Covid vaccine not so safe? Video of nurse passing out.

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The last time I watched GMTV Peirce Morgan was going on about how efficacious different types of vaccines are alleged to be, some alleged as low as 8%
I've then heard figures of 90% and everything in between so now I don't what to believe.

I have faith in modern science so I've no problem with getting the vaccine but my confidence in it isn't great, I'm taking in hope more than expectation, I don't subscribe to government conspiracy theories but when there millions involved they'll tell you anything, fishmongers don't shout rotten kippers lol
114,000,000 cases with 2,544,000 deaths is 2.23% since you can't seem to do math. That's 2.23% of 114,000,000 people. You are right about one thing, those numbers are too low, you can bet the numbers are higher as many 3rd world countries can't get all their numbers. Buy hey, don't let reality worry you. Come to a hospital, ignore the droplet warning signs and by all means go hug a covid patient.
The last time I watched GMTV Peirce Morgan was going on about how efficacious different types of vaccines are alleged to be, some alleged as low as 8%
I've then heard figures of 90% and everything in between so now I don't what to believe.

I have faith in modern science so I've no problem with getting the vaccine but my confidence in it isn't great, I'm taking in hope more than expectation, I don't subscribe to government conspiracy theories but when there millions involved they'll tell you anything, fishmongers don't shout rotten kippers lol
I get it, I don't want a vaccine. It's about weighing the positives and negatives. The virus is a real in your face threat, the vaccine might be an issue down the road. We have been faced with this before. 1967 the world took on Small Pox. They created a vaccine and got it out there to the point where we basically wiped out small pox. This is no different. I don't hear of anyone dying from the Small Pox vaccine including myself. People get a flu vaccine every year, nobody is dying from that. While putting anything foreign into ones body has it's risks I still think the reward is worth it under the circumstances.
this is like arguing with a politician.

First off they are fudging the numbers on purpose. They shouldnt have to nor is it even ethical or legal.

Step 1 ,take a testing kit which is so sensitive it records false positive all day long.

Step 2 give everyone this test whether they need it or not and of course youre going to have big figures.

Step 3 put covid on peoples death cert whether it was covid or not.. yeh sounds legit. Yeah the figures check out.

Only they cant hide the fact that there are no excess deaths overall and therefore , pandemic.

This is another flu variant simple

Hug a covid patient, ?

And possiblly develop a mild illness which i have nearly 100% chance of being ok?

No thanks, id rather play it safe and wait for my shot of untested, new dna modifying chemicals
this is like arguing with a politician.

First off they are fudging the numbers on purpose. They shouldnt have to nor is it even ethical or legal.

Step 1 ,take a testing kit which is so sensitive it records false positive all day long.

Step 2 give everyone this test whether they need it or not and of course youre going to have big figures.

Step 3 put covid on peoples death cert whether it was covid or not.. yeh sounds legit. Yeah the figures check out.

Only they cant hide the fact that there are no excess deaths overall and therefore , pandemic.

This is another flu variant simple

Hug a covid patient, ?

And possiblly develop a mild illness which i have nearly 100% chance of being ok?

No thanks, id rather play it safe and wait for my shot of untested, new dna modifying chemicals
How did you do in the Tide pod challenge after they got the gorilla glue out of your hair? It is not a flu variant, wrong again. It has some flu like symptoms, that's where the similarities end.
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"Covid is not a joke"

Verified recovery rate of +99.5%

Its a con. A massive con. People die of respiratory diseases all the time, in the 10s of thousands. Just isnt bundled together as one illness and hyped up by the media.

The pcr tests by their own admission are useless. They only detect fragments, they have found positive results on food and household items .

Wake up to the lie. Just another big pharma ploy. Make billions selling vacinnes, and trillions with the illness they will eventually cause. And it will sterilise and kill people off nicely too. Win win win for a pharmaceutical shareholder with a depopulation agenda
Shite, utter utter shite
Are you really this stupid?

Go look at the figures? They tend to look around the same every year .

If there were a pandemic these millions of deaths would be on top of the usual numbers but they are not, the figures remain the same, why is that?

Also ,why is there now a growing number in the 1000s probably more, of families claiming covid on a family members death cert ,when it was anything but ...

You a state puppet complicit in the lie
My brother died a few days ago from covid, can you do me a favour, go and put your head up your arse mate.
But YOU are the government. We chose who we want to speak for us.

I’m not a kid, I’ve been around and honestly, before trump, was this kind of suspicion or paranoia so prevalent in Americans?

I trust myself to investigate and make my own decisions. I don’t let others make them for me. But I’ve been in those facilities and worked amongst the fda. I’m just not afraid and I want my life back.

I see it as my civic duty in someway. Citizen soldier if you will.
If you weren’t afraid, you wouldn’t be taking an experimental “vaccine”.
What part did you not like?

The truth that 99.5 percent of people recover with no vaccine?

Or the truth that they are lumping all respiratory disease deaths and then some as 1 big lie. ?

Or the truth that pharma wants to pump you full of poisons to continue milking money for another century to come?

Go look at the official death records. There is no excess deaths!

fact fact fact facts!!
Fact is people we love are dead FACT,
I could certainly go and find bs on the internet have you been to hospitals have you met the people whose loved ones have died, they've gone, they ain't going ******* pop out of a box and say hey I was joking I'm here, loved ones are dead people are dying daily hourly by the minute whilst you sit there typing argghh, and breathe, count to ten, say the lord's prayer backwards, and move on, there is an ignore button.
Anti Vaxxers / Anti maskers can take the risk .... i’m not.
If they prefer embracing death or fucked up long haul symptoms, so be it.
I don't really care if they drive straight into a wall, it's those around them they hurt I am concerned with. These anti whatever's should be dealt with by natural selection, sadly the very people that have protected these morons from extinction are the very ones they will end up killing.
Sure you do. Or maybe you just had a viral pneumonia and a double dose of fear and poor medical care. The mind is an amazing thing. Ever hear of hypnosis.
Maybe what you need is for Covid to hit you where it hurts! I'm sorry... but then again I'm not. You need a reality check.
Here's to pullin short straws :finger:

Image result for pull the short straw
CBA with ya mate. I forgot your a genetic engineer a doctor and a renowned physist, oops my bad you read the interweb a lot, wikignome
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