your ass, the virus has it's "own unknown's".
Can't argue with your view there, I think it's all the other stuff you write, there is nothing wrong in being cautious, it's just a lot of people hate preaching and to be honest and I know it's bad on my part but all that writing puts me off, I've been there got the t shirt, don't need to hear about Big Pharma, I know what they are doing but hey keep on being rightous brother I mean look at all those others before you, you will be held up as a model thinker, sorry I was typing shit again forgive me it happens when most people type too much I think.I'm aware of that. If it had an 70% kill rate like Ebola, I would jab myself with a vaccine.